My moment

来源 :高中生学习·高三文综版 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wanjia456
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  “Next competitor—Li Jielin, from Hubei Province.” I knew my moment came.
  I stepped onto the stage, dressed in pure white and tried all the best to display calm and confidence.
  This was my last round of a nationwide recitation competition, but what came with me till the last was nothing but despair. I was feeling depressed because I just couldn’t get myself into the character again as I was just days before. I pondered and practiced, on and on, with my mother’s encouragement all around, still, I felt only awkward imitation.
  All this came to a sudden halt as I was finally with my both feet on the stage, facing five judges who seemed to be strict and reserved.
  The music started as planned, and lines began to flow out of my mouth, precisely but unconsciously. The first few paragraphs went on smoothly. Then, suddenly, I blurted out a line which should take place in the next section. Good Lord! How can I make such a mistake? Should I start it all over again, or should I assume nothing has happened? The air was freezing, my teeth were trembling, some audience were whispering and I was searching for the signals from the faces of the judges. Nothing did I find but shadows in dark and silence.
  At this point, things could not be worsened. I told myself, why not just give myself a show time? Why not just let the rules go and be myself, be the poor girl? I’ve been preparing for this competition for long enough, I want to make it worthwhile!
  I released all the emotion, and wiped out all the fears. I saw the poor girl again, tears rolling down freely down my face. I was the girl lying in bed crying for her departed little sister.
  A thunder of applause woke me up from the heart-tearing fate of the girl. I found my mother waving her arms to me with a bunch of lilies and a big smile.
  To my surprise, I won the first prize! I still couldn’t believe it even when the medal was hanging over my neck. But according to the comments from judges, I was “naturally and vividly representing the character, though there were minor mistakes.”
  Now I understand that mistakes were not that scaring. They can be conversed to great powers which inspire us to explore the dreadful but beautiful wonderland. Challenges will never beat us but help us grow stronger.
  文中使用的词汇极为丰富,运用得体。如:despair, awkward, reserved, worsen, worthwhile, release, naturally and vividly, represent,converse,went on smoothly, blurt out, wipe out等。不难看出,这位同学具有很好的语言基础知识和语言运用能力。
  ... I blurted out a line which should take place in the next section ... (定语从句)
  I found my mother waving her arms to me with a bunch of lilies ...
  I stepped onto the stage, dressed in pure white and ... (非谓语动词结构)
  with my mother’s encouragement all around… (with的复合结构)
  ... what came with me till the last was nothing but despair ... (名词性从句)
  ... I was naturally and vividly representing ..., though there were minor mistakes ... (状语从句)
  Nothing did I find but shadows in dark and silence. (倒装句)
  最后的结尾处Challenges will never beat us but help us grow stronger. 升华了全文的主题。
考情分析  除与椭圆有类同的重点及考点之外,在高考中还经常考查双曲线独有的性质渐近线,以双曲线为载体考查其方程和性质.  命题特点  双曲线类型问题与椭圆类型问题类似,因而研究方法也有许多类似之处,如“利用定义”“方程观点”“直接法或待定系数法求曲线方程”“数形结合”等.但双曲线多了渐近线,问题变得略为复杂和丰富多彩.  1. 双曲线的定义及其应用  例1 在[△ABC中,B(4,0),C(-4,
考情分析  导数是刻画函数变化率的一个数学量,它是研究函数问题的一个重要工具,凡是与函数有关的问题,几乎都可以用导数解决.导数在高考中的作用在不断增强,高考对导数计算的要求贯穿于导数有关的每一道题目之中.从统计情况看,有一小或二小题或解答题的一小题,5至10分,大多以选择题或填空题形式出现,一般为基础过关题.从考查内容上看,试题常以考查导数、定积分的定义及其运算,尤其是导数和定积分的几何意义求解相
试卷满分:100分 检测限时:45分钟  一、教材知识梳理(20分,前5题每小题3分,第6题5分)  1. 下列词语中字形及加点字的注音,全都正确的一项是( )  A. 粗犷(guǎng) 旋涡 荡漾 穿流不息  B. 反馈 撕打 漫游 奔跑追逐(zú)  C. 嬉闹 露脊鲸 湮没(yān) 北极渡鸦  D. 汲取 畏葸(sī) 尾鳍(qí) 兴高彩烈  2. 下列句中
试卷满分:150分 检测限时:150分钟  一、基础知识(共15分,每小题3分)  1.下列各组词语中,加点字的注音全都正确的一组是( )  A.坯(pī)子 瀽(jiǎn)水 装模(mú)作样 少(shāo)安毋躁  B.征辟(pì) 脑髓(suǐ) 唯(wéi)命是从 脍(kuài)炙人口  C.褊(biǎn)狭 侘傺(chì) 呼天抢(qiāng)地 敛声屏(bǐng
“评价诗歌的思想内容和作者的观点态度”的关键在于探究诗“情”(“理”可视为特殊之“情”)。人贵直,文贵曲,诗词罕有单纯的直抒胸臆,多是间接抒情,而借景抒情最为常见。因为“一切景语皆情语”,所以,辨景析情应是一种比较实用的方法。  诗词中景与情有乐哀之分,景与情之间又有正面烘托与反面衬托之别。  正面烘托又分乐景抒乐情与哀景抒哀情两种。前者如赏析《骤雨》“牛尾乌云泼浓墨,牛头风雨翩车轴。怒涛顷刻卷沙
读诗如识人,一首陌生的古诗词好比一个初次见面的陌生人站在你的面前,我们怎样才能在最短的时间内读懂它?本文拟从识人之道的角度来快速解读古诗词,从而准确、高效地赏析古诗词。  一、审眉度目看诗题。  人们常说“眼睛是心灵的窗户”。初见陌生人,直视对方的眼睛,便可从他的眼神中窥出其心情、性格之一二。如明眸善睐者多半活泼天真,目光忧郁、躲闪者大多胆小内向;眼光柔和的人,基本感情深浓;眼光凶狠的人,一般意志
古代诗歌语言风格鉴赏越来越多地出现于高考题中,如果不熟悉基本的风格术语,不掌握一定的答题技巧,就可能一筹莫展,而多读多思多积累是唯一途径。下面结合高考经典试题,作一具体说明。  一、从意象入手,体会情感,辨析风格。即从诗歌所选取的意象出发,体会诗歌抒发的情感,进而分析其语言风格。如2011年湖北卷 :   登 城 望湖楼晚景    刘 敞
Architects have designed an incredible 65-storey “earth-scraper” which plunges 300 metres below ground. The stunning upside down pyramid in the middle of Mexico City is designed to get around height l
全部倒装:整个谓语都移到主语之前  一、当句首是here/there/in/up/down/out/away/round/off等方位副词,谓语是表示位置移动的不及物动词go/come/rush/fly等词时,若主语是名词,句子完全倒装;若主语是代词,则主谓不倒装。  记句型 ① Here comes the bus. 公汽来了。  ② Here it is. 给你。  1. Out_____