English Language Teaching In Country Middle School

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  Today it is proved that our education level has improved much higher than in the in the past,but our English teaching still faced many difficulties which parently lead to the poor English teaching results, especially in many country middle school.This paper will discuss the problems in present English language teaching in country middle school and the ways of solving them.The problems are:①Lack of educational resource for English language teaching;②Lack of clear goals and correct motivation for students in their study;③Unsuitable teaching ways in process of teaching;④Lack of learning skills. The ways are:a.Arousing students'correct motivation and developing their interest in learning English;b.Changing the unsuitable teaching ways in procedure of teaching English;c. Introducing more learning skills to students;d.Supplying the English teachers with more chance to improve their teaching skills.
  2Problems in present English Teaching in Country Middle School
  The problems in present English teaching in country middle school are so much,including the problems in English educational views in country,the problems in English educational system,the problems in country economy and so on,but I will describe the problems which restrict seriously the effectiveness of English teaching in country middle school.
  2.1Lack of Resources for English Language Teaching in Country Middle School.The present student's Book using by all country middle school(people's Education Press) need a uniform set of teaching materials such as CAI, video,tapes and some pictures. But limited byundevelopingeconomy in country,thelearning environment at school is not good and the educational establishment are still lacking seriously.According to the recent vestigation,only about 30% middle school in country have the adequate equipment for teaching,in most schools,the English teacher have class completely depending on the two books——the Teacher's Book and the Students' Book,and a recorder.
  There is another difficulty which is that the faculty of the English teachers in country middle school is too low to meet the need of the present English teaching.Such problem is the main factor of leading to bad results of teaching.To take a success in English teaching,the teachers themselves must have very good abilities of listening,speaking,reading and writing, as well as the abilities of acting,singing,anddancing.However,the situation in most country middle school is that nearly 2/3 the English teachers didn't graduate from the English faculty in college.Many teachers find that they are weak in using English in class.They are not only weak in their pronounciaton,but also weak in their professional knowledge,of course it is hard for them to have experiment in teaching reform and studying,In class,many teachers do as the Teacher's Book does completely ignoring the actual state in process of teaching.
  Lastly,there is a problem that is brought on the lacknes of educational establishment.Generally,there are 40~60 even more students in one class.Such"big"class makes it difficult for teachers to use"communicative strategy"in the procedure of teaching.
  2.2Lack of Clear Goals and Correct Motivation in Study.In junior middle school,influenced by the traditional methodology, most teachers of English teach their students only to help their get high scores.The students think that themain reason for their goodremarks depend on their diligence and cleverness.Most students' motivation to study English was to get high schools in the entrance examination to enter colleges or universities.They,accordingly,would be reluctant to try their hands on task——solving activities which demonds speaking which the entrance examination does not include.Most learners from the countryside whose scores are low don't study carefully at all because they think there is no expection for them to pass the college entrance examination.They have lost the confidence thoroughly,so in class,they always disturb other students.
  2.3Unsuitable Teaching ways in process of Teaching.Despite the appeal of methods,the efficiency of methods used in our country middle school is somewhat of an embarrassment. Basically there are two types of English teaching procedure. One is the traditional way in which teachers teach the lesson still"word by word""sentence by sentence"translating and then study the grammar rules.The other way in class,in which the teacher organize the student to do a great deal of dull activities which is useless for the students to improve their oral speaking level.The two ways I talked above have many disadvantages for English teaching in country.The main fault is that the students can only get the dead knowledge not a ability of learning language through six years of study.In such procedure of teaching,the students role is still subordinate,they learn English not on their own initiative.
  2.4Lack of Learning skills.Since the one of porpose of teaching is letting the students"learn
  to learn",the teacher should help the students master some learning skills.But the fact in most country middle school is that many students only learn English in the classroom,out of classroom,they don't know how to do with their English language learning except finishing homework.They find that they are so weak in studying by themselves.Some other students read the book all the day,but they can't say a English word if close the book.All these result from lack of learning skill instruction.
  3Ways of Solving the Problems
  Arosing Students' Correct Motivation and Developing their Interest in Learning English."Motivation is a key element in English Learning".(Nunan 1990:58) So,at the beginning of school,the teacher should help the students get correct motivation of learning,which is not only important for them to abroad their minds,because in procedure of learning,they can know much more about other foreign countries,include the culture,history,custom and some famous scenaries etc. Especially after China's entering WTO,the relationship between different countries is intimate more and more,as a middle school student,it is a duty to learn English well.
  To develop the students'interest of English learning, teachers should try their best to make the class interesting enough to attract the students.At first ,lead-in the text content by talking about interesting topics which are related the text, for example ,when teaching SEFC I life in the future
  we can begin the class with discussion of computer, encourage the student express their idea about future.Second, use game strategies during the class period to make the class lively,for example,when teaching At the Shop,we can have students act short play to develop their interesting,Third it is a suitable way to create a good learning environment for students,e.g hang some English pictures on classroom wall, sing some English songs,tell English story before class etc.
  This paper discussed the problems of present English teaching in country middle school:①Lack of the educational resources for English language teaching;②Lack o clear goals and correct motivation in study;③Unsuitable teaching ways in process of teaching;④Lack of learning skills.The paper also described the ways of solving the problems:①Arousing students'correct motivation and develop their interest in learning;②Changing the unsuitable teaching ways in procedure of English teaching;③Introducing more learning skills to students;④Supplying the teachers with more chances to the complex problems English teaching,it is impossible for the paper to discuss all the solution to the problems.
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  University Press,1993
  2A Handbook of Writing.Foreign Teaching and Research Press,2000
  3Wang Yafen.Senior One Students Research Methods.Foreig Language
   Teaching in School.Tan,2001
  4Wells.G,et al.Learning Through Interaction.Cambridge University
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  5Skehan.P.A.Cognitive Approach to Language Learning.Oxford
   University Press, 1998
  6Jiang Yun long .Problems Urged to Solve in English Teaching in
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【摘 要】 班主任工作可以说是千头万绪,但其根本任务是为了教好学生,带好班级,每个班主任都做着同样的工作,期望的目标是一致的,但效果却可能大相径庭,原因是多方面的,但我认为一个班级管理是否得当关键取决于班主任的管理艺术。本文就对学生的“严”和“爱”这个问题谈一点笔者在班主任工作中的体会,以抛砖引玉。  【关键词】 班主任严师教育艺术    我们都知道,没有爱,便没有了教育,教师对学生的爱实际是一种
冰心老人说过,有了爱便有了一切。教书育人是教师的天职,而“育人”更是班主任的首要职责,这其中“爱”便是根本。用师爱滋润学生心灵是我搞好班主任工作的重要措施。    1爱学生是搞好班务工作的基础    师爱是高尚的,得到师爱是幸福的,播撒师爱是我们班主任的责任,奉献真情是我们当教师的义务,指导他们学习,帮助他们进步,成就他们的理想,是班主任搞好班务工作的基础。  爱孩子是家长的天职,也是班主任教师的
学生素质的高低,特别是思想品德素质的高低关系到我国社会主义精神文明建设的前途,关系到中华民族的兴旺发达。作为一名教育工作者,教好书、育好人是我们义不容辞的义务。只有按照学生思想品德形成与发展规律,通过各种渠道,采用恰当的方法,才能对之施加有效的影响,在思想品德教育中取得良好的效果。    1提高学生的认识能力    学生认识的发展是思想品德形成的前提。只有认识提高了,才能自觉培养良好的行为习惯,自
色彩现象是一种变化万千的自然景象,没有色彩的世界无疑是个黑暗死寂的世界。人的一生自始至终都处于绚丽色彩的包围之中,并在其中感受时日的美好,世间的温馨,人生的愉悦,尽情享受这彩色世界之美。  然而,色彩现象作为一种非自然状态下的视觉语言,它又是神秘而抽象的。经过无数科学家和色彩学家不断努力,如今已经建立起科学的色彩学体系,正是在这种科学的色彩学体系的基础上,绘画艺术家们才破译了这种视觉语言的神秘性和
进入初一后就有很多学生出现了数学成绩下降的现象。此时家长纳闷,孩子怎么由小学八九十分低到不及格了,老师茫疑,学生一届不如一届?初中数学,在整个数学教学中具有举足轻重的奠基作用。作为数学教师,必须重视和研究这种现象的成因及对策。    1数学成绩下滑的原因    初一数学成绩较小学时下滑有好几种原因,具体谈来有以下几种情况:  1.1求知欲不强。数学,是比较抽象深奥的一门课,在对数学知识的探索这条道