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  The Winter Olympics are just a few days away. The games, at more than $50 billion, promise to be remembered as a glorious[辉煌的] event, with a long-lasting transformative[有改革能力的] effect on Russia’s south.
  With the countdown to the grand opening ticking
  away[过去(形容时间一分一秒地流逝)], let’s take a look at the first-ever Winter Games to be held in Russia and some interesting facts about them.
  Sochi Olympic venues[比赛地点] are concentrated[集中] in two clusters[一群], one on the Black Sea coast and the other high in the Caucasus Mountains. With an average February temperature of 8.3°C and having a humid[湿润的] subtropical[亚热带的] climate, Sochi will be the warmest city to have ever hosted a Winter Olympic Games.
  In addition to building 11 sports venues (plus a grand plaza and accommodations[住处] for all the delegations[代表团]), the Olympic construction project includes massive infrastructure[基础设施] building. Hosting the games required a new international airport terminal[航站楼], upgrades to local power plants and building new ones, as well as many new roads, bridges, railway lines, and tunnels.
  The torch relay started in Moscow on October 7th, 2013, before passing 83 Russian cities and arriving in Sochi on the day of the opening ceremony[典礼], February 7th, 2014. It is the longest torch relay in Olympic history. The Olympic torch reached the North Pole for the first time via[通过] an icebreaker ship and has been passed for the first time in space. The torch also reached Europe’s highest mountain, Mount Elbrus, and even the depths of Siberia’s Lake Baikal.
  There are three mascots[吉祥物] for the Sochi Games—the Polar Bear, the European Hare, and the Amur Leopard. The mascots were chosen by a nationwide telephone vote.
  The Olympics in Sochi are the second Olympic Games Russia has hosted, the first being the 1980 summer games in Moscow. Both representing[代表] the 22nd hosting of the Winter and Summer Olympics.
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  2014年索契冬季奥运会包括15个大项,98个小项。15个大项是冰球(ice hockey)、冰壶(curling)、速度滑冰(speed skating)、短道速滑(short track speed skating)、花样滑冰(figure skating)、有舵雪橇(bobsleigh)、无舵雪橇(luge)、俯式冰橇(skeleton)、冬季两项(biathlon)、北欧两项(Nordic combined)、高山滑雪(alpine skiing)、越野滑雪(cross-country skiing)、自由式滑雪(freestyle skiing)、跳台滑雪(ski jumping)和单板滑雪(snowboarding)。
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