Pursue true love and grasp happiness yourself

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  【Abstract】“Jane Eyre”, Charlotte Bronte’s best litertature. The novel throbs with heart-beats of its author. In writing it, Charlotte Bronte drew a great deal from her own life experience. The story strikes me and impresses me, especially Jane Eyre’s character of rebelling, longing for equality, kindness, detesting money, pursuing her teaching career and pursuing love from inferiority to self- confidence. Certainly I also can get some enlightment from the whole story.
  【Key words】Jane Eyre,character,rebelling,pursuing love,pursuing teaching career
  【中图分类号】 B025.4 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】 1001-4128(2011) 09-0011-01
  “Jane Eyre”,Charlotte Bronte’s best literature.The novel throbs with heart-beats of its author. During writing the novel,she drew a great deal from her own life-experience.“Jane Eyre”tells the story on an orphan girl,the daughter of a poor parson shortly after birth.She lived at the household of her uncle,but after her uncle dies,her aunt,Mrs.Reed,an unfeeling woman who is rude and unjust to the poor orphan.Mrs.Reed is furious and get rid of Jane by sending her to a charity school for poor girls in Logwood. Maltreated by authorities and leading a half-straved existence, Jane stays there for 8 years.Then she gets a position of governess in the family of Mr.Rochester,a rich require.Rochester falls in love with Jane,and she with him.They are about to marry when Jane breaks the engagement on the wedding day,learning that Mr. Rochester has a wife,a raving lunatic.Shocked by the news,Jane flees from the house.She goes through a lot of hardships and meets a parson working as a teacher in village school.Meanwhile,a great misfortune befalls Mr.Rochester.He loses his sight during a fire in the house set by his mad wife who dies in the fire.Hearing that, Jane Eyre hurries to him and becomes his wife.
  The story strikes me.Jane Eyre,an insulted,persecuted girl in capitalistic society,whose whole life was sympathized.And her chareacter of frankness,kindness,her spirit of being unwilling to be insulted and safeguarding women’s personality dignity, her spirit of daring to rebel, pursuing true love and teaching career, all these impresses me.
  When Jane Eyre was in her childhood at Mrs.Reed’s home, her character of rebelling showed obviously.
  Facing all John Reed’s violent tyrannies,all his sister’s proud indifference, all his mother’s aversion,all the servants’partiality, she asked herself“why was I always suffering,always brow-beaten, always accused,for ever condemned?”So she pointed his cusin and said,“Wicked and cruel boy!You are like a muder,are like a slave driver,you are like the Roman emperors!”Jane Eyre was taken to Logwood school at last,there she found“the mess to consist of indifferent potatoes and strange shreds of rusty meat”“burnt porridge is almost as bad as rotten potatoes‘in winter’,their clothing was in sufficient to protect us from the severe cold”.And just in this dark surrounding,and under the unfair treatment Jane’s struggling and resistance are more distinct.When the woman teacher instantly and sharply inflicted on Burn’s neck a dozen strokes with the bunch of tigs.Jane saw it and made it in her mind, then she said to Burs,“And if I were in your place I should dislike her: I should resist her;if she struck me with that rod,I should get it from her hand;I should break it under her nose.”These immovable words clearly shows the low-class women were bearing the sorrow deeply at that time, but also they did not bow to the surroundings, to the fate,on the contrary they dare to rebel,such was the symbol of new awakening of many women at that time.
  Certainly the period when Jane stayed in Logwood school is just her thinking’s mature period.These eight years she changed a lot.And 8 years later,through her hard trying,she came to Thornfield. Externals have a great effect on the young.
   Indeed Jane met Rochester,and fell in love with him,the loving experience between them is the main plot in the book, through this plot,Jane’s characters and her extraordinary kind, simple and sincerity were deepen.In the loving course,Jane had self-confidence decisive and insist her own selection,even made sally on her own initiative.
  Jane loved Rochester in her own ways.Although at the beginning she felt herself inferior,for example,when she heard of the things between Rochester and Miss Ingram,she felt self-contemptuous.But after observing for some time,she was sure,“he is-I felt akin to him,--I understand the language of his countenance and movements:though rank and wealth sever us widely,I have something in my brain and heart,in my blood and nerves that assimilates me mentally to him.”From then on,she had confidence to gain Rochester’s love.As a matter of fact,she had realized her advantages,she was a lady,he looked much better than she did when Bessie saw her;she had more color and more fresh;more life,more vivacity,because she had brighter hopes and keener enjoyments.
  Jane wants Rochester’s love,which must be on the basis of equality.And she reminded Rochester of facing and respecting her position of common people constantly just look when Rochester asked her to stay,she retorted,“do you think I can stay to come nothing going you?Do you think I am automaton?—a machine without feelings?And can bear to have my morsel of bread-snatched form my lips,and my drop of living water dashed from my cup?Do you think,because I am poor,obscure,plain,and little, I am soulless and heartless?And full as much heart!And if god had gifted me with some beauty,and much wealth,I should make it as hard for you to leave you.I am not talking to you now through the medium of custom,conventionalities,nor even of mortal flesh;it is my spirit that addresses your spirit;just as if both had passed through the grave,and we stood at god’s feet,equal—as we are!”Such is Jane’s declaration of independence and equality.
  At last,Jane was perfectly happy to devote her“eyes”and“hands” to Rochester,because Jane loved Rochester more,and she could be helpful to him really,which she thought was real equality.
  Jane Eyre‘s spirit of rebelling and pursuing the love impress me. But her pursuing the teaching career is also distinct.So Jane Eyre becomes one of women’s rightsism in western lterature.
  Jane Eyre had been wanting to found a school by herself, she thought being a teacher is to cultivate.And women have the capability of doing the word.What’s more,in the course of fighting with Rochester’s new life?In Thorn Field when Rochester was in despair,Jane opened his eyes of spirit, told him life truth. So after Jane left, Rochester was not despair again. When thay met again and recommence their life, Jane became his“eyes”,became his real helper.At last, although Jane Eyre did not found a school, she has educated many people,such as Adele and her students.So Jane Eyre pursuits not only love,but sublime undertaking—teaching career.
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  [2] 康林,《世界文学名著选评--<简爱>浅谈》,江西人民出版社,1976.
  [3] Clment shortered:The Brongtes & their crirde(J.M,Dent & some, London1914).
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【摘要】 在创新教育的春天里,教师该如何在教学中激发学生的美好情感,引起学生积极的情感反应,达到情境交融,教书育人的实效呢?本文主要从:(1)深入教材,挖掘情感因素。(2)创设与作品相关的教学情境,以境生情。(3)以情引情,拨动学生心灵的情弦。(4)通过朗读,渲染情感。(5)以灵活多变的教学形式,激发学生的学习热情。(6)献出爱心,建立融洽、和谐的教学氛围。六个方面来阐述一下自己在新课标理念下,语