【摘 要】 皮格马利翁效应证明,教师肯定性评价语,对学生学习的进步、成绩的提高能起到较好的激励作用。尤其是教师为学生的英语作业写评语。
【关键词】 评语;措施
【中图分类号】 G64.24 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 2095-3089(2016)25-0-02
1. 当前教师给学生写评语的现状
2. 改进写评语的措施
2.1 适应性
·Will you please do your work better next time?
·Well, your handwriting is very good.
·Wonderful, your English is very good and your written answers are clear throughout.
·That’s great ! Please keep up the work, Success comes by hard work and constant efforts.
·You are an excellent who has a natural gift for languages.
·I’d like to see your fast development of your written and oral skills in English.
2.2 及时性
·You are great. I’m proud of you.
·You’ve made fabulous progress and I do not doubt that you will succeed.
·Wonderful ! I appreciate what you have done in your exercise-book and believe you will be successful in your English study.
·I’ll be glad to see that you will do your home-work better next time.
·This is the best I have seen today.
·The harder you work, the sooner you will improve.
2.3 鼓励尝试
现代教育心理学认为:成就动机能够很好地激发人的学习动机。学生们都是渴望成功的,成功的动机是一种巨大的情绪力量,它能使学生产生主动求知的心理冲动,这在做作业中也会表现出来。因此,教师在给学生布置作业时应注意尽量少一些千遍一律的抄写题,多一些可适当自由发挥的题目或问题,让不同程度和有不同爱好都有自己发挥想象的空间和提出不同观点的机会,然后不失时机地给予表扬或鼓励的评语。这样,可以使每个学生都有成功的机会。例如,在教学英语有关食品方面的内容时,我们布置的作业大可不必让学生抄写vegetable, beef, rice, tomato, bean等等英语单词,可以提出一些实际问题让他们去解决、去回答:What’s your faviconite food? What Chinese diet do you like ? What western diet do you like ?What do you like for lunch? What kinds of food do you usually have every day?…然后再根据学生的回答情况,教师给予不同的表扬或鼓励: ·I agree with you that we should eat healthy food and the Chinese food is the healthiest food in the world. I marvel at the maturity of such a young child as you.
2.4 真情感动学生
·Although you were late in achieving, you have caught up well with your studies. I would like to see you getting fast development of your written and oral skills in English.
·You have done your work better this time. I believe that is impossible as ling as you work hard. Practice makes perfect. I’d like to see you participating more in class activities.
·It is the same in studying as in eating, he who does it is not he who sees it done.
·Not only energy, but also persistence is necessary to success.
2.5 与学生的平等讨论
·Nothing is more precious than time. Do you agree with me ? Would you like to tell to tell me your own opinions and your timetable ?
·What do you think about this ? Is only a suggestion. I’d like to see you persisting with your opinions if you are right.
·The great use of a school education is not only to teach you things but to teach you the art of learning.Do you think so ?
2.6 因材施教,授人以渔
·Where there is a will, there’s a way.
·It is not helps but obstacles that make a man.
·It is a rule never to be forgotten that whatever strikes strongly should be described while the first impression remains fresh upon the mind.
·Your answers show you have real ability in the course, and you are developing increasing depth of thought and clarity of expression in your written work. But there are some grammar mistakes in it.
·Your work is a marvel of neatness and order. I am sure there is nothing difficult for us to learn. If we learn it, the difficult thing will be easy ; if we don’t the easy thing will be difficult. Don’t you think so ?
·You have given a lot of facts on the whole. That is good. If they had been put in a more logical order, the whole essay would have been cleaner.
[1]张均祥 “‘自主学习’教改实验中的教学评价思想”,《教育实验通信》2000年第4期
[2]钱歌川 《翻译的技巧》,新加坡南洋大学出版社,1972年
[3]孔庆炎 《英语》,全国成人高等教育规划教材,高等教育出版社,1998年
[4]刘礼进 《实用英文写作》,中山大学出版社,1996年
【关键词】 评语;措施
【中图分类号】 G64.24 【文献标识码】 A 【文章编号】 2095-3089(2016)25-0-02
1. 当前教师给学生写评语的现状
2. 改进写评语的措施
2.1 适应性
·Will you please do your work better next time?
·Well, your handwriting is very good.
·Wonderful, your English is very good and your written answers are clear throughout.
·That’s great ! Please keep up the work, Success comes by hard work and constant efforts.
·You are an excellent who has a natural gift for languages.
·I’d like to see your fast development of your written and oral skills in English.
2.2 及时性
·You are great. I’m proud of you.
·You’ve made fabulous progress and I do not doubt that you will succeed.
·Wonderful ! I appreciate what you have done in your exercise-book and believe you will be successful in your English study.
·I’ll be glad to see that you will do your home-work better next time.
·This is the best I have seen today.
·The harder you work, the sooner you will improve.
2.3 鼓励尝试
现代教育心理学认为:成就动机能够很好地激发人的学习动机。学生们都是渴望成功的,成功的动机是一种巨大的情绪力量,它能使学生产生主动求知的心理冲动,这在做作业中也会表现出来。因此,教师在给学生布置作业时应注意尽量少一些千遍一律的抄写题,多一些可适当自由发挥的题目或问题,让不同程度和有不同爱好都有自己发挥想象的空间和提出不同观点的机会,然后不失时机地给予表扬或鼓励的评语。这样,可以使每个学生都有成功的机会。例如,在教学英语有关食品方面的内容时,我们布置的作业大可不必让学生抄写vegetable, beef, rice, tomato, bean等等英语单词,可以提出一些实际问题让他们去解决、去回答:What’s your faviconite food? What Chinese diet do you like ? What western diet do you like ?What do you like for lunch? What kinds of food do you usually have every day?…然后再根据学生的回答情况,教师给予不同的表扬或鼓励: ·I agree with you that we should eat healthy food and the Chinese food is the healthiest food in the world. I marvel at the maturity of such a young child as you.
2.4 真情感动学生
·Although you were late in achieving, you have caught up well with your studies. I would like to see you getting fast development of your written and oral skills in English.
·You have done your work better this time. I believe that is impossible as ling as you work hard. Practice makes perfect. I’d like to see you participating more in class activities.
·It is the same in studying as in eating, he who does it is not he who sees it done.
·Not only energy, but also persistence is necessary to success.
2.5 与学生的平等讨论
·Nothing is more precious than time. Do you agree with me ? Would you like to tell to tell me your own opinions and your timetable ?
·What do you think about this ? Is only a suggestion. I’d like to see you persisting with your opinions if you are right.
·The great use of a school education is not only to teach you things but to teach you the art of learning.Do you think so ?
2.6 因材施教,授人以渔
·Where there is a will, there’s a way.
·It is not helps but obstacles that make a man.
·It is a rule never to be forgotten that whatever strikes strongly should be described while the first impression remains fresh upon the mind.
·Your answers show you have real ability in the course, and you are developing increasing depth of thought and clarity of expression in your written work. But there are some grammar mistakes in it.
·Your work is a marvel of neatness and order. I am sure there is nothing difficult for us to learn. If we learn it, the difficult thing will be easy ; if we don’t the easy thing will be difficult. Don’t you think so ?
·You have given a lot of facts on the whole. That is good. If they had been put in a more logical order, the whole essay would have been cleaner.
[1]张均祥 “‘自主学习’教改实验中的教学评价思想”,《教育实验通信》2000年第4期
[2]钱歌川 《翻译的技巧》,新加坡南洋大学出版社,1972年
[3]孔庆炎 《英语》,全国成人高等教育规划教材,高等教育出版社,1998年
[4]刘礼进 《实用英文写作》,中山大学出版社,1996年