On the Application of Spider—web Theory in Expanding College Students’ Vocabulary

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  【Abstract】Based on his own research on vocabulary teaching in college, the author has put forward such a “Spider-web Theory” creatively to be applied in the vocabulary teaching practice. It makes use of numerous links between word and other linguistic units, to connect one word with countless others. And these links are vividly compared to spider-web lines. And it is concluded that Spider-web Theory can be extremely efficient in the vocabulary teaching practice in Wuchang Institute of Technology.
  【Key Words】Spider-web Theory; vocabulary teaching in college; amount of vocabulary; spider-web line
  1. Introduction of Spider-web Theory
  This theory developed by American economist H. Schultz, Italian economist U. Rick and Netherlandish J.T Inberge, was first proposed in 1930’s and was named by British economist N. Kaldor in 1934. And this theory has been widely introduced into various relevant fields, including psychology, physics and economics, with various specific applications.
  The students’ memory of English words can be enhanced through the imitation of a spider web, which specifically refers to the various relationships between one word and the others, as well as between one word and a proverb, a story, and even a vivid language environment, etc. This is the definition of Spider-web Theory applying in the vocabulary teaching of college students.
  2. Spider-web Theory in Teaching Vocabulary in Colleges of China
  The students’ memory of English words can be enhanced through the imitation of a spider web, which specifically refers to the various relationships between one word and the others, as well as between one word and a proverb, a story, and even a vivid language environment, etc. This is the definition of Spider-web Theory applying in the vocabulary teaching of college students. Specifically, various spider lines in such a methodology include: semantic lines, phonetic lines, spelling lines, word-formation lines, collocation lines, culture lines, sentence lines, language environment lines, grammar lines, and logic lines. Such numerous lines can form a large “spider web” with one word as the center.
  2.1 Semantic Lines
  Semantic lines indicate that the meaning of words is taken advantage of in the process of teaching vocabulary to college students in China. Actually, in the process of learning a foreign language, the first and foremost task for students is to understand the meaning of that target language. It goes without saying that the links of meaning between one word and the others can be used in remembering them.Specifically, there exist four sub-types of semantic lines between the English words, namely synonyms, antonyms, polysemes and hyponyms, all of which can serve as a spider-web line in the process of strengthening the students’ memory of English words.   2.2 Phonetic Lines
  Phonetics refers to “the study of sounds”(Hu: P31). Nevertheless, phonetic relationship can also be adopted in teaching students how to remember words. Words with the same vowel can be grouped together, such as bright——sight——fright——might——thigh——sigh. Also, words with the same pronunciation rule can also be put in one group, such as climb——tomb——comb——womb. What is more striking is homonymy, which is “two words having the same sound”(Hu: P403) but different spelling and meaning, such as night and knight.
  2.3 Spelling Lines
  The spelling rules can be applied in teaching vocabulary to the students. Words with the same ending can be linked in the web, such as propose——compose——dispose——impose——suppose. Also, words with the same spelling rules can be another relationship between those words, including gulf, roof, chief, serf, belief, proof, and handkerchief, in that they are all added with an “s” when in plural form.
  2.4 Word-formation Lines
  Generally speaking, the formation of words might involve derivative and compound words, in addition to other means involving the origin of words. Since there exist some obvious rules in word formation, word formation can constitute the fourth line in the huge spider web. Among derivatives, there are some words with the same prefix, such as decrease, depreciate, degrade, and devalue, which all begin with “de-”.
  2.5 Collocation Lines
  The term collocation refers to “a habitual combination of words which sound natural”(Longman: P192). “Strong coffee” is a typical collocation while “powerful coffee” is not. Practically, such collocations have become set phrases and some even become a member of vocabulary. Thus, the fifth spider-web line has come into being by making use of their collocation rules.
  2.6 Culture Lines
  If some words are connected with some foreign cultural knowledge, they will definitely stay in the students’ mind for a much longer time. Some words’ origin itself is a story, which is relevant to culture and can enhance the students’ memory. For example, the word “news” comes from the first letters of four directions: north, east, west and south; the famous cigarette Marlboro comes from the first letters of one sentence: Men always remember love because of romance only.
  2.7 Sentence Lines
  A more efficient way of remembering English words is to put them into a sentence. In order to achieve a more effective outcome, special sentences are preferred during the process of remembering words, including idioms, proverbs and apothegms. For example, the word “Rome” can be connected to three proverbs, namely “Rome was not built in one day.”, “All roads lead to Rome.” and “When in Rome, do as Romans do.”   2.8 Language Environment Lines
  When it comes to the language environment, it is no longer a new subject in memorizing English words. However, the author has put forward some specific techniques in helping the students building up the spider-web of vocabulary. Language environment might include relevant place, time, people and surrounding and so on.
  2.9 Grammar Lines
  Compared with Chinese, English enjoys a much more complicated grammar system. In spite of some exceptions, there exist a lot of grammatical rules in that language. Therefore, some words share one rule or another, for which they can be put in one group.
  2.10 Logic Lines
  Since it is apparent to everybody, logical relationship may also constitute a line to join one word with others. More specifically, there exist different types of logical relationship between one word and another, including reason and cause, condition and result, turning, means and effect etc.
  3. Some Tips about Spider-web Theory in Vocabulary Teaching
  In order to achieve an ideal effect in teaching English words through such an innovative methodology, the following tips should also be emphasized:
  3.1 Every line, as well as its connection with other lines, is boundless.
  3.2 Repetition is an effective way to remember words, for which there always exists repetition in building up the students’ spider webs.
  3.3 Disorder can be neglected due to the fact that vocabulary deals with numerous words.
  3.4 One or two above lines might be broken. However, the remaining lines can bind the word in your mind firmly..
  4. Conclusion
  In this Spider-web Theory, the links between one word and other issues can bind them together, which can extraordinarily lengthen the duration of the words in the students’ minds. What’s more, Spider-web Theory is based on various approaches of teaching vocabulary home and abroad. It has absorbed significant advantages from those methods and some new ideas have been formulated, which altogether forms a brand-new system. Consequently, it is more scientific and complete in the vocabulary teaching study.
  [1]Hoey,M.Pattern of Lexis in Text[M].Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press,2000,6.
【摘要】初中英语知识体系相对于小学英语来说更为复杂,其教学更加系统化,灵活利用合理的教学模式为当前的学生建立完整的英语知识体系,明确学习方法,提升自身的英语综合能力,全方面发展。基于此,本文从当前的分层教学模式对初中英语阅读教学的重要性入手,深入进行分析,结合实际情况,提出有效的应用策略,以供参考。  【关键词】分层教学模式;初中英语;阅读教学  【作者简介】仲维娜(1986.06.20-),女,
明珞研发的全自动化生产线  在经济全球化的时代,各国贸易都是深度融入全球产业链当中。“链”上利益交织同时也是相互依存的,中国企业与全球企业同处一条“链”上。  贸易战是否会加速产业转移,并最终使得中国和全球产业链“脱钩”?  事实上,我们有充分的理由相信,其他国家没有足够的技术劳动力和基础设施来取代中国,至少在短期内如此。更重要的是,价值低的商品可能会被淘汰迁出中国,而中国新一轮高速发展,离不开全
【摘要】随着新课改的不断进行和深入,课堂教学的质量问题也重视起来了,课堂教学策略的优化也成为了一个热门的话题。确实,在初中英语的教学中,认真备课,充分利用教学资源,提高学生的主体性,轻松、自然且高效的做好课堂教学是非常重要的,毕竟是课堂是学生学习的主要场所,也是老师进行教育教学的主要阵地,是师生共同完成教学任务的主战场。  【关键词】初中英语;新课改;策略  【作者简介】罗艳,江苏淮安涟水县郑梁梅
【摘要】任務型教学法有助于实现 “以学生为中心”,而合作学习与其互动性原则不谋而合。故本文以《捷进英语》(第三版)第一册为例,将任务型教学法和合作学习有效结合于英语课堂实践,详细探讨了教学设计和实践步骤及注意事项。  【关键词】英语教学;任务型教学法;合作学习  【作者简介】杨婧,重庆文化艺术职业学院。  【基金项目】本文系重庆文化艺术职业学院院级课题《合作学习在大学英语有效教学中的实践与研究》,
2019年2月28日,越南河内,金正恩与特朗普在结束一对一首脑会晤后走出会议室  3月5日凌晨,朝鲜劳动党委员长、国务委员会委员长金正恩乘专列返回平壤,结束了以河内“金特会”为主轴的长达10天的外访行程。此前,在越南河内举行的第二次美朝峰会上,金正恩与特朗普提前结束了谈判,双方没有达成任何协议。这与早前外界的预期大相径庭。  举办这次“金特会”的建议,是平壤主动提出的。金正恩乘坐60多个小时的火车
【摘要】美国作家乔纳森·萨福兰·福厄的长篇小说《特别响,非常近》是9/11文学的代表作品,小说中包含大量的看似毫无逻辑实际上有丰富含义的对话。本文用格莱斯的合作原则来分析《特别响,非常近》中的对话,推导其隐含的会话含义,旨在透过语言来发现9/11文学不同于其他文学作品的人物形象和特点。  【关键词】《特别响,非常近》;9/11文学;合作原则;会话含义  【作者简介】甘泽学,山东师范大学外国语学院。
【摘要】本文针对有些老师脱离语境孤立地教学单词的现象,结合自己的教学实践论述在小学英语教学中如何基于语篇、语境教学单词,帮助学生在语境中理解词义、掌握其用法,达到灵活运用所学的单词进行交际的目的。  【关键词】小学英语;语篇语境;单词教学  【作者简介】陈广,深圳市宝安区第三学区教育办。  《英语课程标准》(2011年版)提出,现代外语教育注重语言学习的过程,强调语言学习的实践性,主张学生在语境中
【摘要】本文以2018年“两会”记者招待会及其翻译为例,结合释意理论,对语料进行分类并分别加以分析,试探性地为汉语习语的口译策略做出了总结。  【关键词】释意理论;习语口译;“两会”记者招待会  【作者简介】张宏伟(1991-),男,汉族,山西太原人,太原工业学院外语系,助教,主要从事翻译理论与实践领域研究。  随着中国继续推进改革开放,向世界传递中国声音变得更加重要。而“两会”记者招待会无疑是让
一种语言是一种生活方式,承载着一个民族的文化,体现着一个民族的风貌,蕴含着一个民族的人文精神。在当今这个多元世界中,语言担负着和平使命,它是国际间交往和文化传播中不可或缺的桥梁。走向世界的中国,需要体现自己的个性,需要把自己的文化传向全世界,因此,需要加快汉语的国际推广步伐。  2005年首届世界汉语大会在北京的成功举办,让世界上那些了解和不了解中国的人们通过汉语这个传播的使者走近中国,开始感知中