,Electroluminescence of an n-ZnO/p-GaN Heterojunction under Forward and Reverse Biases

来源 :中国物理快报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Jackyx
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Electroluminescent characteristics of n-ZnO/p-GaN hetero junctions under forward and reverse biases are studied.Emissions at 389nm and 570nm are observed under forward bias. An unusual emission at 390nm appears under reverse bias, and is attributed to the recombination in the p-GaN side of the hetero junction. The yellow emission peaked at 570nm is suppressed under reverse bias. The light intensity exponentially depends on the reverse current. The emission under reverse bias is correlated to tunnelling carrier transport in the heterostructure.Our results also support that the well-known yellow band of GaN comes from the transitions between some near-conduction-band-edge states and deep localized acceptor states.
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随着九年制义务教育教材改革的推进,“通过义务教育阶段的数学学习,使学生能够具备学习能力及探究能力”已成为数学教学的一个重点。在实际教学中注重对学生能力的培养,引起了广大教师的高度重视,如何培养和发展学生能力,如何培养学生的解题技巧在数学教学中愈来愈显得重要。本文就数学教学方法的几种变换技巧论述如下:    一、巧用“平移”“等积”变换找出突破口,化繁为简    “平移”是数学学习中常用的一种分析方
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江西省2008年秋季开始启用新课标新教材教学,笔者有幸参加了省级骨干教师的新课标培训,对新教材的教学目标和指导思想以及对教材的安排和实施也有了一定的了解。现就高中英语听力教材的运用方面谈谈看法和做法。    一、充分利用课内听力教材    新教材在听力任务的设置、听力材料的选取上,既贴近学生的生活又符合学生的学情,并紧扣各单元主题。因此,教师只要运用恰当,就能有效提高学生的听力能力。  1.听前热
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