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从2005年——2007年三年的时间里,安防产业的发展有了质的飞跃。这种质的提升和飞跃,不只是来自国家政策层面的引导,更是中国安防产业人追求安防产品技术创新、弘扬安防企业实业报国精神的集体张扬!从2005年——2007年,中国安防企业自主创新的步伐不新加快,企业综合实力不断增强,产业规模不断扩大,行业国际化经营整体水平迈上新台阶,中国安防百强企业2006年年累计实现营业收入183.6亿元,和2005年百家最具成长性企业的总体规模相比,增长至少提升了35%!这是一个了不起的增长!时代倡导创新,产业需要要科学发展,跳出产品同质化的泥淖走以创新求发展的的路子是中国安防产业在国家政策引导下,实现又好又快发展的必由之路。2007CPSE安博会正体现了这样一种思路和共识。展会面积从5万m2到7万m2;参展企业从736家到950家;观众从57个国家6万余人到86个国家的10万余人者;意向成交额从32亿到56亿元;展会排名从全球第三到全球第一……实实在在的数据印证了中国安防产业人为实业报国所付出的努力,印证了世界安防产业对中国安防同行的尊敬和肯定! From 2005 - 2007 three years time, the development of security industry has made a qualitative leap. This quality improvement and leap is not only guided by the national policy level, but also the collective publicity of China’s security industry in the pursuit of technical innovations in security products and the promotion of the security industry to serve the country. From 2005 to 2007, the security companies in China The pace of independent innovation is not new and accelerated. The comprehensive strength of enterprises is continuously enhanced. The scale of industries is constantly expanding. The overall international operation of the industry has reached a new level. The top 100 Chinese security companies achieved a total revenue of 18.36 billion yuan in 2006, Compared with the overall scale of the most growth-oriented enterprises in home, the growth rate has increased at least 35%! This is a remarkable growth! Times promote innovation, industry needs to be scientific development, out of the homogenization of the product muddied to innovation and development The road is the only way for China’s security industry to realize its sound and rapid development under the guidance of the national policy. 2007CPSE Security Expo is a reflection of such a line of thought and consensus. Exhibition area from 50,000 m2 to 70,000 m2; exhibitors from 736 to 950; audience from 57 countries more than 60,000 people to 86 countries, more than 100,000 people; the intention of turnover from 3.2 billion to 5.6 billion ; The exhibition ranking from the third in the world to the first in the world ... real data confirms the efforts of China’s security industry to serve the country by industry and confirms the respect and affirmation of the world’s security industry to China’s security counterparts!
漂浮  断桥在西湖的波心  一个漂浮的剧本  在晚霞中  桥的刀锋把湖面切成两半  一半归为许仙的纸伞  一半归为白娘子的尾随  岁月的剪子  已剃秃了岸边的柳叶  荷叶惺忪的样子  仿佛要说明什么  这初冬的寒 失色了荷的花容  一个过季的女人徘徊在桥上  凛风愁对夕阳韶逝的年华  断桥没有裂痕  连着苏堤通向埋玉的西冷  湖面从来不见渔火  舞蹈的蛇在无影的波光中播放  爱情已在更新  但清澈
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