My first day at senior high 我的高中第一天

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  1 I knew my first day of high school would be challenging. There would be higher expectations and the teachers would be stricter. Would I fit in? Would I make friends? Would I have nice teachers? Would I look like an ugly duckling(丑小鸭) among my classmates? But my mum told me that I was great. Then I was hopeful about the new day.
  2 On Friday, one day before the first day of school at La Ca ada High School, the phone rang. Sounding incredibly serious, the principal said that school would be delayed until Tuesday because of the fire in La Ca ada Flintridge. Frustrated as I was with the fire, strangely, I was also happy because I had several extra days of vacation.
  3 On Monday evening, I was preparing for my big day. My red backpack was filled with new notebooks. Then the phone rang. Again the principal told me to stay at home. I could feel the anxiety growing inside of me. When was school going to start? I just wished that the first day of school would hurry up and come soon.
  4 Finally it was Wednesday. The real first day of school, I walked into campus feeling nervous. Everything looked different. The middle school buildings looked so cute. I looked at my schedule. The fist period was German. I took a deep breath as I opened the door to my first class. Class started and quickly I was fascinated by the teacher. He was a magician who had a superpower that kept me spellbound(着迷的). The other teachers were also so great. My first day slipped away quickly before I could even realized it.
  5 In the evening, I recalled what had happened on my first day of high school. All in all, it was really amazing. I enjoyed all my teachers, classmates and classes. I was able to see my friends who I didn’t see all summer. But most importantly, I am now in high school. I am well on my way toward a successful high school career!
  Ⅰ. Choose the best answers according to the text.
  Detail 1. What got rid of my anxiety according to paragraph 1?
  A. Making new friends soon. B. My successful experience.
  C. My mother’s encouragement. D. Greater expectation of the new life.
  Detail 2. How did I feel at the principal’s first announcement?
  A. Lonely but hopeful. B. Frustrated but happy.
  C. Depressed and worried. D. Angry and disappointed.
  Inference 3. What can be inferred about my first day at high school according to the text?   A. It went by slowly and made me homesick.
  B. It began with an interesting physics lesson.
  C. It started as planned despite an unexpected fire.
  D. It made the author hopeful about his high school life.
  Structure 4. In what order is the text organised?
  A. Time. B. Places. C. Characters. D. Importance.
  Ⅱ. Discussion
  What did you do to prepare for your own first day of high school? What happened to you on that day? What do you think of your first day of high school? Please share your own story with your classmates.
  Ⅰ. Discover useful structures in the text
  1. “adj. as 主語 ...”,as引导倒装句,意为“尽管……”。
  Frustrated as I was with the fire, strangely, I was also happy because I had several extra days of vacation. 尽管我因这场大火感到沮丧,我也莫名其妙地感到高兴,因为我的假期又可以多出几天了。
  2. before与can/could/be able to连用,意为“还未来得及……就……”。
  My first day slipped away quickly before I could even realized it. 我甚至还没意识到,我的第一天很快就溜走了。
  Ⅱ. Memorize some text?鄄centered chunks
  make friends (with) 与……交朋友
  look like 看起来像……
  be hopeful about 对……充满希望
  because of 由于;因为
  prepare for 为……做准备
  stay at home 待在家中
  take a deep breath 深呼吸
摘 要:托马斯·哈代的《还乡》是众所周知的哈代的“性格与环境小说”之一,该书中的女主人公游苔莎则是性格和环境双重作用下的牺牲品。本文拟从文学伦理学的角度分析游苔莎最终酿成悲剧的原因,身处维多利亚时期的游苔莎由于其言行不符合当时所处社会的伦理道德面临着伦理困境进行了错误的伦理选择,其对我们现如今和谐社会的建设具有一定的道德启示。  关键词:哈代;《还乡》;性格;伦理  作者简介:李杨(1993-),
刘宇昆,美国华裔科幻作家,1976年出生于兰州,11岁移居美国。曾凭借短篇小说《手中纸,心中爱》获得世界幻想文学大奖“星云奖”和“雨果奖”,也是《三体》第一、三部的译者。在国内出版的作品有《思维的形状》《杀敌算法》等。  因为小学五年级就去了美国,刘宇昆现在的中文说得并不利索,虽是母语,反而像门新学的外语。但他极少中英文混杂。“我的中文写作现在仍是小学五年级的水平,但在理解和鉴赏中文方面,还是不错
摘 要:作为一个特立独行的作家,王小波的作品无论在叙事、结构、手法还是语言上都别具一格。他的创作受到了东西方不同文化的影响,丰富的文化资源成为他学习艺术的动力。翻译文学是王小波接触到西方文化资源的最主要的桥梁。其中王道乾先生的译笔和文学语言更是对王小波产生了不容小觑的影响。  关键词:王道乾;语言艺术;王小波;影响  作者简介:覃琛然,广西大学文学院2013级学生。  [中图分类号]:I206 [
摘 要:作为现代中外戏剧的巨匠,易卜生和曹禺的文学关系一直以来为学界所关注。曹禺本人也在不同的环境中提到易卜生与自己的关系,尽管表述有所不同,但是不能否认易卜生对其戏剧创作的影响。本文以易卜生《娜拉》和曹禺《雷雨》为例,从创作背景和形象差异两个方面探寻易卜生对曹禺的影响及曹禺对易卜生戏剧的超越。  关键词:易卜生;曹禺;《娜拉》;《雷雨》  作者简介:罗茜莎,女,安徽阜阳人,安庆师范学院文学院文艺
摘 要:珍妮特·温特森作为当代英国畅销小说作家之一,其首部代表作《橘子不是唯一的水果》以半自传体的形式向读者展现了同性恋这一边缘群体,在自我身份认同中所面临来自个人,家庭以及社会的多重压力,而最终选择了勇敢面对最真实的自我。主人公珍妮特从而走上了一段心灵上的自我救赎,坚持本我的道路。最终得以破茧重生的心路历程。  关键词:《橘子不是唯一的水果》;身份认同;自我救赎  作者简介:修姝君,女,吉林延边
摘 要:契诃夫是俄国短篇小说创作的杰出代表。他塑造的艺术形象栩栩如生,创作题材广泛丰富,涉及俄国社会生活的各个层面。本文以小说《姚尼奇》为例,从小说标题入手简要分析契诃夫笔下部分知识分子无力摆脱环境影响,最终丧失其本性和信仰的可悲结局。契诃夫在作品中批判知识分子精神危机,并提出了个体的存在意义和价值问题。  关键词:契诃夫;标题含义;知识分子;庸俗  作者简介:王泽宇(1990-),黑龙江省牡丹江
摘 要:与上个世纪的诗歌创作相比,新世纪的诗歌面临着来自于现代化生活、商品经济潮流和诗歌自身发展需要等多方面的挑战。缺乏新意、艺术失衡的新诗因无法对社会现实产生足够而直接的影响而陷入了信任危机,日益走向边缘。新世纪诗歌生长的可能与希望在哪里?不为外部环境所惑,坚守诗歌阵地的诗人们在对传统文化的缅怀中,选择回归传统,寻求新世纪诗歌的诗意“突围”。本文拟从西化倾向的理性反思、精神家园的缅怀建构和文化自
北極每年都吸引着成千上万的游客来参观当地的野生动物和美妙的景观,同时体验 当地文化。  The icy beauty of the Arctic attracts thousands of visitors every year to see its wonderful wildlife, landscape and local cultures. Visitors can take ships
作者简介:李正阳(1999012-),男,山东省临沂第三中学2014级13班高中在读。  你說,城市绵延不绝,你看不到世界的尽头。那双落寞的眼神,一如原始的忧郁。你看不到世界的尽头,可我却看见了你的尽头——在珍妮弗尼号的怀里燃烧,没入了大海,灰飞烟灭。你的孤独,虽败犹荣。你的寂寞的心有光的地方便能安放。  寂静的深夜里我安然的读着1900寫给他朋友最后的话语,然后一字一句地摘抄在白纸上,送给自己。
【摘 要】   网络教学平台被越来越多的使用于职业学校的教学之中。为了了解其在学校教学中应用的现状与问题,本文通过对全国各地的50多所职业学校的网络教学以及网络教学平台的实际情况进行调研,调查了职业学校在网络教学平台的建设以及教师使用平台现状等方面的情况,分析了在平台建设和教学实施中存在的问题与不足,并对如何设计职业学校网络教学平台的功能以及如何发挥平台效能进行了探讨。  【关键词】网络教学平台;