Under the background of new curriculum English grammar teaching should be strengthened in high schoo

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  【Abstract】Focusing on the language communicative competence of quality education, English grammar teaching should be combined with communicative language courses, which should adhere to the principles of language learning.Teachers in this process have to pay attention to the combination of communicative approach and traditional teaching method, and meanwhile highlight the specific requirements of grammar teaching .
  【Key words】Grammar Teaching; New Curriculum; Principles
  I. Requirements for grammar teaching in the New English Course
  The New Curriculum Standard shows that the basic knowledge of English language is vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar, function and subject included. Grammar teaching requirement in the new English curriculum standard of senior high school is to attach importance to grammar, however, grammar learning is not the final goal, but the means instead. The New Curriculum Standard advocates that Grammar teaching should strengthen students’ practical consciousness from the perspective of use, not be limited within the category of grammar itself. Nowadays, task-based teaching model has been paid much more attention. Grammar teaching aims to apply grammar into expression .
  II. Current situation of English grammar teaching in high school.
  1. The English class is really student-centered, and the performance is heard throughout the class. However, the teacher who is a “director” has little grammar knowledge explanation in class; meanwhile the students who complete certain tasks are the “an actor”.2. Though most of the old teachers have a good teaching level and experience, due to the limitations of the examination system and the increasing pressure on schools, the traditional teaching method is long-term used by them. In recent years, the young teachers who have just been on the platform without more experience, and it is not easy to cope with the new teaching materials. It turned out to be the same as the old teacher.3. Many students are used to passively accepting the language points in the classroom.
  III. Principles and Precautions of English Grammar Teaching in High School.
  1.principles of English grammar teaching in senior high schools. (1)Progressivity. In grammar teaching, it is necessary to pay attention to the breadth and depth, and we should not try to work hard for the so-called systematicness of knowledge blindly.(2)Differentiation. In English teaching, teachers should distinguish grammar items and treat them differently. Common grammar items should be practiced in detail . For easy-to-understand items, repeated practice is required until the habit of proper and skilled use is formed.(3)Pertinence. The English grammar and the Chinese grammar are from two kinds of different grammar systems, So, this need teacher carefully analyze the teaching materials in the teaching, and compare the English and Chinese grammar system and preventing them from taking the wrong place.   2. Matters needing attention in English grammar teaching in senior high schools. (1)Communicative and traditional methods. Grammar teaching is an important link to train students’ communicative competence. Mastering grammar is beneficial to the accuracy of language, and the improvement of accuracy will also promote fluency. our teaching needs to walk out a new way in line with our reality.(2)The appropriate concentration. It is the content of the grammar teaching, the concentration of material, the concentration of time, the concentration of all means and methods, so as to arouse the enthusiasm of the students to study.(3) Highlight the key points. In grammar teaching, teachers should highlight the key points and not allocate time and energy equally.(4)Grammar teaching should be combined with communicative practice. All kinds of grammatical forms serve the actual expression. When teaching a grammar item, we should talk about its practical application and put it in context as much as possible.(5) Distinguish the requirements and grasp the key points. The New Curriculum Standard compiles teaching materials based on function, disrupting the system of grammar itself. This requires teachers to read through the teaching materials, clarify the key points and difficulties, and treat all kinds of knowledge points and grammatical phenomena differently.
  [1]Zhang jianzhong, D. English Educational Psychology[M]. Beijing: police officers Education Press, 2000 (3): 6-10.
【摘要】学科核心素养是学科课堂教学的方向,也是评价课堂教学的重要指标,是课堂教学的重要内容。听说读写是高中英语学科核心素养要求下的具体实施步骤,是达成核心素养目标的重要方法,读写结合是学习英语的重要的方法,是贯彻核心素养目标的具体体现。本文以高中英语学科核心素养为基础,探讨高中英语读写结合的教学模式,为提高学生的英语水平做贡献。  【关键词】高中英语;核心素养;读写结合;教学模式  【作者简介】许
《义务教育英语课程标准》(2011年版)提出:“英语课程承担着培养学生基本英语素养和发展学生思维能力的任务。其旨在要求英语课程除了培养学生的语言能力外,还应促进学生核心素养的发展。”而思维品质是英语学科的核心素养之一,因此在设计初中英语阅读教学活动时应时刻体现学生思维品质的培养。  要想学生能够深层次地理解课文,问题设计的环节尤为重要。目前的阅读课中相当多的问题是浅层次或是无效的问题,学生的思维并
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【摘要】教材是课程设置中不可或缺的组成部分,而任务设置是教材的有机组成部分。本文从任务设置的角度出发,对高职高专物流专业英语教材《新职业英语·物流英语》(外研社版)的口语任务设置进行评估研究,发现口语任务类型缺乏多样性、任务量过多、部分任务对学生来说难度太大及口语任务本身缺乏隐含的评估机制等问题,希望能为将来物流英语教材的口语任务的教学及编写提供参考和帮助。  【关键词】物流英语;口语;任务设置 
【摘要】互动课堂的构建,是目前新课改背景下,教师们的追求,是提高课堂教学效果的主要手段。互动课堂模式的运用,既可以激发学生兴趣。也促进英语教学与时俱进,完善教育教学体系。文章主要以必修四unit2 reading教学为例,对高中英语教学中如何构建互动课堂的方法策略问题,谈几点粗浅的认识。  【关键词】高中英语;英语课堂;互动模式;构建策略  【作者简介】曹晗,江苏省盱眙中学。  在现代教育中,语言
一、引言  有人说,如果把课堂比作一池清水,那么生活就是汪洋大海;如果把课堂与生活隔绝,那么课堂就会成为一潭死水,毫无生机。作为教师,我们所用的教材具有相对稳定性,有时甚至有一些“过时”的内容,比如目前我们所用的中职英语教材第二册的Unit6 Watch for Fun, 单元教学目标之一是settle differences between family members (解决家庭成员间的分歧)
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