Make tea with the pot

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  【abstract】 : Chinese tea history is very long, can be roughly points, builting a trendy "boiled tea method", Sui and Tang dynasties (flood) tea and Fried tea, the five dynasties song (flood) tea and Fried tea method and finally mature period of yuan Ming tea method. The tea style and methods of various periods have their own characteristics.
  【key words】 : making tea;tea set;The teapot
  1.The development of tea drinking style
  During the six dynasties of Wei and Han dynasties, "boiled tea method" was popular. The method of boiling tea is to cook tea leaves into soup and drink. There was no special tea set in that time. It was usually made of tea in tripod and cauldron, and tea was served in bowls. In the sui and tang dynasties, tea drinking was not only a continuation of the tea-making method of the northern and southern dynasties, but also the brewing and Fried tea. The tang dynasty tea is mainly a group cake, and also has a small amount of coarse tea, loose tea and rice tea. According to "the tea book", in the area around the border of east Sichuan, the tea leaves are made into cakes and tea, and the leaf is old, and the tea cake is made from rice soup.
  During the five dynasties period, the tea was mainly made of cake, but the making was more exquisite than the tang dynasty. In the middle of the song dynasty, tea was dominated by tea (group, cake), and later in the song dynasty, the tea was dominated by tea. In the five dynasties period, the tea-drinking method was divided into the decoction of the sui and tang dynasties, the tea method and the tea-making method. Instead of boiling the tea directly into the kettle, the tea is crushed and served in a bowl. Early to kettle boil water, the boiling overflow the filling point bowl of tea, tune into a paste, and then into the boiling water, or directly to the bowl into the boiling water, at the same time use tea Xian churn, tea foam floatation, formation of porridge.
  During the yuan Ming and Qing dynasty, tea was mature in addition to the tea-making and tea-making methods. The tea of yuan dynasty is dominated by tea, tea and tea. In the Ming dynasty, there were green tea, black tea, scented tea, oolong tea and black tea.
  2.The popularity of "brewing tea"
  The tea making method was about the beginning of tang dynasty, the late southern song dynasty and the early Ming dynasty. After the beginning of the Ming dynasty, tea leaves are made of tea.
  In the Ming dynasty, the tea processing was popular, the pot cup was established, and the pot cup was the standard of the tea set, and the teapot occupied the core position. The core of the teapot has increased the demand for its practicality. There is a lot of attention to it from the shape or the glaze. The body of the kettle becomes shorter and wider, with a bulging belly and a wide gulp to soak, wash, and place tea leaves.   In the Ming dynasty, the teapot began to become small, and could even play with it. The natural purple sand is different color, mainly purple clay, green mud, red mud, the purple sand is more porous to China, so the purple sand body is smaller and more unglazed, so that the finished products are breathable, colorable and can be played.
  3. Teapots and tea
  Tea drinking style changes, tea sets have also changed greatly. The popularity of brewing tea has brought an opportunity to the development of pot. Teapot, enjoy tea, implements the tea liquor and tea, tea of demand, so the teapot modelling appropriate exposure, so that the reward amount of tea, the smell of tea, tea, need a convergence of lotus mouth at the same time, the size should be smaller than the mouth of the teapot, in order to put the tea into the pot.
  The shape of the teapot is in addition to its "easy to use" function. Its modelling also has certain influence to the beverage, under a certain amount of material, the pot is larger, the more its capacity, the smaller the pot is on the other hand, so, in a small pot of tea, should be first for temperature warm pot, bowl, a cup of warm, to keep the certain temperature, is advantageous to the soluble content of dissolution and aroma. When the pot has the same capacity, the spout is large and the spout is short, and the spout is small and the spout is high. And the same pot type comparison, thin body thin person, heat dissipation fast, thick person is opposite. At the same time, the shape of the pot lid, the shape of the spout and the size of the stomata also have a certain effect on the tea soup in the pot. The higher the cover surface, the better the heat preservation effect of the tea soup, and the lower surface of the lid. This is because the mouth of the teapot the part above water, cover the shape decided to the size of the above part space at the border, covering the high round space is large, and the air is a kind of good insulation medium, so when matching pot type, can choose according to different tea need good insulation or heat faster. The size of the stoma is suitable for pouring the tea in the pot. The tea soup in the pot is easy to cool and the influence is beautiful. Too small, the air intake will not affect the flow of water. The shape of the spout also has a certain effect on the tea soup.
  Different tea drinking styles will be different to the shape of the tea set. The main introduction of this article is to introduce the tea drinking method, the use of the pot and the influence of the color, image and taste of the tea soup.
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