The authors reported 1 case of hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection after being bitten. The patient was male, 35 years old, unmarried heterosexual, Australian. May 1989 due to nausea, right quarter rib pain, jaundice and health care practitioners. He was bitten during a man-to-man fight in a bar in Sydney in April 1989. No prior history of transfusion and intravenous drug addiction; steroids administered anabolic steroids for 8 weeks since 1986, no other medication taken since discontinuation of the drug; no history of jaundice; small weekly alcohol consumption (less than 5 units) . At the first visit, total bilirubin was 92 μmol / L, alkaline phosphatase (AKP) was 269 IU / L, albumin was 39 g / L, and γ-glutamyl transpeptidase was 281 IU /