Printer Creates New Ancient Books for Future

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  Yiqiao might not exist on a small-scale map of China, but Xiaoshan Ancient Books Printing House headquartered in Yiqiao, Xiaoshan District of Hangzhou is a national giant in making modern books in an ancient way and reproducing ancient books in exactly the same way as they were printed centuries ago. A showroom at the printing business highlights its printed glories: all the books are printed and bound in ancient Chinese style; the books are in various sizes and various formats; and all have a Chinese text arranged in vertical columns that stand side by side from right to left and all the pages are put together with treads.
  The flourishing business in Yiqiao, Xiaoshan has an office building and workshops, embedded in a rural vista stretching in all directions. A highway curves near the office building, connecting it to the outside world. The books printed here can be found in reading rooms, libraries, and government offices nationwide.
  The private printing business started in 1984. That year, Li Yimang, head of a government project for reprinting ancient books under the State Council, came to Shanghai and met with the director of the city’s seventh print house. Li was in this part of the country looking for printers how knew how to reprint ancient books. It happened that the director was from Yiqiao, Xiaoshan. It was a time that rural businesses were mushrooming all over the country. With the help of the director, the business came into being with an amount of 150,000 yuan as registered capital and some 20 employees. It was a big rural business in the mid 1980s. It flourished. However, in the early 1990s, business began to sag and sank to the verge of bankruptcy due to various external and internal problems.
  In 1996, Zhang Guofu, then a photosetting technician with the factory, bought out the owner for about one million yuan and became a business owner himself. He purchased a land of about 3 hectares and built a new office building and workshops. Over the past 15 years, the factory has flourished. Now one of China’s top three businesses engaged in printing ancient books, the printer has about 90 employees and produces ancient-styled books worth of 20 million yuan a year.
  Zhang Guofu keeps a low-profile, but his business is very advanced in technology and his printing quality enjoys national renown. He is fully aware of his market. It is a tiny niche where technology counts and products are for elite customers. A business in this niche does not have any possibility to print bestsellers. But the elite market enables a business like his to survive and prosper if he can manage to keep his competitive edge over his rivals in technology and in quality and cost control.
  Zhang Guofu has developed cutting-edge technologies which help the company maintain a leading role on the national market. With a technology to print books on fine fabrics such as silk and brocade, the company prints almost all the books in silk and brocade on the national market. Rice paper was the standard media used in ancient China especially for book printing, painting and calligraphy. It is still in wide use for painting and calligraphy today. With a sophisticated technology to print colors on rice paper, the company printed high quality souvenir books for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.
  With such cutting-edge technologies, Xiaoshan Ancient Books Printing House boasts prestigious customers such as China Books, Commercial Press, People’s Press, Cultural Relics Press, National Library, Capital Library, Shanghai Library and Gansu Library and a great number of government agencies. It has printed more than 10 million copies of ancient books over the past 15 years. The printer has also printed works of national leaders and cultural celebrities of the past centuries in an ancient style. Among they are “Selected Works of Jiang Zemin”.
  The thread-bound ancient-styled books made by the company are now used as state gifts for foreign leaders. “A Collection of Lu Xun’s Manuscripts” and other books won awards as “Excellent Quality Publications” from the National Administration of Press and Publishing. “Waters of Suzhou”, another publication made by the printer, was rated among China’s Top 20 Most Beautiful Books of 2005. CCTV and People’s Daily covered the company for its honors.
  In 2002, the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Finance jointly started a national project entitled “Reprinting Good Editions of Ancient Books”. Xiaoshan Ancient Books Printing House was a designated printer for the project. Now the company has been chosen again for the second phase of the project. The second phase is scheduled to reprint rare editions of ancient books, which are precious and academically valuable. Also included in the second phase are books that were overlooked in the first phase. Nearly all the 580 titles in the second phase are listed on Directive I of Precious Ancient Books of China and are Class I national books. Printed and bound in ancient ways, these books are designed to go down in history and carry on the ancient Chinese civilization to the future.□
一提及风水古村落,我们脑中自然而然就跳出了神奇、隐秘、玄妙、迷阵等词汇,位于浙江省松阳县城西北方向 10公里处的山下阳村就是这样一个机关重重又充满人文气息的古村落。走进山下阳村,老宅鳞次栉比,巷弄曲曲折折,一切都不显眼、不张扬、不气派、不奢华,村落与自然山水密切地契合着,是一幅被现代文明遗落的历史画卷。  山下阳村呈长方形布局,然而整座村庄隐藏着无限玄机。层出不穷的巷道将村庄分割成若干个“口”字建
在中国思想发展史上,王阳明的“心学”无疑是一颗璀璨的明珠。  心即理;良知与致良知;知行合一。这三个方面理论的相互联系,构成了王阳明心学的有机整体。  那就是精通儒释道、文韬武略的全能大儒王阳明的巨大睿智。  1529年1月9日早晨,江西南安青龙铺的章江河上,一只原本行驶的船只突然停了下来。周遭一片寂静。船上,一个肺痨患者的生命走到了尽头。此后,那个人就只活在历史中,活在无数人的怀念与景仰中。  
文采庄严百世师,  白头犹是一婴儿。  平生历尽风波恶,  独抱天真妩媚姿。  这首诗,是许寿裳先生的知友谢似颜为悼念先生写的四首挽诗之一。我认为很贴切,很亲和,活脱脱画出一位谦和慈祥、率直纯真的长者之风。世上不乏专业上有成就的人,但历经沧桑,始终保持赤子之心者,却令人备感亲切,由衷崇敬。许寿裳就是这样一位贤达之人。  寿裳先生是绍兴人。他为我国现代文化的发展作出了贡献。寿裳先生是我妻子的叔祖,我
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宽敞明亮的陈列室里,一排排古色古香的红木仿古书橱展柜里,一函函,一摞摞,一卷卷,一叠叠,各类大小开本不一,装帧厚薄不同的线装古籍有序展陈着,翰墨书香,满堂生辉!  这便是坐落在杭州钱塘江畔的萧山义桥,在全国古籍印刷业界名闻遐迩的萧山古籍印务有限公司的产品展示陈列馆。  步出陈列馆所在的公司大楼,除了近在咫尺的印刷车间厂房,周围是一片绿意盎然的江南农村景象,一条弯曲的公路从大楼一侧蜿蜒而过,向着杭州
9月16日上午,杭州师范大学下沙校区叙伦厅里张灯结彩、嘉宾云集。省委常委、杭州市委书记黄坤明致信祝贺,杭州市委副书记叶明和台湾知名人士曾文昌教授共同为楼柏安新艺术中心成立揭牌。  一幅国民党荣誉主席吴伯雄题写的牌匾格外引人注目。匾上用工整的楷体写着“楼柏安新艺术中心”。稍后,与会嘉宾又听到了吴伯雄亲笔贺信的宣读声:“祝贺杭州师范大学楼柏安新艺术中心成立”。“这不仅是杭州师范大学的艺术中心,更是积极
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