应用维生素 K_3与氨茶硷止喘对照观察488例。治疗组使用维生素 K_3注射剂,1岁以下2mg/kg/次,1岁以上1mg/kg/次,喘憋重者一日总量加入10%葡萄糖液30ml 静滴。对照组用氨茶硷常规剂量口服,重型加地塞米松静滴。两组皆对症给氧、强心、纠酸、补液、镇静等。治疗组显效220例(88.7%),好转24例(9.6%),无效4例(1.6%)。结果表明:维生素 K_3治疗喘憋显效快、显效率高、疗效确切、无副作用,且简单易行、安全有效,尤其适合基层应用。
Application of vitamin K_3 aminophylline and asthma control 488 cases observed. Treatment group using vitamin K_3 injection, 1 mg / kg 2 times a year, 1 mg / kg more than 1 year old, wheezing and weight were added to 10% of the total daily glucose solution 30ml intravenous infusion. The control group with oral dose of ammonia theophylline, heavy plus dexamethasone intravenous infusion. Both groups symptomatic oxygen, cardiac, correcting acid, fluid, sedation and so on. The treatment group was markedly effective in 220 cases (88.7%), improved in 24 cases (9.6%), ineffective in 4 cases (1.6%). The results showed that: vitamin K_3 treatment of asthenia was markedly effective, markedly effective, effective, no side effects, and simple, safe and effective, especially for grass-roots applications.