Analysis of “Reading and Writing Book(Book I)” of “21st Century College English”

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  Abstract: The quality of course books decides the quality of teaching. It is important to evaluate course books. The author analyzes “Reading and Writing Book” of “21st Century College English” based on the Nuttal’s reading model. Firstly, this model is presented in the opening part. Secondly, then the author discusses suitability of the course book from its content variety, authenticity and the training of language skills. Thirdly, how Nuttal’s reading principles and reading skills are reflected in such book is analyzed. Based on the discussion and analysis, conclusions are drawn that it is suitable for reading instruction; many of the reading principles and reading skills are well embodied and trained in this book. Finally suggestions are presented in the conclusion part. These suggestions include: 1) this book should be adopted more authentic materials such as poems, advertisements, recipes, travel guidebooks and so on; 2) teachers may present and train students’ reading skills systematically; 3) teachers should provide more and better non-linear text, such as colored pictures, reference book list, etc.
  Key words: reading model and principles, course books, content variety, authenticity, the training of language skills
  [CLC number] H319
  [Document code] A
  [Article ID] 1006-2831(2007)11-0076-5
  I. Introduction
  An amount of books being published is increasing. That the riches of published material for English language teaching makes a challenging task to select the right course book. Even if we have little control over the choice of textbooks, we can use them effectively according to their advantages and disadvantages. There are different criterions to evaluate course books. When analyzing the reading content of a general course book, we need to consider whether any help is given to learners in developing good reading strategies, whether reading principles are melted into it. (Cunningsworth, 2002) In the next part, the author analyzes the course book from the perspective of reading theory to find out whether reading theories are well applied to it.
  II. Literature Review
  According to Nuttal (2002), reading is a purposeful and meaningful activity. It is a communication process in which the reader should be actively involved. Reading is also considered a kind of top-down and bottom-up processing. Questions decided in the text make the reader realize what he does not understand, and pay more attention to the difficult bits of the text.
  The overriding purpose of reading is to get meaning from a text. You read because you want to get the message from the writer intended. (Nuttal, 2002) We call reading a communication process because we take advantage of the schema and prediction to make reading more effective and efficient in the process. The more the writer’s shared assumptions are, the better the reader’s understanding will be. A reader who shares many presuppositions with the writer will be able to think along with the writer and use his own experience to resolve difficulties. Prediction is important in that it activates schemata and helps reader to make sense of text and sentences. Moreover, reading is top-down and bottom-up processing. These are complementary ways of processing a text. (Nuttal, 2002) They are both used whenever we read. Sometimes one predominates, sometimes the other, but both are needed. A reader approaching a difficult text can adopt both of them as conscious strategies.
  In Nuttal’s opinion, a single sentence has four kinds of meaning: conceptual meaning, propositional meaning, contextual meaning and pragmatic meaning. Contextual meaning is crucial to effective reading and is useful to understand the propositional meaning. Pragmatic meaning involves interaction between the reader and the writer. In order to get propositional meaning or explain a sentence, we have such text attack skills such as understanding syntax, recognizing and interpreting cohesive devices and interpreting discourse markers. For the sake of getting contextual and pragmatic meaning, we have text attack skills such as recognizing functional value, text organization, the presuppositions underlying the text, implications and making inferences and prediction. Besides the previously mentioned skills, word attack skills are discussed in Nuttal’s reading model. They are as follows: say, guessing the unknown words from grammatical function, morphology and inferring the meaning from context. Of course, reading strategies also involve varying in reading rate, skimming, scanning, and utilizing non-linear text like reference apparatus, graphic conventions, figures and so forth.
  III. How are Nuttal’s reading principles and reading skills applied in this book?
  (1) In this section, the variety and authenticity principles and purposeful reading principle are applied
  The majority of the texts are selected from the magazines and newspapers in British and America during the 1980’s and 1990’s. Hence, the language is characterized by current usage. Subject and type of writing are also taken into account. A great variety of subjects and different types of writing are covered. Seen from this point, authenticity of the book is good. By studying these texts, students will expand their understanding of different aspects of contemporary English language.
  Reading is a kind of purposeful activity. Students would like to learn something else apart from language knowledge. The time when students studying in college is the key period for them to develop their learning strategies, personality and outlook of the world. The content of the texts are very practical and informative. It motivates students by making their foreign language reading interesting in itself.
  For example, text A in Unit 1 “Secret of A Students” introduces some learning strategies of successful students. When students begin their university study, they are very confused about how they will deal with their future study. Every student wants to be successful, so the tips are practically meaningful for them. This kind of meaningful text not only gives them useful information, but also makes them interested in learning the text.
  Text B of Unit 1 “Bittersweet Memories” and text C “Leaving” describe the feeling of high school graduates when they leave their high schools and their parents to go to universities. Maybe these are what they want to say but beyond their expression. So why is this kind of texts absorbing?
  (2) Numerous language exercises of different kinds are devised so that the students may consolidate and expand their language knowledge and further improve their language skills.
  The course books are basic reading material for college students, so the training of language skills can not be neglected. Large numbers of grammar, vocabulary, and writing exercises relevant to each text, such as structure, word building, translation and structured writing are provided. By doing these exercises, the students are expected to consolidate and enlarge their vocabulary. At the same time, these exercises assist them to write articles in different styles, and to enhance their reading ability.
  (3) Various types of exercises are designed so that the students may acquire integrated language skills in English.
  Listening is a summary of text A. The advantages of this include linking written English to its pronunciation, providing models for stress and intonation and generally bringing the text to life. It integrates the listening skill with the reading skills. Pre-reading Questions is a kind of integration of speaking and reading skills. These exercises are meant to be used in the classroom so as to further train the students’ listening and speaking skills. Each unit has a writing assignment to improve the students’ writing skills. The focus of training, however, is on reading skills. In this case, it can meet student’s need for improving their language skills as well as teaching syllabus’s requirement—students should acquire integrated language skills in English. The four skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing can no longer be treated as four separate single skills, as the relationship among them is that of coordination, correlation and interdependence. Oral discussion is based on reading, but at the same time it promotes reading comprehension and develops writing ability. The writing ability derives from reading; in the meantime it steps up the speaking ability. Reading, providing the students with large language input, is the fountainhead of English study. Thus, we might say that the training of the four skills, though not conducted simultaneously, is an integrative process.
  (4) Non-linear texts are used in each unit
  In each unit, there is a little picture relevant to the topic of the unit. We know the editor is making use of visual aids to motivate students to read. Different typefaces are used.
  (5) Numerous exercises are provided to train students’ reading skills
  Preview of text A, B and C gives a brief introduction to the three texts. It acts as a blurb of the unit to help the student understand the texts. Listening is a summary of text A. This is a kind of top-down processing of the texts. We make conscious use of it to try to see the overall purpose of the text, or get a rough idea of the pattern of the writer’s argument, in order to make a reasoned guess at the next step.
  Pre-reading Questions
  One of the purposes of this section is to elicit the schema and reactivate the students’ existing relevant idea and background knowledge. People of similar background tend to have similar schemata; for them, the shared assumptions are more than for people coming from different background. Let me also take unit 1 for an example. Question 2 “Look at the subheadings, 1-8, in the text. Which of these activities do you already do? In which areas do you feel you need improvement?” Question 3“Are there any ‘secrets’ to your own success as a student? In other words, do you have any special study techniques which have been very successful for you?” These two questions play a very good role in activating students’ schemata.
  On the other hand, this section also leads students to make predictions from the title of the text. Question 1 in unit 1 “Based on the title, guess what the text is about” is a good example of making prediction.
  Comprehension of the Text
  1) According to Nuttal, questions make the reader realize the problems in comprehension and focus his attention on the difficult places in the text. Actually, these exercises also conform to Frank Smith’s model of reading.
  Reading is the process of asking appropriate questions and finding relevant answers and comprehension occurs when questions are answered. If the questions are more relevant to the content, we can understand more.
  By answering the questions put forward in this part, students can understand texts better.
  2) Bottom-up processing is applied here too.
  Questions in this part make us do bottom-up processing about texts when an initial reading leaves us confused.
  For example, in unit 1, the item type of this section is True or False.
  Question 1. ____ The best students are not necessarily those who work the hardest.
  Question 2. ____ Intelligence is the key to getting good grades.
  Only from the bottom-up processing can we get the author’s idea about these questions.
  Responding to the Text
  Two or three questions here try to get readers’ response to promote interaction between the writers and the readers. Reading is an interaction between the readers and writers.
  Word Building
  Students must acquire strategies for dealing with the lexical items that really block comprehension. Word attack skills of using morphology knowledge to deal with new words are well embodied in this section. In this section, not only commonly used affixes are given, but also exercises about them are provided. So students’ this word attack skills can be greatly improved by this training.
  Reading Analysis
  The section helps students to recognize the organization of the text and this is closely concerned with one of the text attack skills. If we know the organization of an article, our reading will be more effective.
  Comprehension Questions after Text B and C.
  Reading strategies are reflected in this part. For example:
  1) Text attack skill: recognizing implications and making inferences
  e.g.: From the context we may infer that “lingua franca” most probably means ____.
  a) a mixed languageb)a common language used among people who speak different languagesc) an official of semiofficial languaged) a language used for a special purpose
  (Text B of Unit 2)
  2) Understanding the contextual meaning.
  e.g.: “Being on the bottom rung of the ladder” (para.5) means____.
  a) “being a freshman-at the lowest level of an institution of higher learning”
  b) “being unpopular among her fellow students”
  c) “being looked down upon by the juniors and seniors”
  d) all of the above
  (Text B of Unit 1)
  (6) Text B and Text C in each unit are designed not only to provide the students with more reading materials, but also to provide them an example to use a specific reading strategy presented in front of text B
  In this part, students will be taught a particular reading technique or comprehension skill and expected to put it into actual use. Some reading skills are involved in this book like recognizing main ideas, identifying supporting details, etc. For instance, skimming for main ideas and scanning for specific information are trained in unit 10 after Text B and C.
  IV. Conclusion
  Many reading principles are applied in this course book. It integrates not only the reading skills like skimming, scanning, word attack skills and text attack skills, but also integrates the training of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. As for the content, it is modern, informative, suggestive even interesting. But if further improvement is made in the following aspects, it will be a better reading course book: 1) adopt more authentic material such as poems, advertisements, recipes, travel guidebooks and so on. The more authentic the material, the more communicative the material, the more interesting the readers will be. 2) Present reading skills systematically. Because the training of reading skills scatters in different places, the training of some skills has been left out. For example, the training of interpreting discourse markers, which is very useful in reading comprehension, is rarely seen in this course book. 3) Provide more and better non-linear text, such as colored pictures, reference book list, etc. The non-linear text helps to motivate the readers’ interest, and at the same time helps them to have a better understanding of the text.
  Cunningsworth, A. Choosing Your Coursebook[M]. 上海:上海外语教育出版社,2002.
  Nuttall, C. Teaching Reading Skills in a Foreign Language[M]. 上海:上海外语教育出版社,2002
  复旦大学. 上海交通大学. 21世纪大学英语读写教程(第一册). 上海:复旦大学出版社,高等教育出版社.
尽管工业旅游在中国的兴起不过几年的时间,但在工业化较早的欧美发达国家,工业旅游早在上个世纪50年代就已流行。  我们是否可以从他们成熟的旅游项目中找到真正打开中国工业旅游那把“困惑的锁”的钥匙呢?    工业遗产旅游    在逆工业化的潮流下,人们从工业时代进入后工业时代,许多曾经的工厂和设备被废弃,然而当人们重新缅怀旧时光的美好记忆时,对工业时代的怀念便越来越重了,基于这种“怀旧”,工业博物馆等
在收藏市场的获利法则中,“不对等信息”是首要原则,于是才有了“捡漏”和“抄底”。  但在今天信息如此公开、机会几乎人人均等的条件下,  试图从奥运专卖店中买到可以日后升值的“奥运收藏品”,实属不易。      北京奥运会的纪念品众多,分为11大类40小类7000多个品种,为历届奥运会纪念品之最。其中,很多品种已被消费者“升级”为有投资价值的收藏品,邮票、纪念钞、金银币、徽章和福娃等就属于社会上可以
每年到千岛湖有500万游客,但到农夫山泉参观的大概只有5万人。  如何吸引更多的消费者前来,是农夫山泉面临的最大问题。    水清见底的浙江千岛湖,每年吸引着近500万游客前往。而这里,也正是农夫山泉选择的第一个水源地,千岛湖水面下70米深处的原水,经过3.5公里的管道,输入几乎看不到工人操作的车间,出来时便形成包装完备的瓶装水。  占据优越的源头,不仅让农夫山泉在12年的时间里,成长为中国饮料行
采访对象*王祖淦中国旅游营销策划研究院首席研究员、天津市黄土地旅行社董事长,参与过多个工业旅游项目的策划设计。    近5年时间,中国工业旅游开始萌芽并渐成趋势。身为旅游营销策划人的王祖淦参观过许多工业旅游基地,也参与过不少项目的策划设计。但他对当前工业旅游产品的态度却很鲜明:“总结起来就三个字,不合格。”但他依然十分看好工业与旅游跨界整合带来的巨大效应,期待着有一天,中国能出现真正“形神兼备”的
如今身为北京环碧堂画廊老板的李国胜,曾经是中国第一批成功的邮票市场上的淘金者,他认为中国邮票市场中最大的系统性风险是“发行量没有很好地限制”,包括这次奥运邮票的发行。而且,大多数人还属于盲目买进,甚至不惜溢价购入,这样就犯了邮市投资上的大忌。对于如今奥运邮品的大幅价格跳水现象,李国胜认为“属于正常现象”,最后他给我们指出了目前国内“奥运收藏”的三大误区所在。    误区一:奥运衍生品都有收藏价值 
跌市中,止损出局是否明智?    投资是一门学问,不是害怕亏钱就说止损 ,懒得搭理就当长线持有那么简单    止损,止赢,波段操作,抢反弹,成为最近投资的主要思路。市场异常活跃,动辄当天波动超过5%以上,快进快出又一次成为市场的主流投资思想。俗话说:跌市中的投资是冒险者的天堂。但现实又一次教育了我们,这种波动是散户投资的地狱。在散户“买入,下跌,止损”的掩护下,机构在一次次反弹中蚕食利润,在利好中
联合利华中国美容护理业务集团副总裁      下午1点,上海虹桥临空经济园区的联合利华上海总部。  办公楼里的羽毛球场,中午打球的员工刚刚散去,旁边的咖啡厅,依然坐着三三两两的人。  摄影师请王欣坐到球场边的摇椅上拍照。  “这是我第一次坐这张椅子。”王欣笑起来,身体显然还不太习惯椅子的摇晃。  出生在广东的她身材娇小,眉宇间却舒朗大气。  这座融合了咖啡厅、羽毛球场、乒乓球场,并且把竹子种在了室
尤塞恩·博尔特―世界上跑得最快的人,人们戏谑这个狂放的牙买加黑小伙打破世界纪录,是因为山药的功劳,200米夺冠后,博尔特在万千观众的掌声中,踏起了雷鬼节奏的舞步,同时,他也不失时机地把脚上跑鞋脱下来,不断地向观众挥舞,这双金光闪闪的跑鞋是来自PUMA的顶级赛跑钉鞋——Theseus II。  金色的跑鞋是比赛场上运动员的最爱,它有着某种象征意义。穿金色跑鞋的,不只是博尔特、刘翔,早在2000年的悉
我们总是想如何斗天斗地斗人,战斗前,要先进行一个“内部队伍”摸底才是。    奥运会转播有一个细节:游泳比赛的时候,津巴布韦的女选手终于拿到了一枚金牌,解说员说这个运动员目前正在美国学习心理学,这时另一个解说员补充道现在很多游泳运动员都在学习心理学,甚至是专修。两个人得到的结论是,这样比较容易了解对手和赛场的情况。  这让我想到大学的时候,上第一堂《采访心理学》时,大家脸上虔诚的表情,生怕自己的小
347枚零件,3120道工序,即使是最微小的差错,  也别怀有侥幸心理,有350道质量控制工序在等着呢。    所有的腕表都是从一张草图开始的,当它出现在草图上之时,它就开始了和数字的较量:零件的数目、工序的道数、火候的时辰……它的每一个步骤都和数字相互关联,直到它最终成型。成型之后,在小小的表盘上,指针们便开始了和时间的赛跑。是的,还是和数字密不可分,可以说,它的一生和钟表匠的双手,都在和数字较