Talking about the Methods andSkills of English Translation

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  【Abstract】English is a must-have subject in the education stage. If you want to learn English well, the most important thing is to understand the meaning of phrases and sentences. However, some students do not have good translation methods and skills, which makes it difficult to improve their English scores. This article explains some methods and techniques of English translation for students to refer to, and thus enhance their English learning ability.
  【Key words】English; translation method; translation skills
  1. Addition and translation methods
  The so-called additional translation method refers to different ways of thinking, expression and language habits in English and Chinese. Appropriate addition of words or phrases in English translation, so that translated Chinese can accurately English. The meaning of the original text is expressed. This method is generally used in Chinese to English. Since Chinese generally has no subject, and most English sentences contain subjects, in the process of translation, the subject is supplemented according to its specific context, so that the translated English sentence structure remains intact. it is necessary to add the pronouns in time; in English-Chinese translation, it is necessary to make appropriate deletions according to their context.
  2. Conversion method
  The conversion method refers to the conversion of some sentence patterns and voices in the original text in order to ensure that the translation can match the meaning of the original text when translating. Specifically, from the perspective of part of speech, the noun is converted into a pronoun, a verb or an adjective; the verb is replaced by a noun, a preposition, an adverb, and the like. From the perspective of sentence composition, it is necessary to convert its subject into a fixed, a shape, a guest, a table; a predicate is converted into a main, a fixed, a table; the attributive is converted into a shape, a main, and so on. From the perspective of sentence patterns, it is necessary to convert the parallel sentences with the compound sentences and convert the adverbial clauses into attributive clauses. From the perspective of voice, it is necessary to turn the active voice into a passive voice. Mastering the conversion method is a better way to translate English.
  3. Split syntax and merger
  Breaking the syntax, divides a long or complex sentence into short, simple sentences. This method is generally used in English to Chinese. The merger method is the opposite of the split method, which is to combine some short sentences into one long sentence. This method is generally used in Chinese-English translation. The main emphasis of Chinese is that the meaning is reasonable, so the sentence structure is loose, there are many simple sentences; while English mainly emphasizes the form is reasonable, so the sentence structure is relatively tight, and the long sentences are more. Therefore, in the process of translating Chinese into English, it is necessary to use a combination of conjunctions, prepositions, attributive clauses, etc. to combine multiple Chinese short sentences into sentences; when translating from English to Chinese, it is necessary to have a relationship in the original sentence. Pronouns, adverbs, or subject-verb connections are split and then translated reasonably so that they can fully translate English and conform to the basic English order.   4. Positive translation and reverse translation
  The normal translation method and the reverse translation method are generally used in Chinese-English translation,and English-Chinese translation occasionally uses these two methods. The translation method refers to the English translation in the Chinese language order; the anti-translation method refers to the English translation in the opposite direction to the Chinese word order.The translation effects of the two methods are the same, but compared with the normal translation method, the anti-translation method is consistent with the expression of English and the logical thinking habit. Therefore, it is more reasonable to use the reverse translation method for translation.
  5. Inversion method
  The modifiers of Chinese attributives and adverbials are usually placed in front of the modified words,and the English modifiers are usually placed behind the modified words.Therefore,in the process of English-Chinese translation, the English word order should be reversed. It can also be said that when translating from English to Chinese, the sentence structure of English should be logically arranged according to Chinese, so as to accurately translate English.
  [1]Li Dan.Using Translation Teaching to Deepen Students’Exploration of Professional Understanding and Language Communication[J].Journal of Liaoning Institute of Science and Technology,2017,19(06): 74-75 78.
【摘要】本文借用外语学习动机中的自我决定论,对当前网络直播课中初中生的英语学习动机和自主学习能力进行了分析,并提出了增强学生学习动机和自主学习能力的策略。  【关键词】直播;自我决定论;初中生;学习动机;自主学习  【作者简介】邵玉萍,南京师范大学苏州实验学校。  一、 文献综述  1. 外语学习动机。历史上主要有四种学习动机理论:强化动机理论,需要层次理论,成就动机理论和成败归因理论。在二语习得
【摘要】通过对我国法律英语教学的现状及存在问题的探讨,提出“双 ”“双重”的ESP教學模式,并应用于《法律英语》课程教学,以提高我校法学专业学生的培养质量。  【关键词】法律英语;双 ;双重  【作者简介】熊天添(1980-),女,湖南长沙人,湘潭大学外国语学院,讲师,硕士,研究方向:外语教学与跨文化交际、法律英语。  【基金项目】湖南省教育科学“十二五”规划课题“基于世界大学城空间教学平台的《看
【摘要】近年来,英语阅读课备受推崇,从短篇小说到诗歌,已经有很多优秀的教师在这一块做了有益的尝试和示范。笔者欲在此根据多年开设阅读公开课的经验,尤其是結合本次参加苏州市“高中英语拓展阅读”研讨会的收获与读者分享如何打造英语阅读课的“高级感”。  【关键词】英语;阅读课;高级感;PPT  【作者简介】杨静怡,常熟市浒浦高级中学。  一、引言  “高级感”是最近很火的词汇。人们把有着令人过目不忘的魔力
【摘要】大学英语作为通识教育的重要组成部分,其教学应与时俱进,充分将信息技术与课堂教学有效结合,从而实现信息化技术在英语教学中良好应用。本文笔者从信息素养的概念及信息化背景下英语教师如何提升信息素养角度出发,分析了当前高校英语教师信息素养现状以及存在的问题,并提出通过转变教育理念、提高信息素养与英语课堂的融合能力的解决方法,从而实现教师信息素养的提升。  【关键词】信息素养;提升;现状;解决方法 
【摘要】现阶段,教育事业的逐渐发展对中职学生的英语水平提出了更高的要求,这无疑大大推动了分层教学法的推广和应用。分层教学法在中职英语教学中的应用不但能够有效提高课堂效率,同时还能够在一定程度上提升学生的综合素养。基于此,对分层教学模式在中职英语教学中的应用开展研究,分别对授课过程、教师、学生进行分层,并及时、准确和有针对性地进行反馈。  【关键词】分层教学;中职英语教学;应用;学习效率  【作者简
【摘要】众所周知,高中英语课程对于学生未来发展以及核心素养的提升有着非同寻常的意义。而英语阅读教学更是高中英语课程体系的重中之重,如何才能做好英语阅读教学工作成为教育者必须要研究的重要课题之一。本文笔者将基于核心素养培养的需求,对高中英语阅读课教学模式进行分析,希望能够为有关人士提供一定的参考。  【关键词】高中英语;阅读教学;核心素养;有效性  【作者简介】邹淑娟,福建莆田第十中学。  高中英语
【摘要】当前,社区大学老年英语教学还处于探索阶段,参加老年英语课程学习的人数相较其他专业而言还比较少,还没有统一的老年英语教材。本文笔者结合在兰州社区大学近3年的老年英语教学经验,在学习研究国内老年英语教学文献的基础上,总结分析了目前老年英语教学现状及存在的主要问题,探讨了老年英语教学的策略,以期为老年英语教学提供借鉴和参考。  【关键词】老年英语;教学现状;策略  【作者简介】杨荣(1980-)
【摘要】高中英语口语教学过程中,教师应明确英语教学改革对于高中英语教育的重要意义,在进行英语教学过程中,要有针对性地做好内容依托式教学法的应用,本文主要結合内容依托式教学法在高中英语口语教学中的应用展开了研究探讨。  【关键词】内容依托式;教学法;高中英语;口语教学;应用研究;探讨  【作者简介】迟凤丽(1982.05-),女,汉族,黑龙江牡丹江人,长春市九台区实验高中,一级教师,本科。  高中英