1485-1603都铎王朝中世纪文艺复兴莎士比亚贵族兴起Judor dynasty结束于15世纪末的玫瑰战争,换来了一个英国全面鼎盛的时代——都铎王朝。在超过一个世纪的时间内,总共五位都铎君主统治过英格兰的属地。开朝君主亨利七世和伊丽莎白·约克的联姻,象征着玫瑰战争中开战的双方在新王朝的旗帜下联合起来,进一步巩固了都铎家族的胜利。这个时期大型的宗教建筑活动停止了,新贵族们开始建造舒适的府邸,混合着传统的哥特式和文艺复兴风格的都铎式就应运而生。都铎式府邸建筑体形复杂起状,尚存
1485-1603 Tudor Medieval Renaissance The rise of Shakespearean aristocrats Judor dynasty ended with the Rose War in the late 15th century in exchange for the era of Tudor Britain, a time of all-encompassing British history. For more than a century, a total of five Tudor monarchs ruled over the possessions of England. The marriage of King Henry VII to Elizabeth York, a symbol of the two wars in the Rose War, united under the banner of the new dynasty and further consolidated the Tudor tribe's triumph. Large-scale religious building activities ceased during this period, with the new aristocrats beginning to build comfortable mansions, a mixture of traditional Gothic and Renaissance Tudor styles. Tudor mansion building complex shape, surviving