Disney Stories: Does it really effect on real life?

来源 :校园英语·下旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ppaann850729
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  The aim of this research paper is to explore the underlying meaningful of Disney Story. In order to achieve this aim, this paper conducts critical evaluations of theories offered in past literature. It is hoped that the reader of this paper will gain a better understanding of the reason why many people addicted to the Disney Story and what is the Disney Story’s contribution of the real world.
  1. Introduction
  Disney enterprise is a storytelling organization performing excellence. As an example of media convergence or have cultural imperialism has become somewhat of burgeoning (Wasko and Crimes, 2004). Disney is an artful and managed happy construction of the storytelling enterprise to reveal influence on people’s lifestyle (Boje, 1995). They are attracting thousands of people who care passionately about it (Sarah, 2004). Thus,there are many fans of Disney Story in the word, they are addicted to stories line and characters, such as: Snow White, Cinderella, Mickey Mouse, etc. The author therefore suggests it is interesting to understand the stories how to impact on modern life. The author believe that those people will have some special reason why like Disney stories, and will explore the depth reason.
  2. Literature review
  These literature review will conclude with a brief critical evaluation and discussion of the three theories highlighted. So it is necessary to explore the inner thought of Disney Story fans via the theory study and find the phenomenon that the story how to effect on real life.
  2.1 Narrative Transportation Theory
  Transportation into a narrative world refers to the feeling of being lost in the world of a narrative, of being completely immersed in a story and leaving the real world behind (Melanie, 2008). Define narrative transportation as the extent to which an individual empathizes with the story characters or the story plot activates their imagination, these is the main reason of people to experience suspended reality during story reception (Tom, et.al, 2014). People will ‘lost’ in a story and light-hearted atmosphere, and will be attracted by its humorous and witty plot of Disney Stories (Green
【摘要】思维导图是新的学习方法,是革命化的学习工具。思维导图在初中英语课堂中运用,可以扩大教学容量,提高课堂效率,促进学生的思维发展。文章结合初中英语教学案例,分别从词汇、阅读、语法和综合技能等几类主要课型而简单进行分析和研究。  【关键词】初中英语 思维导图 词汇 阅读 语法 综合技能  思维导图是一种模式,是打开学生思维的强有力的图解工具,能帮助学生理清思路、把握重点,利于学生克服思維障碍。思
小学英语教育中,实施素质教育,提高教学质量,是当前小学教育的首要任务。提高英语教学质量的方法颇多,我们要因材施教,实事求是地采取适合本校条件、本班情况的具体措施来完善常规教育教學。笔者近几年在学校课题的引领下从这几方面展开尝试,取得了较好的效果。  一、了解学生学情,建立和谐家校关系  家庭是孩子接受教育的第一课堂,家庭教育是学校教育的基础。作为一名教育工作者,我觉得重视家校合作是全面提高我们教育
【摘要】随着当前初中英语教学制度的不断改革,多数初中英语教学模式都采用了情景教学法,而情景教学法对于初中英语教学起到了关键性作用,因此,情景教学法在初中英语教学中的应用变得尤为重要。  【关键词】情景教学法 初中英语教学 应用  随着当前初中英语教育制度的不断改革,英语教学对教师以及学生都提出了严格的要求,英语作为一门语言学科,它与其他科并不相同,语言在人们日常的生活和学习中的联系极为紧密,但初中
【摘要】随着多媒体教学的应用,课堂教育不再枯燥乏味,以目前的情况来看,为更好的达成教学目的,教师应该在有限的课堂时间内,运用所能收集到的教学资源对学生进行指导,提升学生的学习效率。  【关键词】影视资源 中职 英语教学  随着科技的进步发展,计算机技术得到快速进步,对各行各业造成很大的影响,对于教育业来说,多媒体教学技术的应用,是对传统教学模式的一种改革,并且对英文影视资源迈入课堂教学提供技术支持
【摘要】随着新课程改革的不断深入,一些新型教学模式也广泛应用于各个科目的教学过程中。其中,小组合作学习模式在初中英语教学中的应用,有效提高了英语课堂教学的趣味性,有利于激發学生的学习兴趣,提升学生的学习质量。本文通过对小组合作学习模式在初中创新英语教学中的应用进行分析,简要提出几点应用策略,以供初中英语教师参考。  【关键词】初中 英语教学 小组合作学习模式 应用研究  随着新课程改革的大力推进,
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【摘要】近年来,随着基础教育改革的不断深入,一个新的概念“核心素养”引起广泛关注。2014 年教育部颁布了《关于全面深化课程改革落实立德树人根本任务的意见》(以下称《意见》),提出了“核心素养”的概念。《意见》把研究制定学生发展的核心素养体系作为推进课程改革的关键领域和主要环节。在我国,有关核心素养的研究尚在初级阶段,对于核心素养的概念内涵、培养途径和测评手段尚未形成较为一致的看法。英语“核心素养