A Study on the US Economic Imbalance and the Trade Effect of Its Production Structure

来源 :China’s foreign Trade·下半月 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:yp888yp
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  Abstract : Theory research and model analysis prove that the non-trade nature of service production makes US economy forms anti-trade tendency growth during the industrial structure-preferred adjustment of service production. To conclude, the deficit of the US current items is structural, and has causality with the relative price of goods when domestic industry-orientated change.
  Key words :US economy,Trade Effect
  I. Introduction
  Most papers researched the US economic
  imbalance reasons and its solutions based on the open macroeconomic current account Equilibrium equation (NX=S-I) in method, which basically formed three mainstream analysis paradigm (Bagnai, Alberto, 2008).
  Firstly, US imbalance was attributed to U.S. savings insufficient (Roubini and Setser, 2004, 2005,Cline, 2005,Feldstein, 2008,2011), or to the savings difference between east Asia and U.S. (LiYang etc, 2006, LiXiangYang, 2006) according to savings - investment analysis method and on the perspective of balance between national savings and investment. Another opinion considered that U.S. current account deficit would be sustainable because Asian countries need to keep the trade surplus to U.S. to solve their employment problems, and thus they would be glad to finance for U.S. current account (Dooley et al., 2003).
  Secondly, US imbalance was attributed to policy orientation according to payment balance or elasticity analysis method and on the perspective of international trade flow balance. Most of studies attributed the reasons to Asian countries' export orientation policies (Dooley et al. 2005, Durdu, Mendoza, and Terrones, 2009), while another analysis attributed the reasons to China's subsidies for current exports and U.S.'s subsidies for future exports (Deardorff, 2010).
  Thirdly, according to portfolio analysis method and on the perspective of balance between international financial assets flow and stock, as long as saving surplus countries regard U.S. as attractive investment alternative sites, U.S. would have no risks of overseas savings shortage (Cooper, 2006. Caballero et al. , 2006).
  Through the description above, the first and the third methods emphasized the supply factors of US economic imbalance, but the analysis of savings (supply) went beyond the research of produce, while how much to produce, what to produce and how to produce were closely related to payment balance. The second method referred to the policy level on the problem's causes, which is most advocated currently. But it tended to emphasize the imbalance's currency factor which met the partial policy direction and shorten objectives and neglected the problems of trade imbalance's competitive power and structure.   II. The US Service Production Trade Effect: Quantitative Test
  For further inspect the relationship between the US service production and goods trade deficit, the author will establish quantitative economy model as formula (1) to do a regression test with Eviews 6.0 software.
  In the above formula (5), except for the
  constant term (c) and random term (e), the other variables correspond with the trade conditions which are showed as the proportion as follows:
  Yt=■ Xt=■ Zt=■(2)
  Yt shows the goods trade deficit which is caused by service production, Xt means the goods production level correspond with unit, and Zt stands for goods trade condition which is expressed by import and export price index. According to the logic relationship between variables, the trade deficit will decrease with the growth of goods production if a is negative; while the trade deficit will increase with the ascend of goods export price when β is positive.
  The sample period is between 1987-2009 in the regression analysis, and all the values of formula (1) such as service production(SGDP), goods production(GGDP), and goods trade deficit(NX), export price index (EXP) and import price index (IMP) are all calculated as the true values with the basis period of 2005.
  For avoiding pseudo regression phe-
  nomenon, the author did the following tests before he did regression test with formula (1). Firstly, he applied Unit Roots Test to inspect the stability of sequence, and the results showed that Yt obeys 2 integrated of order, Xt and Zt obey 1 integrated of order. As a result, the author employed the first order difference of Yt to regress. Secondly, the author did a steady test of regression equation residual. The regression quotation residual serial correlation was tested by Q statistic and cointegration test, autocorrelation and partial autocorrelation. Thirdly, the causality between variables were tested with Pairwise Granger Causality Tests, whose result showed that X and Z cause Y, and the probability is 93% and 98% respectively.
  The regression result of figure 1 shows that, R2, F value, P value, D-W value and other statistical values are are good. At the same time, the two index values of XDGDPGS and TTG are also achieved expected result. XDGDPGS stands for S and has relationship with goods import deficit, by which for service production, the goods trade deficit will reduce 0.07% when goods production increase 1%. Or we can say, according to the definition to X in formula (2), for the goods production, the growth of service production will cause the growth of goods trade deficit.   TTG stands for Z, and it is connected to goods import deficit, or for goods import price index, each one percentage increase of goods export price index will cause the growth of 0.09% of goods import deficit.
   Regression Test Result
  III. Conclusion
  Theory research and model analysis prove-
  that the non-trade nature of service production makes US economy forms anti-trade tendency growth during the industrial structure-preferred adjustment of service production. Because of the influence of supply-demand change , the change condition of goods and service is manifested as the goods relative price is higher than service price; because of the super power effect on international market, the US exported goods price is higher than foreign goods exported price, and the foreign imported goods instead domestic goods in the US market as a result.
  To conclude, the deficit of the US current items is structural, and has causality with the relative price of goods when domestic industry-orientated change. Therefore, the rebalancing path of the US goods deficit should be based on construction adjustment or on production. If the non-trade able nature of service production can vary, the US goods trade deficit will correspondingly disappear. In this sense, vigorously promote further openness of WTO multilateral level service trade will be an effective path of achieving goods trade rebalance with certain producing construction in the US.
  Alan V. Deardorff (2010). "A Trade Theorist`s Take on Global Imbalance", RSIE Discussion Paper, pp. 599.
  Bagnai, Alberto (2008). "The Role of China in Global External Imbalances: Some Further Evidence", LLEE Working Document, pp. 59.
  Wang Zi-feng, Zhang Bo-wei, Wang Jun
  (2009), "Economic Growth,Financial Deepening and Global Economic Imbalance", Journal of Finance and Economics, Aug 2009.
  Yu Yongding (2007). "Global Imbalance and China", The Australian Economic Review, Vol.40, pp.1.
  (作者单位:张子荷,北京外国语大学国际关系学院;湛柏明 孟庆雷,中南民族大学经济学院)
【摘 要】 中国是世界上最大的发展中国家,日本是世界上仅次于美国的第二经济大国。两国的社会制度不同,价值观念不同,经济发展水平也不同。我们应该清醒地认识到,在我国经济迅猛发展的今天,中日技术转移与合作符合两国根本利益,发展潜力很大但现在存在若干不确定性因素。中国有必要加快从日本引进适合技术,利用国际产业调整时机,优化产业结构提升产业竞争力。  【关键词】 中日技术转移 技术贸易政策 战略性应对
【摘 要】 从黑龙江省实情出发,把医药产业打造成支柱产业和新经济增长点,从宏观和微观入手,提出完善医药产业的法律法规制度,优化产业结构和产品结构,创建自主品牌和龙头企业,提升自主研发能力等系列操作对策。  【关键词】 医药产业 自主品牌 产业园区  1. 黑龙江省医药产业的发展现状  1.1医药产业规模逐渐扩大  2010年,全省规模以上医药产业完成总产值250.24亿元,同比增长28.2%。
【摘 要】 旅游业是国民经济提升的催化剂,而农业旅游经济的发展则是农业大省--黑龙江经济腾飞的重要增长点。“十一五”期间黑龙江省第三产业GDP比重始终维持在35%左右,旅游业又是第三产业的龙头产业,可见对黑龙江省农业旅游经济的发展研究有其重大意义。本文针对黑龙江省的基本省情并结合中国现阶段旅游业发展的基本国情分析黑龙江省农业旅游经济发展中存在的基本问题。为黑龙江省农业旅游经济的发展提供建议性的参考
【摘 要】 政府投资项目工程竣工财务决算是对工程建设项目的最终总结,工作难度很大,每个环节都非常重要。本文主要通过对政府投资项目竣工财务决算过程中土地成本及利息进行全面分析,并提出合理建议。  【关键词】 政府投资项目 竣工 财务决算 土地成本 利息  去年我来到市政府投资项目财务中心工作,在这段时间的工作中,特别是我所监管单位在编制竣工财务决算表时,对土地成本的计入项目和利息的计入时点总
【摘 要】 本文介绍了目前会计准则国际趋同的基本情况和我国会计准则国际趋同的历程。在比较我国会计准则和国际会计准则差异的基础上,针对我国的会计准则趋同工作提出一系列的建议。  【关键词】 会计准则 国际趋同  1. 国际趋同概述  会计准则的国际趋同是在全球经济一体化的背景下产生的必然结果,其含义为各国的会计准则向国际会计准则靠拢,以提高会计信息的标准化和会计信息质量的可比性。但趋同不等于直接采
【摘 要】 随着市场经济的不断发展,政府职能的不断转变,社会各方面发生了较大的变化,文章通过分析财政预算制度改革对行政事业单位会计核算产生的影响,对新制度下如何做好行政单位的会计核算、如何适应财政预算管理制度的改革及深化改革等方面作了一些探讨。提出了财政预算改革下预算单位会计的发展趋势。  【关键词】 预算管理 会计核算 发展趋势  当前,综合财政预算是财政部门议论的热门话题,也是今后财政预算
【摘 要】 利用计算机系统,对于记账凭证库里的数据进行分类整理也是非常迅速的,一般情况下只要把正确的余额数据输入系统中,每个会计周期的期末余额也就能轻易获得。而所谓的账也是通过凭证库或者相关的各种数据派生出来的,因此,现在我们现在所说的账簿已经是虚拟化的了,并不是传统会计概念的账簿了,只是在理论上的保留。  【关键词】 会计 电算化 业务 趋势  1. 会计电算化环境的会计核算特点  1.1
【摘 要】 改革开放以来,我国民间借贷发展迅速,一方面推动了民营经济的蓬勃发展,成就了“温州模式”,而另一方面,其发展过程中所存在的弊端也不断积累,逐渐显露出来。本文以温州的民间借贷发展为对象,通过概述温州民间借贷促进民营经济发展的现状表明民间借贷存在的必要性,通过对英国《消费信贷法》的基本分析寻求我国民间借贷的发展方向,提出关于我国民间借贷发展的若干建议。  【关键词】 民营经济 民间借贷
【摘 要】 黄金自身的商品和货币属性非常适于商业银行创造新型的理财工具和金融手段。商业银行现阶段大力开展黄金业务具有得天独厚的优势。各家商业银行树立品牌意识,通过不断地开展业务创新、功能优化并加大营销宣传力度才能在个人黄金业务同业竞争中取得优势。通过个人黄金业务的大力推进必定可以带动商业银行各项个人业务的全面发展。  【关键词】 商业银行 黄金业务 发展  1. 我国黄金的发展历程:  长期以
【摘 要】 城市轨道交通运营企业是否具有良好的经济效益,对运营企业自身的可持续发展至关重要。本文尝试从提高劳动生产率,降低用电、材料消耗,提高设备利用率,降低工程造价等方面来探讨如何提高城市轨道交通经济效益。  【关键词】 轨道交通 经济效益  1. 提高劳动生产率  反映轨道交通劳动生产率的指标主要有:客运周转量/每员工、运营收入/每员工和员工数/每公里。通过下表中运营对比数据,可以大致了解运
期刊论文A Study on the US Economic Imbalance and the Trade Effect of Its Production Structure发表于2012年7期China’s foreign Trade·下半月作者张子荷 湛柏明 孟庆雷,本篇论文的所有权归原作者张子荷 湛柏明 孟庆雷所有,如果您对本文有版权争议,可与客服联系进行内容授权或下架。