问:常见人将“碑”与“帖”并提,请问这两者有什么区别吗? 答:“碑”的称谓最早起于汉。据清代《说文》学家王筠的考证,最早的碑有三种用途,即,宫中之碑,竖立于官前以测日影;祠庙之碑,立于宗庙中以栓牲畜;墓冢之碑,天子、诸侯和大夫下葬时用于牵引棺木入墓穴。由于这些实用的目的,最早的三种碑上都是没有文字图案的。其中最后一种原来用木头制成,后改用石头,而它却正是后代所谓碑的真正祖先。最后一种碑既然是为下葬所设,后来就在碑石上书写以至镌刻死者的功德,以使之流传于后世,于是发展成后来有文字的碑。 “帖”最早指书写在帛或纸上的墨迹原作。后来写得优秀的墨迹难以广传,于是把它们刻在木头、石头上,可以多次拓制,广为流传,这样,就把刻于木石上的这些原来的墨迹作品及其拓本统称
Q: Common people will “monument ” and “post ” and mention, what is the difference between these two? A: “tablet ” appellation as early as the Han. According to the text of the Qing Dynasty, “Wang Wen” scholar research, the earliest monument has three purposes, namely, the monument of the palace, erected in front of the official to measure the Japanese shadow; temple monument, standing in the temple to tie livestock; Monument to the graves, emperor, princes and the doctor used to pull the coffin into the tomb when buried. Due to these practical purposes, the earliest three kinds of monuments are without textual design. The last one, originally made of wood and later converted to stone, is the true ancestor of the posterity’s so-called monument. Since the last monument was set up for burial, it was written on a stele and even the merit of engraving the deceased so that it could be circulated in later generations, it developed into a literary monument. “Posts ” The earliest fingerprints written in silk or paper ink original. Later excellent written ink is difficult to spread, so they carved in wood, stone, you can develop a number of times, widely circulated, so, engraved on the stone on these original works of ink and its extension collectively