Heterogeneity in painting

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  Following the accelerating pace of globalisation,an increasing number of individuals are going abroad to broaden their horizons,which is feasible and frequent and then the public are more likely to spread or transmit promptly their information,symbols,images,values,and beliefs taking advantage of the internet and communication technology.In addition,globalisation is not only the sharing of a high-tech society but it also involves the acceptance of certain values and ideas so that it is unavoidable that the spread of perspectives and values would not reduce cultural diversity.
  Apparently,one of the dominant arguments embraces the statement that globalisation,a ubiquitous phenomenon,leads to the damaging of culture via cultural swapping so that it is attempting to give rise to one homogeneous culture (Barber,2003).That is to say,the decrease of unique cultural identity arises from globalisation.However,there is an opposing argument that globalization will not lead to the disappearance of culture and that dominant culture has not weakened the weaknesses of minority culture,but strengthens the strengths of it.As Lane and Ersson (2003) commented,globalisation proceeds have witnessed a couple of phenomena that involve the strengthening of cultural identities,or more correctly the search for new cultural identities including mixing culture alongside globalisation.In addition,globalization has an inclination to increase distinction in cultural expression,because in cultural exchange,it struggles to blossom to the kinds of cultural expressions.In other words,it creates more diversity (Cowen,2002).This can be seen in the way where the ming ling of culture or cultural hybridisation,are utilised and promoted.Plus,globalisation provides an opportunity for different countries to interact with one another and communication among different people,which is not restricted by geographical factors so that such opportunities are likely to increase,information is likely to spread far and wide,forms of expression are likely to diversify.Overall,cultural interaction and cooperation are advantageous through globalisation.
  This increased heterogeneity of cultural expression,although there is rarely homogeneity.Diverse forms in painting adequately demonstrate distinction due to cultural shock and cultural integration.Obviously,forming a creative way of expression and sharing a range of distinction as well as taking advantage of all cultures can be seen in the following the example of Vincent Van Gogh’s Portrait of Père Tanguy.The Portrait of Père Tanguy was painted by Vincent Van Gogh who is an eminent and influential post-impressionist artist.This artwork exemplifies global heterogeneity on account of the fact that it is the most manifest artwork under the greater influence of ukiyo-e which is a genre of Japanese art,Japanese woodblock prints,among Van Gogh’s artworks.In the early sixteenth century,ukiyo-e became highly prevalent and was a source of muse to many Impressionists and post-impressionist artists in Europe including Van Gogh,even though other kinds of art were popular as well (Volk et al.,2004).In fact,Japanese geishas,Fujiyama and other Japanese elements were clearly utilised by Van Gogh in the artwork.What is more,the influence of ‘Japonaiserie’ which Van Gogh created this term to express the effect of Japanese art and specifically Japanese prints is still evident in this work reflecting the Japanese culture and tradition with his strong outlines;the use of overt colors is an element typical of Japanese woodblock prints;use of color contrasts and cropped compositions reveals the great Japanese impact on his work (VanGoghGallery,2017).Therefore,it represents that different styles from different countries offer the artists an opportunity of standing on the shoulders of giants and drawing inspiration from the masterpieces.
  Consequently,it would be seen that paintings around the world is more various than in the past because of diverse factors and mainly the impact of globalisation.
◆摘 要:立足理解性学习,发展学生数学能力是小学数学教学的重要任务之一。首先要关注知识体系,让理解性学习更优化;其次要关注数学经验,让理解性学习更深层;再次要关注数学史料,让理解性学习更丰富,从而让理解性学习更好促进学生数学能力的发展。  ◆关键词:知识体系;数学经验;数学史料  培养学生的数学能力是小学数学教学的重要任务之一,也是学生数学核心素养的重要组成部分。但是,无论让学生具备哪一项数学能力
◆摘 要:随着教育的发展,近年来许多学校开始逐步缩小班额,实行小班化教学,并重视新型教学模式的探索与应用。而对于初中数学教学来说,小组合作学习是一个很好的选择。本文分析了一些初中数学小班化教学策略,以小组合作学习为主的教学模式在初中数学课堂中的应用。  ◆关键词:小组合作学习;小班化教学  我们都知道,学校教育的目的是让每一个学生都能得到不同程度的提高和发展。而小班化教学的核心也是如此:关注每一个
◆摘 要:随着新课程改革进程的不断推进,德育课程已经成为我国当代中小学教学课程的主要内容之一。大中小学德育内容的有效衔接,既是基于学生生命成长的立场,又为对学生生命成长和生命发展打下坚实基础的过程。基于此,本文以论大中小学德育内容的衔接--基于学生生命成长的立场为题展开积极讨论。  ◆关键词:德育教学;学生成长;衔接  大中小学德育内容的衔接是需要学校在课程内容设计方面做好德育课程的设计与安排,保
◆摘 要:有些农村留守儿童,在隔代教育环境下,缺少父母的关爱,容易养成狭隘的自我认识,表现出固执、多疑、拒绝接受批评、甚至冲动有攻击性等偏执型性格表现。本文以偏执型性格的一名小学生为例,进行成因分析并开展行为辅导策略研究。  ◆关键词:偏执型性格;行为辅导  深圳是座移民城市,在小学中,有些转学来深的留守儿童学生,因从小在农村和祖父母辈生活在一起,容易养成狭隘的自我认识,表现出固执、多疑、拒绝接受
◆摘 要:相较于初中数学,高中阶段的数学知识难度更大,运算量和运算复杂程度也在增强。运算能力是一名高中生必须具备的能力之一,在核心素养背景下,为强化学生的运算能力,需要教师向学生传授解题思路与运算技巧。本文从核心素养视角下培养高中生的数学运算能力的重要性入手,讨论在对高中生数学运算能力培养中存在的问题,并分析如何在核心素养视角下培养高中生的数学运算能力,希望对提升学生运算能力有所帮助。  ◆关键词
◆摘 要:传统英语教室中的教师注重“灌输式”教学方法,但是这种方法已被证明是有缺陷的。传统的教学方法在一定程度上损害了学生的课堂热情,影响了课堂效率。英语教学中的课堂导入被认为是提高英语课堂质量的有效方法。本文从英语教学中的课堂导入的原理入手,分析了英语教学中的课堂导入的必要性,最后提出了一些具体的课堂介绍策略。  ◆关键词:初中英语;课堂教学;课堂导入  导入(lead in)是英语课堂教学的第
◆摘 要:高中思想政治是一门理论性和实践性相结合的基础性学科,高中政治的学习对于学生良好世界观、人生观和价值观的形成具有至关重要的作用。进入新时代,为了贯彻落实党的教育方针和立德树人的根本任务,政治认同作为高中政治学科核心素养之一并放在首位。培养学生的政治认同是政治学科最根本的任务。本文从教师政治素养提高,确定目标优化教学,创设情境价值引领,实践体验强化认同等维度探索新時代背景下高中思政课堂学生政
◆摘 要:現代学徒制是国家教育部提出的一项重要的人才培养模式改革措施,旨在深化产教融合、校企合作,完善校企合作育人机制,创新技术技能人才培养。克拉玛依职业技术学院钻井技术专业在现代学徒制试点过程中,与克拉玛依市地质工程有限责任公司进行了探索与实践,对落实教育部要求以及推广现代学徒制经验,起到了重要的作用。  ◆关键词:钻井技术专业;现代学徒制;产业学院  现代学徒制是中华人民共和国教育部于2014
摘 要:《爱莲说》是我国古代文学作品中非常经典的一篇,作者通过莲花的描写,托物言志,表达了自己对于世俗名利的淡漠,崇尚清廉高洁的君子形象,但是与当时年代的道家、佛家等对于君子的观点又略有出入,强调在世俗的环境下保持不贪不媚为人,本文主要结合原文,将莲花的高洁形象进行简单分析。  关键词:莲;赞歌;《爱莲说》  《爱莲说》作者是北宋时期文学家周敦颐,生于1017年,于1073年去世,享年57岁,是儒