Web Rage 网怒
Meaning: Feeling a mounting sense of tension during what seems like an interminable[无休止的,没完没了的] wait for a web page to load. Signs include, being always frustrated, bashing of keyboards, and over-zealous mouse-clicking.
If you are a regular Internet user, you may not be able to avoid web rage at all.
Meaning: Referring to the peak of an office employee’s stress levels, which ultimately starts with the screaming of vulgar[粗俗的] language within the workplace.
It can often lead to assaulting fellow employees, abusing office equipment or stealing of company property, abusing sick days, and ultimately poor production at work.
With my pending work and the amount of people calling me each day I’m on the brink of desk rage, and one day I’m going to break and take it out on that weird guy that sits next to me.
Road Rage 路怒症
Meaning: Road rage is aggressive or angry behavior of a driver of an automobile or other motor vehicle.
Sometimes road rage can cause extreme cases of aggressive driving.
Nerd Rage 书呆怒
Meaning: Indignant[愤怒的,愤慨的], hysterical[歇斯底里的], and incoherent[语无伦次的] screaming brought on by video game induced frustration.
In the case of the latest movie Star Trek, the trailer clearly shows the construction of the Enterprise—on earth. This is a source of nerd rage for many who will not-so-calmly explain that a starship could not possibly be built on earth because it is too large to escape the earth’s gravity.
Meaning: Feeling a mounting sense of tension during what seems like an interminable[无休止的,没完没了的] wait for a web page to load. Signs include, being always frustrated, bashing of keyboards, and over-zealous mouse-clicking.
If you are a regular Internet user, you may not be able to avoid web rage at all.
Meaning: Referring to the peak of an office employee’s stress levels, which ultimately starts with the screaming of vulgar[粗俗的] language within the workplace.
It can often lead to assaulting fellow employees, abusing office equipment or stealing of company property, abusing sick days, and ultimately poor production at work.
With my pending work and the amount of people calling me each day I’m on the brink of desk rage, and one day I’m going to break and take it out on that weird guy that sits next to me.
Road Rage 路怒症
Meaning: Road rage is aggressive or angry behavior of a driver of an automobile or other motor vehicle.
Sometimes road rage can cause extreme cases of aggressive driving.
Nerd Rage 书呆怒
Meaning: Indignant[愤怒的,愤慨的], hysterical[歇斯底里的], and incoherent[语无伦次的] screaming brought on by video game induced frustration.
In the case of the latest movie Star Trek, the trailer clearly shows the construction of the Enterprise—on earth. This is a source of nerd rage for many who will not-so-calmly explain that a starship could not possibly be built on earth because it is too large to escape the earth’s gravity.