The Quality of an Excellent English Teacher

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  Teaching is not an easy job, but it is a necessary one. it is difficult to give general description of good teachers is that different teachers are often successful in different ways. Some teachers are more extrovert or introvert than others, and different teachers have different strengths and weaknesses. A lot will depend on how students view about teachers, not all students will share the same opinions. Next there is my understanding of good teachers ' quality.
  1. Maintains and exemplifies high ethical and moral standards
  Teachers should have noble morality and love for education career. Teachers undertake the task of imparting knowledge and educating people. Teachers not only to impart scientific and cultural knowledge to students, but also to teach students how to conduct oneself, how to being a good person. Teachers should have lofty ideals and noble sentiment.
  2 . Adapt different roles in the class
  Part of good teacher’s art is the ability to adopt a number of different roles in the class, depending on what the students are doing. For example, the teacher always acts as a controller, there will be little chance for students to take much responsibility for their own learning. Being a controller may work for grammar explanations and information presentation, but it is less effective for activities where students are working together cooperatively on a project, for example, in such situation we may need to be prompters, encouraging students, pushing them to achieve more. At other times, we may need to act as assessors. We also need to be able to function as resource when students need to consult us and, at times, as a language tutor.
  3. Rapport
  A significant qualified in the intrinsic motivation of students will depend on their perception of what the teacher thinks of them, and how they are treated. Rapport means that the relationship between teachers and students,and the relationship between teachers and teachers. In the best lessons we will always see a positive, enjoyable and respectful relationship. Rapport is established in part when students become aware of our professionalism, but it also occurs as a result of the way we listen to and treat the students in our classroom. [Jeremy Harmer, 26]
  It can not only help students to get teacher’s trust and respect, but also will enable the students to share themselves ideas. So that, a good relationship between teachers and students is beneficial to keep students’ enthusiasm of learning.   4 . To love and care about each student and to respect for individual differences
  People compare teachers to gardeners. Teachers need to care about and love each student both top and bottom. As students feel that their teacher cares about them, they will respect their teachers and know the teacher is truly good for them first. When they made a mistake, they could hear teacher’s words and correct it. And then an encouraging word can greatly arouse students’ enthusiasm of learning, to make them build up the confidence of learning, further to desired goal. As teachers should be good at finding the shining point in each student and encourage them from time to time. No matter which student is encouraged by his teachers, they will feel happy and like the teachers. These can motivate students’ interest in learning.
  5 . Teachers' professional knowledge
  The teachers also need to know a lot about the subject they are teaching. They will need to know what equipment is available in their school and how to use it. They need to know what materials are available for teachers and students. They should also do their best to keep abreast of new developments in teaching approaches and techniques by consulting a range of print material, online resources, and by attending, where possible, development sessions and teacher seminars.
  6.Keeping up-to –date
  The teachers should maintain an inquisitive mind in trying out new ways of teaching. And teachers need to be constantly finding out about new ways of doing things.
  One things need to be said about the various ‘knowledge’ we have been describing. This kind of knowledge is not static, hence the need to keep up-to-date. Things change almost daily. New books, classroom equipment and computer software are being produced all the time, just as teachers keep coming up with wonderful new ways of doing old things (such as grammar presentation or old discussion activities). Staying in touch with these developments can seem daunting, of course, because of the pace of change, but it is worth remembering how deadly it would be if things always stayed the same.
  Different people have different opinions about what kind of teacher is a qualified teacher. Above qualifies are my judgment of qualified teachers. Maybe some opinions are partial, But as for knowledge learning and practice of strengthened, I believe that in the future process of study or work, I'll have more complete view.
  [1]Marion Williams Robert L. burden. Psychology for Language Teachers[M].外語教学与研究出版社,2014.
  [2]H. Douglas Brown. Teaching by Principles: An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy [M].外语教学与研究出版社,2014.
  [3]Jeremy Harmer. How to Teach English[M].外语教学与研究出版社, 2000.
《基础教育课程改革纲要(试行)》指出,“如今要改变课程的实行太过注重接受学习、照本宣科、只知道进行机械化的训练的现状,不但要提倡学生自主参加、乐于探索、勤于实践,还要塑造学生搜集和办理信息、收获新知识、分析处理问题的能力以及学生之间交流与协作的能力”。下面用浙江版四年级《小学劳动与技术》 “编中国结”一课作为教学案例,探讨一下怎样才能使学生积极自主地加入到课堂中来。  一、情境激发学习兴趣,启发学
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摘 要:现如今,工业设计发展的突飞猛进,已经不单单是科学和技术的成果,而是一种更加积极的,能够引导人类活动的一种生活方式和生活需求。工业设计包含的领域很多,它涉及面很广,包括心理学、社会学、色彩学、美学、机械构造、人机工程学、摄影等等。它是各个学科相互交叉的产物。设计作为一种艺术表现的形式,它的功能和审美价值十分重要,它又与我们的日常生活密不可分,审美性功能性如同产品的臂膀一样支撑着它,缺一不可。