毛主席最近指出: 《水浒》这部书,好就好在投降。做反面教材,使人民都知道投降派。“毛主席的指示揭露了《水浒》宣扬投降主义的实质,指出了宋江搞投降主义的真面目。《水浒》着意渲染的主要人物宋江长期以来为地主资产阶级所喜爱,也为一切修正主义者所赞赏,而为劳动人民所憎恨和厌恶。正是由于宋江篡夺了梁山泊农民起义军的领导权,推行了一条投降主义路线,把一场农民起义的熊熊烈火给扑灭了,把一支造封建王朝
Chairman Mao recently pointed out: ”Water Margin“ this book, it is good to surrender. Do the opposite, so that all people know that the capitulationists. ”Chairman Mao’s instructions exposed the“ Water Margin ”to promote the essence of capitulation, pointed out that Song Jiang’s capitulationist true face.“ Water Margin ”deliberate rendering of the main character Song Jiang has long been loved by the landlord bourgeoisie, but also for all revisionists , But hated and disgusted by the working people, precisely because Song Jiang usurped the leadership of the Peasant Rebels in Liangshanpo, promoted a capitulationist line that put a fierce fire of peasant uprisings to a fiasco, dynasty