Value of life pottery in modern life

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  Summary:Chinese porcelain history has a long history of expansion has ceramics production process improvement and innovative thinking, life begins pottery ceramic art in the new field appears in the present life, modern design plays an important in the impact of ceramic art of modern thought in action, enjoy a close meet people's material and spiritual life. Development of the living world is the impact of modern ceramic pottery, but compared to Western countries, a large gap, an overview of the life pottery beginning of this article, the influence of modern life pottery broadcast rights.
  Overview Life Pottery
  Since the late start living ceramics, pottery life philosophy has not yet formed a unified standard, but in the field of understanding of life Ceramics professional people contains a "practical" and "aesthetic" double meaning. In general, life is life pottery and ceramic art work closely together, with respect to the other branches of ceramic art closer to people's daily lives. It seems to be easy to use and people's daily lives appliance as the starting point of service, but the basic material and technical conditions for carrying live pottery on, there are also design emotional awareness qualities, but with the development of society, affecting life pottery in modern art trends , began to reinforce the importance of art in the spirit of life. Pottery is modern life, many factors other modern social, economic and aesthetic under the inevitable product is suitable for modern life and aesthetic products, aesthetics and modern lifestyle and emotional life of modern ceramic art expression plays a decisive effect.
  Life Pottery also refers to useful features handmade pottery, which is characterized by both practical and beautiful. It is from the mechanized, large-scale production of various industrial ceramics, but ceramics from modern artistic expression of emotion are different. In the era of handicraft, cottage-style manual production character in their real life and leads to daily life simple aesthetic expression of ceramics has been playing a very important role. Practical Handbook by physical and chemical form of this vessel to reveal the nature of the emotional delivery to users, allows users to use the process, feel the pristine beauty.
  Second, the needs of modern life,
  Since the nineteenth century, the Industrial Revolution, the family owned ceramic production has stopped the tranquility of the past, the traditional manual production machine rumbling sound heartless impact. Highly mechanized and standardized ceramic instead of manual mud life. Industrial Revolution brought a high degree of standardization, it also brings shape, decoration simple, lack of product emotion and personality. We can not deny that the industrial revolution brought about by the ceramic production is revolutionary, but on the other hand, for the human emotions behind the price at the expense of highly mechanized, standardized production. Daily life of mechanized production of ceramic products occupy an important position, to a certain extent, cut off from public life pottery emotional connection.   Education in modern society increasingly developed modern, fast-paced, hectic city life is a distinctive feature of the modern city. In the cities, on the one hand people are trying to adapt to this life, on the other hand trying to get out of this life. Therefore, in people's consciousness behavior, always trying to get out of the hustle and bustle of the city, and in the embrace of nature. In the 1970s, in return for the popular design it is mainly natural wind natural expression of human feelings. This desire in all aspects of life natural performance. Highly mechanized and standardized household ceramic products is no longer the only goal to pursue, on the contrary, life is full of fascinating personality pottery attract more people's attention. Life is full of fun for its pottery shapes and decoration, to show people seeking a better life, it drew much public favor. In recent years, the entire life selling pottery art fair organized to become a beautiful landscape. Life pottery reason to win the public's favorite, in addition to its actual characteristics, more importantly, it reveals the simple natural feelings, which is a modern, advocating individual performance is critical.
  My first conclusion, handmade pottery spiritual life, the essential characteristics of modern life and its rich cultural influence of the unique natural material and having a social function, the forwarding of everyday life in modern development. Handmade pottery of this quality, this new change in spirit and values, promoting handmade pottery modern spiritual and cultural continuity, vitality broader light. It exists in modern life, it is the basis of national culture, and into the aesthetic ideas of the times, its unique focus on living conditions for the creation of cue integration, express simple, imaginative form, becoming a modern view of the world, recognize one of the art form closest to the world of life.
【摘要】:新绛县古称绛州,位于山西省西南部,晋南盆地腹地,属运城市辖区,汾水东西穿境而过,是古时水旱码头,交通枢纽,至汉建州设府一千九百多年,现属国家级历史文化名城。在这古老的土地上,孕育了繁花似锦的民间艺术之花,刺绣便是耀眼醒目的一朵奇葩。  【关键词】:绛州;刺绣;保护  刺绣,古称针绣,是用绣针.彩线(丝、绒、线),将设计好的图案在纺织品上刺缀运针,以绣迹构成图案或文字的一种传统手工技术。古
【摘要】:族谱作为一个家族物化的历史记忆,随着家族成员世代的更替而被不断续修整理。一个家族,不论其族谱形式如何变化,其编修的内容却始终承袭着原有的规则与方法,通过族谱的内容我们可以窥见多方面关于家庭组织的民俗文化。本文将以福建白鹤林氏2012年重修的族谱文本为例,浅析该族谱里所蕴含的民俗文化,探究新时代背景下族谱对于世人的意义。  【关键词】:族谱;民俗文化;福建;林氏  引言  白鹤村现位于福建
【摘要】:《中庸》是儒家学说的精髓。《中庸》所讲的天道、人道、致中和、三达德、五达道、九经以及成己、成人、成物等等,都离不开一个“诚”字。这个“诚”字,重要到了“不诚无物”的地步。可以说“诚”是《中庸》的核心。  【关键词】:《中庸》;诚;儒家学说  《中庸》是儒家学说的精髓。《中庸》所讲的天道、人道、致中和、三达德、五达道、九经以及成己、成人、成物等等,都离不开一个“诚”字。这个“诚”字,重要到
【Abstract】: With the development of the society and the continuous improvement of vision people now, the public art in life landscape design more and more, almost everywhere. For example, big to city
【摘要】:伴随着我国经济建设,我国在国际地位之间增加,国际学生也开始通过各种途径开展了解学习中国文化,其中了解学习最多的就是汉字书法。诸多教育机构也逐渐开始创建汉字书法课程,满足国际学生对于中国文化学习的需求。高校汉字书法教学是高校在教育工作中的一个新鲜尝试,本文就将根据汉语国际传播背景下高校汉字书法教学分析,探索出高校汉字书法教学途径。  【关键词】:汉语国际传播;高校汉字书法教学  前言:书法
【摘要】:网络新闻炒作是新闻报道策划的一种异化衍生物,对新闻报道策划具有很大的危害,极大的影响到媒体公信力、网络舆论环境、社会生态等等。本文通过分析近日热点新闻炒作事件来阐释网络新闻炒作现象的危害并浅谈如何正确制定新闻报道策划,应对网络新闻炒作现象。  【关键词】:新闻炒作现象;新闻报道策划;网络媒体  新闻报道策划是新闻报道的主体,遵循事物发展和新闻报道的基本规律,发掘已知,预测未来,制定和实施
【摘要】:重叠词的现象在越南语中十分普遍。本文就由两个同义或近义成分构成的重叠词展开研究,根据构词成分不同的来源进行分类,阐述其不同的特点。  【关键词】:越南语;重叠词;汉越词;纯越词  在越南语中,由两个同义或近义成分构成重叠词的现象十分普遍,这种构词的结构引起了一部分学者的关注,他们在描述重叠词的时候,都提到了这种结构。根据各个成分之间的关系或者根据各个成分的语义特点,这种结构的重叠词常被称
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