In addition to adopting financing methods such as bank loans and internal fund-raising, entrepreneurship can also use the “borrowing eggs” approach to open up new financing channels. This is the financing of leasing. Modern leasing is a financing method characterized by the combination of financial resources and financial resources. In this lease relationship, there are three parties, namely the lessor, the lessee and the supplier; two contracts are to be signed, ie the contract signed by the lessor and the lessee and the purchase contract signed by the lessor and the supplier. . In the lease contract relationship, the lease item required by the lessee is selected by the lessee and the lessor may not interfere. During the lease term, the ownership of the leased property still belongs to the lessor, but the right to use belongs to the lessee. The lessee has the obligation to repair, maintain, and maintain the equipment during the period of use. In the form of lease financing, both parties can generally enjoy different levels of tax benefits and thus