A study of Understatements in US Presidential Debates

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  1. Introduction
  Presidential debates are defined as '' being surrounded by hype generated by candidates and media alike to capture the American attention and are extremely important events in the campaign for the presidency. “As a communicative strategy, Understatement is widely used in Presidential debates. In this paper, an brief introduction and a overall literature review as well as the gap and significance will be first provided, Then comes the research methodology with emphasis on theoretical approach and sample analysis. Finally , we make a conclusion of this paper.
  2. Research Methodology
  2.1. Definition
  Contextual Correlates Of Adaptability
  According to Verschueren’s point of view, Contextual correlates of adaptability “potentially include all the ingredients of the communicative context with which linguistic choices have to be inter-adaptable” which consist of two categories, one is communicative context, whereas the other is linguistic context. As understatement is one of the communicative strategy, we just analyze it from the Communicative context, which,Furthermore, can be divided into the following parts :
  3. An Adaptive Analysis of Understatements in US presidential Debates
  CLINTON: He went on to say, "Look at her. I don't think so." About another woman, he said, "That wouldn't be my first choice." He attacked the woman reporter writing the story, called her "disgusting," as he has called a number of women during this campaign. Donald thinks belittling women makes him bigger. He goes after their dignity, their self-worth, and I don't think there is a woman anywhere who doesn't know what that feels like. So we now know what Donald thinks and what he says and how he acts toward women. That's who Donald is.
  TRUMP: And frankly, those stories have been largely debunked. And I really want to just talk about something slightly different.
  Social World —gender equality, prevailing Feminism
  Physical World—the exposure of Trump's scandal
  Mental World—advocating gender equality/ the indignation towards Trump's behavior;
  alleviating the audience' irritation
  The communicative effects of Understatement here:
  For the speaker—stating his/her opinion without arising other’s suspect; decreasing the face-threatening effect
  To the opponent—arousing his neverseness; enhancing self-protection
  To the audience— persuading them into believing Trump did show disrespect to women/ convincing them that Clinton rebuked him
  4. Conclusion
  The thesis explains Understatement in the three Presidential Debates between Clinton and Trump from the perspective of The Adaptation Theory, that is to say, first, we use Structural Objects of Adaptability to figure out the specific forms of Understatement; Then, we use mental world, social world, physical world, linguistic channel, seeking to find the pragmatic functions of Understatement in presidential debates.
  6. Bibliography
  1.Benoit, W. J. & Wells, W. T. 1996. Candidates in conflict: Persuasive attack and defense in the 1992 presidential debates [Z]. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press.
  2.Verschueren, J. 1987. Pragmatics as a theory of linguistic adaptation. Paper presented at The 2nd International Pragmatics Conference, Antwerp, Belgium.
  3.胡尚田.試析英语辞格“低调陈述”[J].达县师范高等专科学校学报, 1999,9(1):54-58
【摘要】:性别语言的研究一直是社会语言学家研究的热点课题之一,并且越来越受到国内外语言学家的关注。本文主要从分析描写两性的语言特点,对比两性在语言使用方面的差异两个角度综述国内外性别语言的研究,并指出其不足之处。  【关键词】:性别语言;两性的语言特点;语言使用差异;不足  男女在语言使用上差异的研究涉及到心理学,社会学,人类学,方言学,教育学等各个领域,社会语言学则是把性别作为一个重要变量来探寻
【摘要】:带有京剧元素的中国民族音乐在市场的商业价值越来越大,艺术价值也越来越突出。京剧与中国民族音乐的科学合理融合,不仅使中国民族音乐的民族性更强还使中国民族音乐的艺术性更高。把人们耳熟能详的京剧加入到中国民族音乐中也更能符合中国人的耳听习惯,使此类的中国民族音乐作品的传唱度更高。  关键词:京剧元素;民族性;艺术价值;市场需求  一、什么是带有京剧元素的中国民族音乐  众所周知,京剧是我国国粹
【摘要】:当前,我国改革发展正站在新的历史起点上,机遇和挑战前所未有,从国内形势来说,随着我国社会经济成分、组织形式、就业方式、利益关系和分配方式日益多样化,给社会的思想进步带来了很大的活力,同时也造成了很大的冲击,人们思想活动的独立性、选择性、多变性、差异性明显增强,这对意识形态工作提出了新挑战、新要求。  【关键词】:形势政策;信念;文化传承  一、大学生学习形势政策的现实意义  古代齐国有这
【摘要】:随着影视行业的迅速发展,尤其是西方影视作品的引进,影视人物对白翻译也日益引起关注,尤其翻译策略和方法的选择标准问题,一直是众说纷纭。在翻译语境描写论指导下,本文通过对美剧《生活大爆炸》具体案例进行分析,并针对翻译策略和技巧选择问题提出解决策略。  【关键词】:人物对白;翻译;语境论;策略;技巧  1.引言  近几年来互联网的发展和字幕组的兴起,影视作品的引进速度和质量取得突破性进展。以美
【摘要】:吐鲁番自古流传着多种麦西热甫形式,吐鲁番的鲁克沁传统婚礼当中就存在三种不同的麦西热甫,本文以梳理实地田野调研所收集的相关资料对这三种麦西热甫做一个初步的探讨。  【关键词】: 吐鲁番;婚礼;麦西热甫  麦西热甫一词源于阿拉伯语,意为“聚会”、“集会”[1]。但在一些历史文献记载中可得知麦西热甫早于维吾尔族伊斯兰文化就存在,故可以推测麦西热甫并非是阿拉伯文化的产物。如《魏书·高车传》中记载
【摘要】:苗族织锦是灿烂的中华织锦文化的有机组成部分,至今仍保有传统艺术风格和织造技术。它是融于生活的艺术,依附于实用的审美。苗族织锦作为一种文化的物化形式,自始至终反映了苗族人民的审美情趣、审美观念和审美理想。在它的独特表现形式中,包含着丰富的平面构成元素,给我们现代纺织品设计师提供了许多有益的启示。而台江苗族织锦各支系各有特色,不管是纹饰,色彩还是寓意等都值得探索。  【关键词】:苗族织锦;台
【摘要】:近十年来,学者把重心从宏观分析语块教学法转移到微观层面,研究也更加深入和具体,本文归纳了2007年至2016年的文献,对语块教学法的研究发展进行一个阶段化的回顾,并总结了问卷调查、教学实验等实证研究方法和语料库、教材等语料来源。  【关键词】:语块;对外汉语;教学  吕叔湘早在1963年就注意到了汉语中存在大量的半固定的四音节结构即“四字格”如“大事小事”、“三朋四友”、“千头万绪”等。
【Abstract】: Foreign translators used to pick simple words in prose translation (to English), while four-character phrase would be appreciated in Chinese literature texts. There are great differences i