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  What is success?The answer varies from person to person. Success may be fame, money, power or something else that could let others admire you or make you feel enjoyable. We all dream about being successful. However, to be successful is not such an easy thing like playing games. There is always a long way before you can get to the top. Mark Zuckerberg’s experience is a good example of it.
  Mark Zuckerberg is an American computer programmer, who is best known as the chairman and co-founder of social networking Facebook. In many people’s views, he is a successful man, but there are many things that people don’t know about him. Zuckerberg was interested in computer programming when he was a child and wanted to be a good computer programmer, which was the dream in his heart. When he was studying in Harvard, he once made a website which was unfortunately shut down by the school later. He dropped out of school because of the website but began his glorious life. At the beginning, he had no idea how to manage the website and the company well. But to his surprise, people who used Facebook liked it very much, which was a great encouragement for him. Later, he began to create other interesting and useful columns on Facebook, such as foods, sports, beautiful spots and so on. With Zuckerberg’s hard working, his new-born company developed in a rapid way. Then, Zuckerberg had to make a big choice when the chief executive of Yahoo wanted to buy Facebook at a high price. However, Zuckerberg refused the request, saying that it wasn’t something matter of money, that Facebook was his child and that he wanted to see it grow up. Now, almost everyone knows Mark Zuckerberg and without doubt, he has become one of the most successful men in the world.
  When people think about Mark Zuckerberg, they often compare him with Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, because both of them dropped out halfway and were considered “bad students”, but they built up from nothing and made a big difference to the world. Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates weren’t born with the ability to make a popular website and to be so successful, but what are the secrets of his success?
  First of all, the key to success is to have a great aim and a beautiful dream. Zuckerberg had a dream and was driven by it. He kept on trying and working hard to realize his dream no matter how difficult the situation was. Sometimes a successful person is just a dreamer who never gives up.
  Great works are finished not by strength but by perseverance. Courage is resistance to fear, mastery of fear, not absence of fear, When Zuckerberg began his practice, and he met many difficulties. But just like what he insisted on, it was a time for young people to explore their minds and develop new hobbies and interests. He never gave up trying new ideas and wasn’t afraid of failure. Besides, it’s of great importance to be courageous. Zuckerberg’s company wouldn’t survive in such a difficult social situation without his courage and bravery.   Time drops in delay, like a candle burnt out. Time is important for everyone. the person who doesn’t value the time will fail in the end. Zuckerberg made full use of his time and did things as much as possible, in this way, he could do more and better. it’s true that if you put even a little on a little and do this often, soon this would become big.
  As an old saying goes, “a constant dropping wears the stone”. There’s no doubt that Zuckerberg is hard-working and this spirit had a big influence on him. In my opinion, working hard is not only important for Zuckerberg, but also important for everyone who wants to be successful. No pains, no gains.
  Last but not least, time drops in delay, like a candle burns out. Time is of great importance for everyone. Whoever doesn’t value time will fail in the end. Zuckerberg made full use of his time and did as much as possible. As a result, he could do more and better.
  Everybody desires to succeed. The road to success is full of hardships and sufferings. However, on the road leading to glory, what we really need is a dream to encourage us, a heart that will never give up, determination to work hard and courage to face difficulty bravely. The dream to achieve success won’t come true overnight, but if you just keep on trying, everything is possible, just like Mark Zuckerberg, meeting success like a gentleman and taking up challenge like a man.
【摘要】高中英语语法填空题的解题方法是高中英语学习过程中的重点和难点,大部分同学由于对于语法中时态、词语位置的掌握不清,导致解题错误。本文为了能够解决以往英语语法填空题在解题过程中存在的问题,对现阶段英语语法填空题易错点进行了总结和归纳,并将笔者自身在解题过程中所总结的解题方法和解题技巧进行详细论述,希望能够帮助同学提升解题能力。  【关键词】高中英语 语法知识 填空题 解题技巧  前言  英语是
【摘要】英语否定是对句子内容进行否定,汉语否定则是对整个观点进行否定。由于英语、汉语属于两种不同的语系,在语言类型、语言结构、语言表述上存在着较大的差异性,本文主要对英语、汉语否定式的差异进行阐述。  【关键词】英语 汉语 否定式 差异 结构 表述 逻辑  前言  由于人类生活环境、思维方式上的差异,英语、汉语在表达否定含义时,部分功能有很多重合的地方,但在文化、差异等语言的表达上,存在着较大的差
【摘要】随着现代科学技术的发展,科技英语已成为一种重要的英语文体,而阅读和翻译科技英文文献也成为科研上作者一项基本素质。石油科技英语具有“客观性”、“规范性”、“科学性”和“现实性”等一般科技语篇特征。本文以笔者的翻译实践为例,辅以其它译例,拟就石油科技英语的文体特征,从词汇、词法、句法、修辞四个方面对比科技文体的英汉翻译并对科技英语的翻译策略进行探析。  【关键词】科技英语 文体特征 翻译策略 
【摘要】由于高考英语考试政策的改革,导致英语课程的边缘化,也使得英语教师职业发展道路变的更窄,但是这并不影响英语课堂在育人方面的重要作用。文学素养是高职院校教师区别于中学英语教师的一个重要特征。如何发挥高职院校课堂育人的作用,很大程度上依赖于教师文学素养的高低。本文通过调查高职院校教师文学素养的基本情况,结合高职院校英语教师职业道路的发展,初步探讨提升文学素养的有效途径。  【关键词】高职院校 英
一、教学目标  (1)知识目标:能熟练地听懂、会读、会说单词Goodbye;能初步听懂、会读、会说单词friend,句型He’s… / She’s…。并且能明白复数形式是friends。(2)能力目标:能够用英语介绍朋友;引导学生运用所学语言参与实际交流,培养学生综合运用语言能力。(3)文化意识:培养学生的文明礼仪意识。  二、教学重点难点  (1)教学重点:帮助学生整体感知及学习A板块的主要内容
【摘要】在小学英语教学过程中,阅读教学是其中的重要组成部分。这不仅有助于加强学生对于英语知识的理解和运用,还能有效提升学生的逻辑思维理解能力。本文着重探讨了小学英语课堂中阅读教学策略的优化,以期更好地推动高效课堂的构建。  【关键词】小学英语 阅读教学 有效策略  随着新课改进程的不断推进,对于小学英语课程教学也提出了更高的要求,传统英语教学模式以教师为主导,以课堂知识讲解为主要知识教学模式。英语