Rhetorical Analysis of Ivanka Trump’s Address in World Assembly for Women

来源 :校园英语·月末 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sidagongsi
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  【Abstract】This paper analyzes Ivanka Trump’s Address in World Assembly for Women from the perspective of rhetoric, which aims to explore the effects of rhetorical strategies. We all college students even more people thereby get a way of our own by following and learning these successful rhetorical practices.
  【Key words】Rhetoric; address; rhetorical; strategies
  1. Introduction
  Based on the theory of rhetoric originated from ancient Greek, this paper chooses Ivanka Trump’s Address to the World Assembly for Women as research subject. The address will be examined from the perspective of rhetoric, specifically intrinsic and extrinsic proofs. By analyzing the text, the author attempts to find the rhetorical points reflected in the address. It is hoped that the research can help college students improve their performance in daily rhetorical practices.
  2. Theoretical Guidance of Rhetorical Analysis in Address
  Rhetoric refers to the art of effective speaking and writing to persuade or influence people. Under the guidance of the theory of rhetoric, the author analyzes Ivanka’s address from two aspects: intrinsic proofs and extrinsic proofs. Firstly, intrinsic Proofs: in the Rhetoric, Aristotle first proposed this concept and divided proofs into two kinds: intrinsic and extrinsic. Intrinsic proofs refer to three kinds of arguments: logos, ethos and pathos. Secondly, extrinsic Proofs: In modern times, students are usually taught that there are only two kinds of extrinsic proofs, namely testimony and data. Testimony refers to a written or spoken statement given by a witness about some event or state of affairs. Data refers to the statements of facts or statistics that related to the situation.
  3. Rhetorical Analysis of Examples in Ivanka Trump’s Address
  3.1 Three Appeals
  Logos: In the address, Ivanka narrated her experience of work and family—as a professional with three young children, which can close the distance with the audience to great extent and resonate with them. For example,
  (a) I joined the government informed by my experiences in the private sector…
  (b) As a young professional with young children, despite the help I am able to have at home;
  Ethos: Credibility is the prerequisite of the success for address, which comes from the audience’s recognition to character, reputation and capabilities of the speaker.   Ivanka, as the first daughter of US, the audiences even more people show great respect for her. Thus they were more willing to listen and accept the information she attempted to convey. Many her words in the address suggest her noble and respectable identity. For example,
  (d) That is why after my father’s election, I decided to leave my business and work in government to advance…
  Pathos: Ivanka, as a feminist, has a strong desire for the development of womenomics. We can see that from the address. For example: (f) Womenomics recognizes the centrality of women, who represent roughly half of our global population.
  These points catered to the emotions of the audience especially more women. The pathetical appeal could make audience make immediate response and have more participation in the address.
  3.2 Extrinsic Proofs
  Compared with the intrinsic proofs, extrinsic proofs just account for a small portion in the address. Ivanka used some statement of facts, such as data, especially, when she reviewed the history and changes of workforce for women. For example,
  (g)Currently, an estimated 49 percent of women across the world participate in the global workforce.
  (h)… 45percent of women worked outside the home. Today, 66 percent …in the workforce.
  As we all know, the data provide strong support for the topic and make the audience witness the changes and achievements in over the years. However, the sources of the information are not reflected in the address.
  4. Conclusion
  In our daily rhetorical practices, like speech, we should take the proper rhetorical appeals and statements of facts into consideration. More attention should be paid to the authorities and reliability of the source of information to achieve our desired purpose. In addition to, other rhetorical aspects like style also should be concerned.
  [1]Crowley, S.
【摘要】小学英语教学中应用情景模式能够激发学生学习兴趣,提升学生的英语交际能力,学生经过长时间的情景熏陶,可以由被动接受知识转为主动思考学习,充分发挥出学生的主体地位,有助于提高教学效率。本文简述了小学英语教学现状与小学英语教学中情景模式应用原则,并对情景模式在小学英语教学中的应用策略进行了探讨,希望可以为实现英语教学创新发展提供一份参考。  【关键词】小学英语;情景模式;多媒体设备  【作者简介
【摘要】本文研究的是基于SOLO理论,在小学英语高年段阅读教学中培养高阶思维能力。新时期课程改革提出学习英语除了要求学生掌握一定的语言能力、学习能力、文化品格以外,还要求学生具有较好的思维能力。在目前的小学英语阅读教学中,尤其在高年段阅读教学中,培养学生的高阶思维能力尤为关键。本文将基于SOLO理论从“有效提问”“借助导图”“提炼策略”“评价研究”等方面进行探讨。  【关键词】SOLO理论;高年段
【摘要】初一英语的入门教学不仅是整个中学阶段英语教学的起点,更是整个中学阶段英语教育至关重要的一步。每年小升初的学生中,都有一些人因为衔接脱节而掉队甚至厌学,英语教学又因其特殊性而在这一问题上表现得尤为突出。那么如何做好小升初英语教学的衔接工作呢?本文就此问题提出一些具体的实施建议。  【关键词】小升初衔接;夯实基础;学习兴趣;学习习惯  【作者简介】程荣荣,女,安徽省桐城市第二中学,英语一级教师
【摘要】传统的初中英语教学存在许多问题。在对新课程改革进行理论研究后,对以往的一些教学问题有了更深入的认识。教师应在课程改革中不断改进教学方法,提高专业素质,更新教学观念,遵循因材施教的原则,把学生作为教学的主体,逐步提高学生的英语综合能力。本文全面分析了中职英语课堂教学低效的原因,并在此基础上,根据课程要求,提出了一些有针对性的改革措施,希望帮助大家在教学实践中收到良好的反馈。  【关键词】新课
【摘要】在口译工作当中,将译员称为“杂家”,译员不单单要有着开阔的思维和知识,还必须要具备十分灵活的应变能力和处理能力,但这都不是全部的职业要求,译员还应当拥有非常好的心理、身体素质,只有这样,才可以完成口译工作,进而达到良好的工作质量。本文就对译员在口译活动中的角色进行分析,供参考。  【关键词】译员;口译活动;角色  【作者简介】邓文静(1985.09.03-),女 ,汉族,西北师范大学外国语
【摘要】目前英语作为初中阶段的主要课程,其教学方式与质量都受到相关部门以及学生家长的高度重视。所以在实施素质教育的今天,正确的教学方式非常重要。小组合作学习就是其中的一种。小组合作学习让初中阶段的学生对英语学习既可以发挥自身的个性,又可以参与到团队中来,对学生学习英语是非常有效的。  【关键词】素质教育;初中英语教学;小组合作  【作者简介】周勤,江苏省苏州市振华中学校。  目前初中英语的教学方式
【摘要】英语学习App以其学习资源丰富、操作简单便捷而成为小学英语基础教学的重要辅助手段。教师应根据学生的实际情况,选择采用不同的英语学习App来增强学生的单词记忆、听力口语等基础知识学习,同时利用英语学习App强化互动学习和评价反馈,这对提高小学英语课堂教学质量会有积极的促进作用。  【关键词】英语学习App;小学英语;基础知识;训练  【作者简介】万伊若,重庆市巴蜀小学。  近年来,随着现代信