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  【Abstract】Since China’s copyright law was transplanted from foreign legislation, in many cases there will be acclimatized situation. Due to the awareness of protecting intellectual property rights in China is very weak, in use, there are differences in theory and practice. How to make the copyright law match for our county become the urgent matter of the legal system in China, by studying the international intellectual property law, we should clarify the relevant concepts of copyright law, and provide reference for the revision of China’s copyright law. The following is a basic understanding of copyright by introducing the concept of copyright, the scope of copyright, the term of protection, the reasons for protecting copyright, how to protect copyright, it provides a theoretical basis for the revision of copyright law in China.
  【Key words】copyright; scope of copyright; copyright and related rights; Protection of copyright
  1. The definition of copyright
  Copyright, refers to the author and other rights holders of literary, artistic and scientific works enjoy personal rights and property rights in general. Including the right of authorship and the property rights of works. Among them, the connotation of the right of personality includes the right of public publication, the right of representation and the right of distorting, altering and damaging the reputation of authors. The right of property is the intangible property right, which is based on the human rights. It belongs to one kind of intellectual property right, including the right of reproduction, public oral right, public broadcasting rights, public release right, public performance right, Public display rights, the right to change, the right to distribute, such as rental rights. Copyright protects the expression of thought, not the thought itself, while preserving the interests of private property rights, while taking into account the accumulation of civilization and the dissemination of knowledge, algorithms, mathematical methods, techniques or machines are not copyrighted. Protection of the object. It is a time-limited right that can be freely used by anyone after a certain period of time has elapsed.
  2. The scope of copyright
  Copyright covers literary works (such as novels, poems and plays), films, music, artistic works (e.g., drawings, paintings, photographs and sculptures) and architectural design. Rights related to copyright include those of performing artists in their performances, producers of phonograms in their recordings, and broadcasters in their radio and television programs.   3. The duration of copyright
  The economic rights relating to copyright are of limited duration – as provided for in the relevant WIPO treaties – beginning with the creation and fixation of the work, and lasting for not less than 50 years after the creator’s death. National laws may establish longer terms of protection. This term of protection enables both creators and their heirs and successors to benefit financially for a reasonable period of time. Related rights enjoy shorter terms, normally 50 years after the performance, recording or broadcast has taken place. Copyright and the protection of performers also include moral rights, meaning the right to claim authorship of a work, and the right to oppose changes to the work that could harm the creator’s reputation.
  4. What are the benefits of protecting copyright and related rights
  Copyright and related rights protection is an essential component in fostering human creativity and innovation. Giving authors, artists and creators incentives in the form of recognition and fair economic reward increases their activity and output and can also enhance the results. By ensuring the existence and enforceability of rights, individuals and companies can more easily invest in the creation, development and global dissemination of their works. This, in turn, helps to increase access to and enhance the enjoyment of culture, knowledge and entertainment the world over, and also stimulates economic and social development.
  5. How are copyright and related rights regulated
  Copyright and related rights protection is obtained automatically without the need for registration or other formalities. However, many countries provide for a national system of optional registration and deposit of works. These systems facilitate, for example, questions involving disputes over ownership or creation, financial transactions, sales, assignments and transfer of rights.
  There are two types of rights under copyright. Economic rights allow the rights owner to derive financial reward from the use of his works by others. Moral rights allow the author to take certain actions to preserve the personal link between himself and the work.Most copyright laws state that the author or rights owner has the right to authorize or prevent certain acts in relation to a work.
【摘要】英语听力学习是英语学习的关键所在,有效掌握英语听力学习策略,对于提升英语交流能力与英语成绩均有着较为良好的效果。基于此,笔者分析了英语学习与听力学习之间的内在联系,结合自身在英语听力学习中积累的经验与技巧,对英语听力的学习策略进行了探讨,以供我们高中生互相交流、学习。  【关键词】英语 听力学习 策略  一、英语学习与听力学习  由于我们平常用英语交流的机会很少,也在不断摸索新的学习方法,
【摘要】模因在语言的发展过程起关键的作用。模因的复制、传播为语言的发展提供了便捷和有效的途径。本文以语言模因论为基础,分析英语习语中创新性的运用,以期能为人们理解和学习英语习语提供一些启示。  【关键词】模因论 英语习语 创新性运用  一、引言  尽管英语习语形式结构固定,但是随着语言不断发展、变迁,习语的固定性也不是绝对的。Charteris Black在其著作《The Meme Machine
【摘要】英语语感是人们对英语语言的一种感觉,它包括人们对英语的语音、语意、语言情感色彩的感受等。它是人们对英语语言的直接感知能力,是经过反复感性认识上升为理性认识的经验和体会。它来自于语言实践,又指导语言实践,对英语学习起着至关重要的作用。  【关键词】英语教学 语感 培养 策略  在英语教学中,我们常会遇到这样的情形:部分学生英语学得很努力,词汇量相当丰富,语法规则说起来也头头是道,但考试成绩却
【摘要】外宣英译工作是企业文化对外宣传的基本手段,在经济全球化发展的趋势下,外宣英译效果直接决定者我国企业对外形象,受中西方文化差异的影响,企业外宣英译工作存在诸多问题。为此,本文将以张家口地区企业外宣英译的文化缺省为例,分析企业外宣英译工作中所存在的问题及解决策略。  【关键词】企业外宣 英语翻译 文化缺省 分析与探讨  外宣英译主要是由翻译者将中文信息准确的翻译成英文信息,然后通过电视、广播、
【摘要】写作是学生综合运用语言能力的体现,也是重要的交际方式之一,但在当今的初中英语写作中,许多教师坚持“固定流程”式的传统课堂教学模式,关注课堂的生成性意识不强,导致预设较多、生成较少而又低效的课堂。本文从生成性:初中英语写作教学的一个思考维度,结合课堂案例从关注学生体验生成、关注学生言语生成两个方面,论证初中英语写作教学的课堂生成的有效性。  【关键词】生成性 初中英语作文教学 思考维度  一
【摘要】随着大数据时代的到来,高校英语迎来了诸多挑战与机遇,本文致力于从应用型本科院校教學实例角度证明智慧教学是提高大学英语学习效率的有效途径。同时呼吁各位老师从学生的学习体验出发,利用智慧教学激发每一位学生的学习激情与潜能。  【关键词】智慧教学 学习效率 网络平台  引言  随着中国高等教育大众化的发展,多样化、个性化的高等教育日益成为了社会的需要。许国璋先生曾说:“根据需要与可能,培养既通外
【摘要】在我国传统的教学课堂中,填鸭式教育模式仍然存在,学生在长期的学习过程中对此模式已经疲倦,且不利于学生培养对新知识的学习兴趣,在此背景下,应用教学导入方法就极有必要。教学导入方式可以进一步培养学生的学习兴趣,学习兴趣日渐由浅及深,旨在让学生能够进入规定的情境中,因此课堂导入地位颇重。笔者针对英语课堂中教学导入进行简要分析,并指出相关对策,以供大家互相交流。  【关键词】初中 应用教学 课堂导
【摘要】2000多年前,我国古代教育家孟子的学生乐正克在《学记》里就已经指出:时教必有正业,退息必有居学。明确指出了课堂教学与课后作业在教学活动中的辩证统一关系。有效的课后作业不仅能更好的做好课堂的补充,又能促进学生英语语言能力提高并能为初中生的全面发展拓宽道路。  【关键词】开放性作业 评价 能力 发展  基础教育阶段英语课程的任务是:激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,使学生树立自信心,发展自主学习