科学探究来源于生活,服务于生活,在生活中进行,最终超越生活。科学教师只有用生活化理念组织教学,才能揭开学生科学探究神秘的面纱,使其顺顺当当地开展。 一、科学探究来源于生活,生活是科学探究的源泉 学生探究知识的思维过程总是从问题开始,又是在解决问题后产生新的问题而告终的,科学探究同样如此。问题作为科学探究的起点,是激发学生探究欲望的动力因素,是构成科学探究的全部内容。
Scientific inquiry comes from life, serve life, in life, and ultimately beyond life. Only by organizing the teaching of life philosophy, science teachers can unveil the mystery of students' scientific inquiry and make it go smoothly. First, the scientific inquiry comes from life, life is the source of scientific inquiry Students explore the thinking process of knowledge always from the beginning of the problem, but also to solve new problems arising from the end of the problem, the same is true of scientific inquiry. As a starting point for scientific inquiry, the question is the motivating factor for students to explore desire and constitutes the entire content of scientific inquiry.