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近些年来,随着中国国民经济的快速增长,直接带动了中国建筑业的迅猛发展。从建设规模上看,中国建筑业的规模在世界建筑业最新排行中可算是首屈一指的。在建筑工程数量大发展的同时,建筑工程的美观、品质、安全、环境和功能等方面也获得了长足进步,开始出现将智能化融入于建筑之中的趋势。但专家指出,中国智能建筑的发展仍处于萌芽和初级阶段,要实现建设部提出的“到2010年,大中城市中60%的住宅要实现智能化”的目标可谓任重道远。据全国建筑智能技术展示推广中心常务副秘书长张辉介绍,智能建筑自上世纪90年代进入中国市场以来,市场一直处于混乱状态,在这条产业链上也存在不少问题,比如开发商常常误导消费者,称自己的楼盘具有几大智能化系统,并以“热炒”智能建筑来寻求卖点;而消费者入住后却发现智能建筑并不“智能”;有的开发商还宣称自己的“智能建筑”具有“5A标准”,可实际上住宅根本就没有这种评估标准。对此,有业内人士认为:智能建筑市场到了该理性反思的时候了…… In recent years, with the rapid growth of China's national economy, it has directly led to the rapid development of China's construction industry. From the perspective of construction scale, the scale of China's construction industry can be regarded as second to none in the latest ranking of the construction industry in the world. While the number of construction projects has been growing rapidly, great progress has been made in the aesthetic aspects, quality, safety, environment and function of construction projects, and the trend of integrating intelligence into buildings has begun to emerge. However, experts pointed out that the development of China's smart buildings is still in its infancy and the initial stage. To achieve the goal put forward by the Ministry of Construction as “to realize 60% of residential buildings in large and medium-sized cities by 2010,” it is a long way to go. According to Zhang Hui, executive deputy secretary-general of National Building Intelligent Technology Exhibition and Promotion Center, the market for intelligent buildings has been in chaos since it entered the Chinese market in the 1990s. There are also many problems in this industrial chain. For example, developers often Misleading consumers, saying that their own real estate with several intelligent systems, and to “stir” intelligent building to find selling point; and after the arrival of consumers found that intelligent building is not “smart”; some developers also claim that their “Intelligent Building” has a “5A standard”, but in fact there is no such evaluation criteria at home. In this regard, insiders believe that: the intelligent building market to the rational reflection of the time ......
训练,从根本上说是学生有目的、 有计划对环境的主动适应过程,在这 个过程中,学生是主动的参与者,而不 是被动的接受者。因此,训练的艺术贵 在引导学生去自我发现规律,获取
过去课堂教学评价主要关注教师的课堂表现,即使关注到学生的行为和思维表现,也基本上被看作是教师“教”的回应,或者是教师“教”的点缀。教育改革的根本目的是为了每一 In
人的创造意识和欲望不是天生的,它是一种后天的复杂的个性品质,是人对客体的一种自觉的、积极的、充满热情的认识倾向。 古人早就指出:“知之者不如好知者,好知者不如乐之者
一、教学实效欠佳的原因 1.认识不足,目标意识差 目前,不少学校领导及教师对思想品德课的地位及作用认识不足,学校对思想品德课的教学管理松懈,教师在备课时不认真钻研教材,
作文教学是小 学语文教学的难 关。既要培养学生 写作的基本功,又 要培养他们思维的灵活性和独创性。要突破难关,达到这个目的,就要从内部入手,以思维训练为突破口。 文章是