Washback Effect of CET on English Teaching and Learning in City Colleges

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  【Abstract】It is acknowledged language testing has great influence on language study. CET, the national English proficiency test in China, is recognized as an effective measurement of college English level. This essay tries to study the backwash effect of CET on students from Pu’er University, a city college in the South of Yunnan Province, aiming to find out washback effect of CET on teachers and students alike and seek a way to amplify the positive element and weaken the negative one, balancing students’ need to pass the test and their real improvement of language proficiency.
  【Key Words】CET; Washback effect; City colleges
  【基金项目】本文系普洱学院校级课题“CET对地方院校大学英语教学反拨效应的实用研究”(课题编号:2016xjkt 02)的研究成果。
  Ⅰ. CET and its washback effect study
  CET is an English proficiency test administered by the Ministry of Education in China. It can be traced back to 1987. At present, the test has over 10 million participants annually and the result of the test is recognized all over the country. The test grows in magnitude as well as importance over the years. The score of the test can determine whether a student has the chance to get a promising career after graduation, such as state-owned organizations and enterprises with higher pay. Moreover, the score is used to measure how well a college English class fulfills the requirements of the Ministry of Education. Therefore, there is a trend in college to teach what is likely to appear in the examination.
  The current CET includes four parts: writing, listening, reading and translation. And listening accounts for 35% of the whole test. After several reforms, now this part includes three pieces of news from VOA and BBC. The translation part focuses mainly on Chinese-to-English translation of Chinese traditional culture. Most students from Pu’er University do not have high English proficiency, especially poor in listening and speaking. Thus, not many students in the university can pass the test.
  And the influence of language testing on language teaching and learning is called backwash or washback. It was first explained by Pearson as follows: “ public examinations influence the attitudes, behaviors and motivations of teachers, learners and parents, and because examinations often come at the end of a course, this influence is seen working in a backward direction, hence the term ‘washback’” (Pearson, 1988, P98). Later, Alderson and Wall (1993) gave its formal definition in their article “Does Washback Exist?” They defined “washback” as the effect of testing on learners as well as teachers to “do things they would not necessarily otherwise do because of the test” (P117). In addition to these, many a scholar put forward their understanding of the effect.   It is not until the 21st century before Chinese scholars took to apply the theory to classroom language teaching and learning. In recent years, washback effect has been pushed into highlight in China. Professor Gu Xiangdong released a book about the influence of CET upon college English teaching in 2007. In the same year, she published “Characteristics of a College English Class As Well As the Effects of CET on English Teaching”. In the essay, she discussed how teachers reacted to CET in the process of teaching. Shi Xiaojuan spent 3 years following a group of test takers and concluded that CET makes students spend more time on listening, but students differed from each other about the amount of time they spent on the test. She published the result in “The Effect of the New CET Listening on Students” in 2010. Hou Xinmin
【摘要】莫言2012年获得诺贝尔文学奖后,越来越多的学者关注莫言作品的翻译与传播。许多学者认为,正是由于葛浩文先生的翻译,才使得莫言的文学作品在全世界闻名。可见,葛浩文在翻译活动中所采取的策略发挥了令人无法忽视的作用。本文试以《红高粱家族》英译本为研究对象,分析与总结葛浩文在译前以及翻译过程中所采取的翻译策略,希望对其它的文学作品的译介与传播有一定的借鉴意义。  【关键词】葛浩文;翻译策略;归化;
【摘要】英语课程标准的科学合理构建与全面有效实施是促进英语教学改革的关键环节,对提高英语教学质量具有指导性意义。为寻找五年制高职英语教学难的突破口,本文从当前五年制高职英语课程标准存在的问题、我院英语教学现状等方面入手,结合实际学情与职业需求,以我院为例对五年制高职英语课程标准的编制与应用进行了探索与研究。  【关键词】五年制高职英语;课程标准;编制与应用  【作者简介】赖鹏丽,湖南石油化工职业技
【摘要】兴趣是最好的老师。激发学生英语学习的兴趣,让学生快乐地学习英语,从而为他们的将来奠定基础是每一位英语老师的职责。笔者结合自身教学经验,针对本校生源多样化而形成英语学习不浓的现状进行分析探索,充分运用陶行知解放儿童的理论,站在儿童立场,运用有效的英语学习策略,让学生从英语学习中窠臼中解放出来,让他们轻松学英语、说英语,用英语,进而激发学生的英语兴趣。  【关键词】兴趣培养;小学英语教学;英语
【摘要】近年来,随着我国旅游业的迅猛发展,旅游英语变得越来越重要。本文结合当前旅游英语专业的现状及其教学特点,制定了综合型旅游英语人才培养目标,在高校开设更多实用性旅游英语课程,就如何培养出符合市场要求的综合型旅游英语专业人才进行探讨研究。  【关键词】实用旅游英语;课程教学;改革与创新  【作者简介】陈莉,中南林业科技大学涉外学院。引言  我国传统教学观念中的应试教育观念在学生心中根深蒂固,当前
【摘要】语言技能教学是中等职业学校英语教学的重要组成部分。听力和口语技能通常是语言技能培训的最前沿,是语言四种技能的基础。目前,中等职业学校英语听说教学的教学现状不容乐观,特别是如何落实教学效果的概念。为此,笔者通过文献方法,经验提炼方法等考虑了原因,并结合学生在课堂上的实际设计来设计课程。  【关键词】中职英语;听说;有效教学  【作者简介】杨丽韡(1982-),女,汉族,甘肃天水武山人,甘肃省
【摘要】随着我国社会经济发展的不断进步,对于教育问题也有了越来越多的关注,尤其是在现如今经济全球化的发展背景之下,对于高校英语教育提出了越来越高的要求,因此教学方式也在不断地被改进,在当今的学术研究当中,情景认知理论得到了越来越多的关注,并且在高校的英语翻译教学当中发挥出了很大的作用,提高了英语翻译教学的有效性,课堂氛围更加有趣,学生的学习效率也有了很明显的提高。  【关键词】情景认知理论;英语翻
【摘要】传统的教学模式相当沉闷,忽略了学生的教学地位,课堂气氛沉闷。 教师不应只关注讲授知识,而应关注如何传授知识。 互动学习模式打破传统教学模式,提高学生参与度,让学生积极参与,提高互动教学质量。 教师可以通过互动教学有效地达到教学目的,极大地调动师生的积极性和创造性。  【关键词】初中数学;课堂互动;问题;策略  【作者简介】周晓宁,重庆永川萱花中学校。  随着我国经济的快速发展,对外沟通交流
【摘要】隨着课程改革的不断深化,培养学生阅读思维品质和思维能力日显突出,有效的问题链可以引导学生展开有深度有广度的阅读。本文旨在通过初中英语课堂阅读教学的实际,着重从阅读教学的问题链创设展开论述,阐述如何在英语阅读教学中通过创设“问题链”来激发学生进行积极的思考、想象、探疑;进而培养学生的完整思维能力和较强的逻辑能力。本文结合教学实例,探讨指向学生思维发展的初中英语阅读教学的具体实践。  【关键词