On Grammar Teaching

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  关键词:语法 交际法 学生为中心
  At present, based on the theory that English should be taught as a tool of communication, the communicative approach is considered by many teachers to be a good way to teach or learn English. Therefore, the CA is gradually prevailing in language classrooms in big cities and some coastal areas in our country. As a result, grammar in such classes has become unfashionable.
  Actually, teachers have never really abandoned grammar when teaching English. One reason is that a large percentage of the university entrance examination is based on grammar, or at least connected with grammar. The other is that most teachers believe that grammar input helps students to learn the language. So it is necessary to teach grammar in language classes. Therefore, the problem is how to use broadly communicative activities in helping students to find out the way of learning about grammar instead of only being taught about it.
  Unfortunately, the present textbooks provide very few ideas for interesting and meaningful grammar practice. Usually there are either communicative activities designed to develop general fluency, or grammatical exercises mostly based on uninteresting manipulation of forms. Therefore some teachers take it for granted that the CA is of no use in teaching grammar and grammar should be taught in the traditional way—Grammar Translation Method (GTM). Obviously, GTM has advantages in teaching grammar, but in fact, thought the CA is based on language use, it is practical and useful in teaching English grammar.
  2. The aim of grammar teaching
  Grammar is often misunderstood in the language teaching field by the students. The misconception lies in the view that grammar is a collection of arbitrary rules about static structures in the language. Further questionable claims are that the structures do not have to be taught, learners will acquire them on their own, or if the structures are taught, the lessons that ensue will be boring. Consequently, communicative and proficiency-based teaching approaches sometimes unduly limit grammar instruction.
  It is true that some learners acquire second language grammar naturally without instruction. For example, there are immigrants to the United States who acquire proficiency in English on their own. This is especially true of young immigrants. However, this is not true for all learners. Among the same immigrant groups are learners who may achieve a degree of proficiency, but whose English is far from accurate. A more important question may be whether it is possible with instruction to help learners who cannot achieve accuracy in English on their own.
  It is also true that learning particular grammatical distinctions require a great deal of time even for the most skilled learners. Carol Chomsky (1969) showed that native English speakers were still in the process of acquiring certain grammatical structures in English well into adolescence. Thus, another important question is whether it is possible to accelerate students' natural learning of grammar through instruction. Research findings can be brought to bear on this question from a variety of sources (see Larsen-Freeman & Long, 1991). Pienemann (1984) demonstrated that subjects who received grammar instruction progressed to the next stage after a two-week period, a passage normally taking several months in untutored development. While the number of subjects studied was admittedly small, the finding, if corroborated, provides evidence of the efficacy of teaching over leaving acquisition to run its natural course.
  With regard to whether instruction can help learners acquire grammar, they would not have learned on their own, some research, although not unequivocal, points to the value of form—focused instruction to improve.
  3. The role of grammar in language teaching
  Grammar is described as a science which teachers' the proper use of letters, syllables, word and sentences and so on; or which treats the principles and rules of spoken written language.
  According to this definition, the aim of English grammar is to teach those who use English language to express their thought correctly, either in speaking or writing. Without grammar, it is hard to say that people can communicate efficiently and correctly.
  From this point of view, grammar is of great help in learning a language. However, when one talk about learning a language, she/he means acquiring language competence, especially communicative competence, which is defined by Chomsky as the ability to produce sentences which are grammatically correct. Canale and Swain once make a model in which communicative competence has three major components:
  ①Grammatical competence,
  ②Sociolinguistic competence,
  ③Strategic competence.
  Thus, grammatical competence is one of the competences that make up communicative competence and perhaps the basic one, so in order to learn a language, one should first know why grammar was once at the core of language teaching in English classrooms for so long a time. And it is still at the core of learning and teaching in most English in our country.
  The remaining problem is how to teach grammar for communication, and which method or approach is the most efficient and effective. For many, it is thought that by concentrating on communicative activities, the grammar will be naturally acquired through the process to communication. However, some still think that the traditional method——GTM is more useful in teaching grammar. In order to show the difference clearly, the following is a comparison of GTM and CA.
  In the GTM class, the teacher dominates the class. She/He is the center of the class management. Everything is placed to meet the needs of the teacher in order to teach the necessary item of grammar in the class. The teacher determines everything, such as how to present the grammar terms; even the students' answers to the questions are required to be in line with what the teacher has taught, otherwise a lot of explanation will be forced into the teaching process. Usually, in such a class, the teacher gives a lot of explanation about forms and rules of the target language. Relatively speaking, the time for the students practicing is very limited. Even if there is some practice, it will be firmly controlled by the teacher and often carried out by means of translation. Therefore, the students are not involved in class. They do not have the chance to discuss or carry out activities, such as pair work or group work among themselves. The activities are only between the students and the teacher. The students are simply supposed to listen to the teacher who explains the rules of grammar in details and take notes. As a result, the students are not active. The whole process of such a class is the teacher’s filling the students with grammar of the target language. Although the class is orderly and quiet, the dull atmosphere and boredom often make the students sleep. Even some naughty ones often read novels in class.
  Such is the GTM class, orderly and quiet, but dull and teacher-centered. Consequently, the more grammar the students learn, the more they find communication becomes difficult.
  On the contrary, in the CA class, all the students are led into a situation or a problem and a task in which requires everyone’s participation. They are the center of the class and everything is planned to meet their needs. The teacher’s dominance in such a class in greatly reduced, and her/his main role is to respond to the students’ need. If it is necessary, the teacher even become a participant, moving about in the classroom, taking part in the conversation, discussing with the students. In such a class, the students are so interested that they actively take part in every activity. In this sense, the CA class is learner-centered.
  In conclusion, grammar is very important in helping students master the target language. Without grammar students will feel their English becomes fluent but at the same time very inaccurate. Those who consider grammar is not useful and efficient for the students to communicate have probably overlooked that grammatical competence is one of the competences which make up communicative competence. Those who take it for granted that grammar should be learned in the GTM and that the CA has no use in learning grammar do not really know that there is a bridge between the CA and grammar.
  When grammar is considered as a meaning resource, it will be obvious that in teaching grammar, the CA is more applicable than the GTM. If students are asked to tell about something related to themselves, most tasks and exercises which are connected with the old methodology can be made communicative.
  In order to use the CA properly in teaching grammar, one should pay attention to the following strategies involved in the process:1.Student-centered;2.Teacher's role as manager as well as informant; 3. inductive;4.informal setting;5.encourage activities among students and between teacher and students;6.stimulate students to find out the rules of the language rather than to teach them what they are.
  If these strategies are well used in grammar classes, students will be interested in learning grammar. Many kinds of communicative activities such as pair work and group work can be combined, so that a relaxed classroom atmosphere is formed. In this way, while learning grammar, the students will also acquire communicative competence. This is really killing two birds with one stone.
  [1] 张凤,《讲究实效——交际化课堂教学的基本原则》,《中小学外语教学》,1998年,第二期
  [2] 胡壮磷、刘润清、李延福,《语言学教程》,北京大学出版社
  [3] 李庭芗,《英语教学法》,高等教育出版社
  [4] 胡春洞、王才仁,《英语学习论》,广西教育出版社,1996年
  [5] 徐立吾,《当代英语实用语法》,湖南教育出版社
  [6] 刘学忠,《英语学科之视角:素质教育的课堂教学特征》,《课程 教材 教法》
化学是一门以实验为基础的学科,化学中的绝大多数知识都是前人从实验中得出的。另外,近几年的高考理综卷中,高考化学实验部分赋值高(约20%)。再有,现在的素质教育更是把培养和提高学生的实验能力作为科学教育的重要目标。因此,在教学中如何将实验教学过程设计成为一个愉快的学习过程,从而提高学生的实验兴趣和实验能力,提高学生学习化学的热情,显得尤为重要。    一、妨碍学生学习化学实验兴趣的原因分析    学
语文是一门开放的学科,语文与生活同在,“语文学习的外延与生活的外延相等”,语文也是一门重要的工具学科。如果把学生框在教室里,局囿于教材中,每日在题海里翻滚,这种教学模式显然已不能够适应新课程体系下教学的要求。在现代信息时代,我们语文课也应该跟上时代的节奏,如果能够充分利用现代化教学的手段,便可使语文课上得生动且具感染力。    一、增强学生的学习兴趣    传统的教学方式都是教师讲,学生听,一支粉
笔者认为教师在语文教学中不但要教授学生文化知识,更应该以语文教学为基础,渗透品德教育,提高学生的品德修养。  素质教育下教师不仅仅要关注学生的成绩,更要关注学生的思想。作为语文教师,不应该逼着学生背诵、默写、考个好成绩,而是应该更多地关注学生的思想、品德、个性、人格等等。有的学生欺骗父母老师;有的学生不能团结互助,爱看同学笑话;还有学生没有养成良好的生活、学习习惯,更有甚者无视校规校纪,抽烟喝酒、
物理是一门以观察和实验为基础的自然学科,观察现象、进行实验,能够使学生对物理事实获得具体、明确的认识,也是理解概念和规律的必要的基础。观察和实验对培养学生的观察和实验能力,培养学生实事求是的科学态度,激发学生的学习兴趣,具有重要作用。  但常言道:“巧妇难为无米之炊”,要很好地完成实验,就必须尽力配齐实验器材,可如今,教材变了,增加了很多新实验,以前按照原来《国家实验教学仪器配备目录》相配的实验器
在各学科教学中,语文老师付出的心血最多,但产出却是最少的。多少年来,我们培养出来的学生不会说话、读书、写文章。自小学至初中毕业,学了九年的语文,却没有形成一定的语文能力。  多年的语文教学实践让我认识到,造成学生语文能力低的原因是多方面的、复杂的。一是受应试教育的影响,教师在升学指挥棒的调度下,不敢进行教学改革的尝试。二是教师急功近利思想的影响。整天想到的是升学、考试分数,盯住的是学生一大堆作业,
摘要:由于受传统教育思想的影响,教师在英语课堂教学中往往热衷于“满堂灌”,采取“填鸭式”的教学模式,使学生处于被动地位,学生的听、说、读、写技能难以得到提高。为使学生能初步运用英语进行交际,并使学生获得一定的自学能力,英语教师应该有意识地在英语课堂教学中充分发挥教师的主导作用和学生的主体作用。文章从如何体现学生的主体地位和如何有效地组织凸显学生的主体地位的英语课堂两个方面进行了论述。  关键词:英