我不抽烟,对抽上一支烟,过过烟瘾,能享受到什么乐趣没有体会,对抽烟到底有哪些害处也缺乏切身感受,但至少从抽烟者那里知道,我省去了一大罗嗦事儿——戒烟! 同事和朋友中抽烟的不少,别看他们抽烟时吞云吐雾,一副“真正的男人”形象,可戒烟时,常是一副婆婆妈妈的粘乎劲儿,真叫人看着难受。戒烟是说说容易做到难,有一位老烟枪统计了所知道的所有的烟友,结果,几乎没有一位没戒过烟,可真戒了的微乎其微。好多抽烟人都有三番两次的戒烟经历,有的砸烟缸、扔打火机;有的找戒烟药,吃戒烟糖;也有的干挺着,百般艰难地忍受着烟瘾的折磨,看着他们呵欠连连、无精打彩的样子,别人同情,他们自己也看不下去,这不,何苦来着呢?过不了多久,一个个又找个理由抽上了,
I do not smoke, smoking a cigarette, had a cigarette addiction, can enjoy the fun did not understand, what the harm of smoking in the end lack the personal experience, but at least know from smokers, I save a big wordy Thing - quit smoking colleagues and friends a lot of smoking, do not look at them smoking puff, a “real man” image, you can quit smoking, often a sticky mother, mother, really People look uncomfortable. Quitting smoking is easy to say. An old smoking gun counts all the smokers who know it. As a result, almost none of them quit without smoking. Many smokers have many times to quit smoking experience, and some smashed ashtray, throwing lighters; some to quit smoking drugs, eat cessation of sugar; some are doing, trying hard to endure the torment of smoking, watching them yawn Again and again, listlessness, sympathy for others, they can not stand it, this is not, why bother? Before long, one by one to find a reason to smoke,