Exploring College Translation Education: A Service-Learning Case Study

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  【Abstract】College is a collaborative local institution role required for the residents. Consequently, Service Learning is one of the curricula that college education can contribute to local communities through College Translation Courses that can respond to questions about how to cooperate in the local industrial sector. Under the motto of Learning through Experience, this course can provide an innovative and integrated foundation for education to link the value of the relationship with local industrial sectors.
  【Key words】self-initiative learning; service learning; cooperative learning; target language
  【作者簡介】Cho Woonik, Department of English Interpretation and Translation, Busan University of Foreign Studies.
  1. Introduction
  The Service-Learning Course is a Learning-by-Doing-based course that aims to create a cooperative relationship with the local communities and universities and play a positive role as a mutual cooperative partner. As it rolls up, many local communities in Korea expect changes in the role of local universities, and require them to participate in social activities and educational contributions. This phenomenon of social change is basically due to the gradual aging of society, changes in industrial structure, and a decrease in the number of school-age people. In line with this change, B-University students have been carrying out educational talent donation activities in community programs. This case study aims to identify the satisfaction of participants who took part in the service training curricula and to give positive directions on how to develop further in the future.
  2. Model and Procedure: Learning through Experience
  As service learning classes are expanding, various models are being developed. Two of them are The Park Service Learning Model (Fertamn, 1966) and The Service Learning Cycle (Kolb, 1984) that describe the service learning model well and widely utilized as a guide. (1) Park Learning-Service Model, developed by Fertamn (1966), consists of four stages: preparation, service activity, reflection and congratulation. (2)The Service Learning Cycle defines experience learning based on reflection from productive service learning experiences, and the stage of reflection is most paid attention. In a nutshell, the stage of reflection is a key procedure that should be creative critical skills to help prepare for, successfully perform, and learn, as well as to explore the context in which participants activity can take place, and to explore the larger expanded fields. Specifically it can be classified as pre-service reflection, reflection during service, and post service reflection. Simply put, reflection can be a stepping stone to reproduce into another creative and productive service learning area.   3. Glocal Service Learning through Translation approaches
  Recently, many colleges have paid higher attention to Service Learning Course that can contribute to local communities. In line with this social phenomenon, a collegiate translation course of B-University has joined the service learning activity course that largely focuses on voice training programs of immigrants, educational coach programs to immigrant kids to succeed at school, and tandem-based English teaching and learning to local residents without reference to sex or age.
  3.1 Voice Training Program to Adult Immigrants
  Pronunciation is the first problem that immigrants face when they settle down and college interpretation and translation majors focus not only on Korean education but also on pronunciation correction for immigrants to communicate fluently.
  Voice training coaches not only utilize a variety of audio-visual materials, but also perform pronunciation correction through daily dialogue in context.
  3.2 Educational Coach to Immigrant Children to Succeed at School
  As the number of labor immigrants increases in Korea, the education problem of immigrant children is becoming a major issue: how to coach them to succeed at school. In particular, their low language proficiency and cultural barriers have caused other educational challenges at school. To support their school work, translation majors play a coach role in supporting their successful school work.
  In terms of cultural affective filter, many immigrant children face cultural challenges. Translation majors, therefore, develop a customized learning activity program that can attract the children’s interests and promote their motivation to become a member of the society including development of their four skills of target language to succeed at school without high affective filter.
  3.3 Tandem-based English Teaching and Learning to local residents
  Many retirees and seniors are interested in learning foreign languages as part of their lifelong education because of growing opportunities they can be exposed to differences. To meet this growing demand, a tandem-based program involving foreign students as well as various foreign language majors can be the answer.
  Through this program, local residents can naturally be exposed to target language and culture. Due to a likelihood of high awareness of intercultural communication, their motivation increases and percentage of their social activity participation becomes high. More important is such residents can be empowered to make positive local cycles in harmony with immigrants.   4. Effect, Efficacy and New Direction of Service Learning Education
  As it rolls on, modern society demands the organic role of local universities to participate in community activities and establish partnerships because of the aging of society and the need for lifelong education. In line with this phenomenon, the educational direction of B-University is quickly remodeled, and accumulated experiences of local service learning courses have produced a variety of positive outcomes: growth of participants’ satisfaction, strong ties and partnerships between B-University and local communities, and high percentage of local residents’ participation in lifelong education programs provided by the University.
  With respect to further development of Service Learning Course as a learning by doing course, a wide range of courses that can contribute more to the community is another important task. A generation known as baby boomers is now retiring at a rapid pace. This huge social phenomenon is seriously approaching our society and it is inevitable for universities to provide a wide range of lifelong education courses to help them redesign their second half of life.
  5. Conclusion
  Service Learning Course has produced a variety of positive results: personal growth, intellectual development and high influence on their school learning, and social growth. It should also be noted that the course has a positive impact on the local community. Based on the survey of participants’ satisfaction, a few striking outcomes are found: The participants felt that they learned more than they taught, and both the school and the local have increased their awareness of the partnership. Conclusively, this learning-by-doing–based program can strengthen strong harmony partnership. In this light, local universities should be transformed into institutions that can meet social expectations by developing and providing a wide range of partnership-based educational courses.
  [1]Burns, M., Storey, K.
孟子曰:“存乎人者,莫良于眸子。眸子不能掩其恶。胸中正,则眸子了焉;胸中不正,则眸子吒焉。听其言也,观其眸子,人焉度哉?”  观察一个人,再没有比观察他的眼睛更好的了。眼睛不能掩盖一个人的丑恶。心中光明正大,眼睛就明亮;心中不光明正大,眼睛就昏暗不明、躲躲闪闪。所以,听一个人说话的时候,注意观察他的眼睛,在他的眼神中,善恶真伪能往哪里隐藏呢?因此,在上课的时候,我喜欢观察学生的眼睛,眼睛是心灵的窗
【摘要】以笔者平时的教学片段为例,探究如何在语法教学中培养学生的思维品质。强调通过比较,培养思维的逻辑性;通过体验和反思,培养学生思维的准确性和批判性;通过任务生成,培养学生思维的创造性。  【关键词】思维品质;初中英语;语法教学  【作者简介】朱龙芳,江苏省苏州市高新区第三中学校。  义务教育阶段的英语课程就工具性而言,承担着培养学生基本素养和发展学生思维能力的任务。在新修订的普通高中英语课程标
【摘要】近年来,我国正在积极对教育教学进行全方位的改革,在这种大环境下,教师需要及时转变思想理念,寻找现行教学模式中的不足之处并结合现代教育理念逐一改进,从而尊重学生在课学堂上的主体地位,在兴趣的基础上主动对所学知识的内涵进行深层探索。本文以高中英语吃教学为例,将新课程改革视为主要背景,分析多元模式在课程教学中的具体应用策略,强化学生的基础能力以及整体语用水平。  【关键词】高中英语;词汇教学;多
【摘要】英语绘本教学是一种新兴的教学方式,有助于激发学生的阅读兴趣,能够帮助学生理解英语,培养学生的英语能力,促进学生的认知、情感和人格的健全发展。本文将论述英语绘本阅读教学的活动设计和策略,提高学生的英语学习效率,发挥英语绘本的教学作用。  【关键词】小学英语绘本阅读;活动设计;实施策略;教学效率  【作者简介】谢敏,江苏省高邮市秦邮实验小学。  随着英语教学改革的不断深入,绘本逐渐地被广泛地运
教育家孔子说过:“不愤不启,不悱不发。”这也就是说,学生一旦产生了悱愤心理,教师要适时、适当地进行启发和引导。教师在教学中应充分考虑学生的内心需求,使教学手段与方法契合学生的内心需求,从而激发学生的学习兴趣,这样才会取得良好的教学效果。在教学中如何使学生产生悱愤心理呢?笔者认为,在教学中创设情境可以解决这个问题。在此,笔者就针对高中地理教学中的情境创设谈一些粗浅的看法。  一、情境创设的重要性  
新的历史课程标准告诉我们,让学生具体地感受历史,把握历史发展的脉络,而不要求学生死记硬背复杂的历史知识。在历史教学过程中,历史教师应该引导学生主动参与、亲身体验、独立思考、合作探究,从而实现学生学习方式的变革,促进学生牢固掌握知识、全面提高能力。  一、实际操作,体验历史  陶行知先生提出要解放儿童的“头脑”、“双手”、“眼睛”、“时间”、“空间”等,目的是引导学生亲身实践、实地领会、掌握所学知识
新课程改革指出,课程是学生学校生活经验的总和。课程并不是单一指教科书而言,学生的生活经验及学生所在的生活环境都可以是课程的范围。课程与课程资源有着十分密切的关系,课程实施的范围和水平一方面取决于课程资源的丰富程度,另一方面更取决于课程资源的开发和运用水平。  就历史学科而言,课程资源包括文字资料、影视资料、历史文物、历史遗址遗迹等,而笔者在尝试开发利用这些课程资源时,又发现作为华夏文苑里一束艳丽的
【摘要】本文从英语机考的大背景出发对大学生英语阅读能力的提升策略进行分析,对当前互联网技术下大学生英语阅读的新习惯和特点进行分析,认为机考和移动互联网同时赋予大学生英语阅读移动性、内容丰富性和交互性的特点。这为大学生提高机考英语阅读能力提供了更丰富的层次和渠道,因此本文最后从网络资源、学生自身和学校课程三个方面展开对提高英语阅读能力策略的讨论。  【关键词】英语机考; 英语阅读;大学生学习能力  
创新教学设计要求我们更新教学理念,提倡以教材为教学依据、以问题为课堂教学的纽带、以学生为课堂的教学核心进行创新设计,追求教学过程的最优化和教学效果的最大化。  一、在进行创新教学设计时,应遵循的一般原则  1 应根据教师的自身修养进行设计。  教师是深堂教学设计的关键人物,成功的教学设计应能充分体现教师的独特教学模式,而不能是鹦鹉学舌、人云亦云,更不能机械地模仿和照搬别人现成的教学模式。只有充分了