Awakeness of Womanism the Colour Purple

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  Abstract: The theory womanism of Alice walker’s is worldwide, which ecompasses many aspects. “Womanism” initiated by Alice Walker advocates an Utopia where there is no gender difference, no racial segregation, a world where everyone is of equality and coexist harmoniously.
  Key words: Alice walker, Celie, awakeness of womanism,
  In the beginning , poor Celie , being in spiritual and physical numbness , knows nothing about her female body so that she keeps silent on their sufferings. Sisterhood between Celie and Nettie’s is the spiritual pillar to fight. Nettie gives her a special weapon—a pen, using which Celie could utter their own voice to gain self-recognition.
  Under the sisterhood, the second woman persuading Celie to fight is Mr.__’s sister Kate. Especially, When they went to the clothes store, Celie chose the colour instead of purple and red. Kate encourged Celie, “it’s all right, you deserve more than this”. In a word, women’s self help plays an important role in the Celie’s struggle.
  Sofia is a clear character against sexism and racial discrimination. Sofia’s spirit of resistance let Celie begin to awake her own value. When Harpo again tells Celie his trouble in how to make Sofia do what he say like Celie do for his Pa, Celie says: “Some women can’t be beat”. Her suffering and torture reflects the true picture of all the black women. Sofia was beaten to be like eggplant.The colour purple is symbol of dignity and royalty, I think it’s the deep praise for Sofia’s fighting spirit.
  The most important subversive relationship is lesbian relationship between Celie and Shug. Alice Walker considers that the lesbian relationship between black women in the patriarchal society appears natural which could make up the lack of heterosexual love. The blues singer Shug Avery is the key in helping Celie gain consciousness for personal independence.As an independent woman with complete spiritual world. I think Shug herself is brave symbol of anti-African-American tradition and anti-paierach in womanism.
  Firstly, Shug awakens Celie’s consciousness to recognize her female body and her own ego. This is the transitional turnig point of Celie’s rebirth. Her sexuality begins to be stirred and learned to respond. Shug also compose a song for Miss Celie’s ,which all plays an important part in Celie;s seek for self.
  Secondly, after Celie gets the consciousness of self-respect, self-confidence and identity, Shug tries her best to destroy the thought hidden in Celie’s mind for many years. In the letter, Shug also points out that God lives in everyone’s heart and he is not “she”, neither is “he”, while is “it”, so she shouldn’t worship God. Shug tells Celie if a woman becomes herself, loves herself and honest to herself, God will favor her. Indeed, Celie’s attitudes towards God has changed .“Leaving home”presents that black women want to get rid of the old self and seek a new independent self.   Thirdly, Celie begins to achieve economic independence. In the patriarchal society, If they want to change preset situation and gain their family status, they have to depend on their own hands to achieve self-independence. Under Shug’s help with spiritual and financial support, then the Unlimited Folks pants company is set up. In black cultural heritage, the sewing such as making pants and quilting represent artistic creation and self-sufficiency, self-identity and self-independence.Economic independence and self-identity’s regaining make Celie reborn.
  To conclude, in the end, All these can prove that Celie has become a new woman who owns self-esteem, self-love and self-reliance; she can completely control her destiny. Celie ultimately comes to an awareness of herself as an autonomous being”All of the pains, misunderstanding and conflicts will disappear. Male and female, black people and white people will become a whole.
  [2] Alice Walker, The Color Purple[Z], The Womenps Press,
  [3] 范革新.又一次黑色的浪潮)))托妮莫里森、艾丽
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