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  语音:美式发音 适合精听
  关键词:global warming, sea level, glacier
  A new report released this week projects that global warming will cause sea levels to rise from three to five feet over the next 90 years. That would 2)inundate many coastal regions around the globe. The report says that much of the increase is gonna come from melting ice in the Arctic and Greenland.
  The Greenland Ice Sheet is huge. If completely melted, its ice would raise global sea level by about 23 feet. No one expects that to happen in the foreseeable future. But the data collected have shown that the Greenland Ice Sheet is melting at an increasing rate. So many icebergs crash into the ocean that the edge of the ice sheet there has thinned like a 3)deflated air mattress. The same thing is happening to 4)glaciers all over Greenland.
  Earlier this week a team of scientists from the eight Arctic countries released a comprehensive study of the region. It shows that the change isn’t limited to Greenland. The entire northern part of the world, from Alaska to Siberia, is warming and changing far faster than scientists had predicted just a few years ago. But to 5)paraphrase Bob Dylan, you don’t need a glaciologist to know which way the ice flows.
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