
来源 :校园英语·下旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jn27
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  This paper explores the status and relationship between English Majors’ professional learning motivation and self-identity, hoping to provide a new perspective for researchers in the field of self -identification. The research method is to investigate 151 graduate students of the English major by questionnaires, and use SPSS16.0 to do analysis. The research tools include learning status questionnaire and OchsePlug (1986) self-identity scale. Questions include: what are the types of professional learning motivation of Postgraduates of English majors? Is there any correlation between their professional learning motivation and self-identification? How are they related?
  The validity of the learning status questionnaire is analyzed first. The results show that KMO=0.806, p=.000. KMO among 0.8~0.9 are better, indicating that the data are suitable for factor analysis. Characteristics of each factor value between 1.251 to 4.594 that were higher than the acceptable values(1); each factor contains items load value between 0.424 and 0.807 that were higher than the acceptable values (0.3), It indicates that the 3 factors of professional learning motivation has a good structure validity. Meanwhile, the number of samples is good, because the number of participants is 5 times the number of items. But the serious imbalance between men and women is close to 1:9, which doesn’t consider gender factors. If the conditions are allowed, it is best to control the gender variables and maximize the exclusion of gender.
  The overall internal consistency coefficient was 0.829. The three factors are 0.787, 0.752 and 0.614 respectively. It shows that the questionnaire has a high reliability.
  Then, the statistical results show (Table 2): three types of motivation are significantly positively correlated with self-identity in the 0.01 level. Besides, the author also uses One-way ANOVA to show that individual factors have little influence on learning motivation, type of motivation and self-identity. This conclusion answers the second research questions. The motivation of professional learning is mainly related to self-identity and has little correlation with individual background.
  In order to answer the third research question, the author divides the total score into three groups according to the conventional grouping mode: high, middle and low motivation level. After that, the author takes the professional learning motivation group as the independent variable and the self-identity as the dependent variable and uses the GLM-Univariate to analyze the variance. Data (Table 3) show a positive proportional relationship. That test variance analysis results between the two groups: the effect of different levels of motivation in self-identity change significant difference (F =10.194, SIG =0.000, R =0.110). After Post Hoc test, the multiple level comparison of motivation levels showed that there were significant differences between professional learning motivation group:   There is only one independent variable in the study, and the variable has three levels, so that it requires repeated measurements to form several independent variables. Therefore, the author uses GLM-Univariate to repeat the variance of the dependent variable. In the basis of positive proportional relationship, the difference variance between groups was measured by ANOVA. Sig=0.000 was used to reject the H0 hypothesis. In order to find out the specific differences between specific groups, the author uses post hoc test to compare the mean in pairs, and there are significant differences between the three levels.
  In this paper, a series of data analysis is carried out for three research problems. The paper is clear and advanced step by step. Finally, the experimental results are obtained. As a whole, the quantitative data analysis of the paper is successful.
【摘要】随着教育改革的推进,中职英语教学已经逐渐采用一种新型的教学方法,即任务型教學,通过对学生任务安排的方式,让学生在活动中提升自身的英语能力。由于中职学生大多数由于英语基础不牢,对于英语语言敏感度低,更加需要这种新型的教学方法提升英语学习兴趣,增强对于英语学习的热情,最终促进学生的全面发展。  【关键词】中职英语;任务型教学;英语阅读  【作者简介】陆莹,昆山花桥国际商务城中等专业学校。  中
【摘要】本文结合平时教研和教学实践,探讨多媒体在初中英语阅读课堂各个教学环节中的灵活运用,通过直观新颖的方式创设丰富的情境来激活课堂,从而有效地激发学生的阅读热情和阅读思维,优化学生阅读效果,充分体现“以学生为主体”的教育理念。  【关键词】多媒体;激活;阅读教学  多媒体辅助英语教学,作为一种新型的“教学武器”已从当初少数教师在各类各级研讨课上展现的 “秘密法宝”转变为中小学英语教师必须掌握的一
【摘要】“一带一路”战略背景带来的是对外语复合型人才的大量需求。中国文化走出去需要语言作为媒介。而目前的大学公共英语教学,在中国文化传播功能方面,有所缺失,存在严重的“中国文化失语”现象。“一带一路”背景下的大学英语教学应加强学生跨文化交际能力的培养。提升学生对中国文化英语能力的表达。因此有必要进行大学英语教学改革,设立中国文化英语课程,加强学生英汉互译的能力,培养新型的复合型人才。  【关键词】
【摘要】本文从中学英语语法结构和词汇体系构成了中学英语语言学习的支点两个维度入手,论述了中学英语语法知识的习得和词汇积累的途径。通过构建中学生英语学习的支点以提高学生的综合语言运用能力和英语学科素养。  【关键词】英语学习;语法;词汇;支点  引言  依托建构主义的学习理论,针对我国中学生英语学习的积极性不高和学习效果不佳的现实,本文将从语法和词汇两个维度谈谈构建中学生英语学习支点的几点尝试,以期
【摘要】在大数据时代不断靠近的情况下,高职院校若想保证自身的教学状态,提升学生的学习质量,就应该及时地端正教师的教学理念,优化教学模式以及教学手段,合理地利用现代化的技术开展教学。在此过程中,高职院校的教师们不仅会遇到新的机遇,同时也面对着较大的挑战。基于此,本文将以高职英语教学为例,对大数据为高职英语教学带去的机遇与挑战进行分析。  【关键词】大数据;高职英语教学;教学机遇;教学挑战  【作者简
【摘要】矛盾修饰语是一种特殊的语言现象,起初是修辞方法之一,所以很多学者从该角度探究矛盾修饰语现象。随着认知语言学的兴起和发展,它可以应用到很多领域,所以本文拟从认知的角度研究矛盾修饰语。  【关键词】认知语言学;矛盾修饰语;整合  一、矛盾修饰语简介  “oxymoron”源于希腊语。在古希腊,“oxus”指“强烈的、犀利的、刻薄的”,“moros”指“沉闷的、愚笨的”。所以“oxymoron”
【摘要】基于对当前翻转课堂实践的反思,本文采用问卷的方法考察了33位参与双语教学翻转课堂的学生态度,从教学生态学与系统动力学角度出发对翻转课堂进行全面的系统的分析,研究课堂生态因子间的动力矛盾及其导致的失衡现象,并且提出可行性的解决转化路径与方法。  【关键词】翻转课堂;双语教学;生态动力系统  【作者简介】春光,女,硕士,讲师,内蒙古师范大学外国语学院,研究方向:双语教学,教师教育。  【基金项