1999年10月1日,当陈尚明老人从电视上看到我强大的空军编队飞过天安门时,心情激动,热血沸腾,两行热泪止不住在历经沧桑岁月的脸上流淌。思绪又将老人拉回到五十年前,他驾机起义,投入人民怀抱的那一天——1949年10月16日。 为混饭误入“国军” 陈尚明是山东汶上县陈家村人,家境十分贫寒,5岁那年,父亲病故,连口薄棺材都买不起,母亲变卖了所有家当,埋葬了父亲,之后带着他们兄妹三人,沿村讨饭为生。17岁那年,听说当兵有饭吃,有衣穿,陈尚明就想投奔解放军,但苦于找不到解放军,为找碗饭吃,不得已于
On October 1, 1999, when Chen Shangming saw my powerful air force formation over Tiananmen Square on television, he was in a state of agitation and passionate. His two lines of tears stopped flowing through the face of vicissitudes of life. His thoughts, in turn, brought the old man back to the very same day that he flew into the arms of the people 50 years ago on October 16, 1949. Chen Mou-ming, a mistress of the country, was Chen Jia-cun of Wenshang County in Shandong Province. She was very poor at the age of five. When her father died, she could not afford even a thin coffin. The mother sold all her belongings and buried her father , Followed by three siblings with them, begging for a living along the village. At the age of 17, I heard that when soldiers were eating, wearing clothes, Chen Shangming wanted to defeat the People’s Liberation Army, but could not find the People’s Liberation Army, to find a bowl of rice to eat, a last resort