十年前还略显羞答答的悬赏缉凶举动,今日已广泛应用。无论是警方发布的通缉令、协查通报,还是征寻目击证人和线索.往往都会写明一笔数目不菲的赏金。有道是:‘.重赏之下,必有勇夫。”实实在在的物质奖励可以让悬赏者在短时间内实现愿望,也让立下大功者受之无愧。 高额的赏金的确让人心动,但做任何事情就怕头脑发热一窝风。当“不给钱就不提供线索”渐成风气时.需要我们反思的并不是“该不该给钱”的问题,而是‘.该给多少钱”和“如何给钱”的问题。这就是说:规范化是保障其健康发展的基本前提……
Ten years ago, a little shame and reward for the arrest of the vicious move today has been widely used. Whether it’s a warrant issued by a police officer, a census notification, or eyewitness witness and clues, a large sum of bounty is often stated. Youdao is: ’. Rewarded, there must be brave husband. Real material rewards allow rewards to be realized within a short period of time and deserve to be well-deserved. High bounties are truly heart-warming, but afraid of anything to do with a fever. When the idea of “giving no clue does not provide clues”, the question that we need to reflect on is not whether we should give money, but how much to give and how to give money. This means that standardization is the basic prerequisite for ensuring its sound development ...