Infiltration of Chinese Culture Education in English Teaching

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  【Abstract】Cross-cultural education plays an important part in English teaching. Most teachers focus on the teaching of western culture in English classroom and ignore the education of native culture. In fact, bending Chinese culture in English teaching is helpful for students to have an intercultural awareness and master the target language. This paper discusses the importance and feasibility of Chinese culture in English teaching, and put forward three ways to reinforce the Chinese culture education in English teaching.
  【Key words】Chinese culture; English teaching; cross-culture; language use
  1. Introduction
  Culture plays a crucial role in language teaching and learning. The use of language transmits the different cultures; culture learning is helpful for learners to master a foreign language. At present the importance and necessity of cultural education have been widely recognized and applied to the English teaching. However, when we open the English texts concerned with culture, most of which refer to the British or American culture, Chinese culture is seldom introduced into the English teaching materials. As a matter of fact, Cross-cultural education is mutual and the cultures of native language and target language are both necessary for learners to learn. For the English learners in China, English is a tool for us to communicate with foreigners and show native culture to them, so the teaching of Chinese culture should be a part of English course.
  2. The current situation of English teaching in the school
  English language education in China has been paid much attention by the government and it has been an essential part of basic curriculums of every school——from the primary school to the college. For example, in my vocational school, professional skill training should be focused on and put on the first place, but English is also taken as a major subject for students. What’s more, the students of five-year junior college must continue the English learning not the Chinese at the forth year. Under such circumstance, it seems that the English learning is much more important than Chinese learning. Actually the students in the vocational school have poor groundwork and little interest in English, with a result that there is no improvement in both English and Chinese. The one reason of failure in English teaching in vocational school is “students’ enthusiasm for learning can be kindled through the use of foreign language, particularly through reading extensively, bringing learning into their individual life.”(Zhang Zhengdong 443). Because of lacking the opportunities to bring English into their individual life, students lose the interest in learning English and find it useless to spend much time on it.   3. The importance of Chinese culture in English teaching
  Cross-cultural education now has been a key to foreign language teaching and learning. The objectives of cross-cultural education is to arouse learners’ interest in learning target language; foster students’ positive cross-cultural states of minds; have learners acquaint with different cultures and respect them; master the target language effectively and fairly in cross-communication and so on. Nevertheless, the English education in China emphasizes more on the British and American culture, for Chinese culture, we can find little from the teaching materials, which leads to the consequence that students are incapable of transmitting native culture to the foreigners. Meanwhile, due to the ignorance of learning native culture, students’ competence of language use gets lower and lower. To be honest, it is a dangerous signal. So the writer thinks that it is necessary to add Chinese culture to the English teaching. Although the target culture is indispensable in foreign language teaching, we also need to attach importance to the native culture.
  4. The ways to reinforce Chinese culture in English classroom
  Firstly, the teachers should enhance the awareness of native culture. In English classroom, teachers spend all the time in teaching words, expressions, sentences and grammar in order to have all the students pass the examinations. For them, the instruction of culture is not important; sometimes they even think it’s a waste of time. Another situation is that teachers will explain some cultural knowledge to the students when the reading materials involve it, but they will seldom go deep into it. For example, when coming across an article about manners, the teachers introduce the western manners such as the table manners, the greetings, etc. to students, but the content is confined to this article; no more information will be presented for saving the time. So the teachers should change their way of teaching and realize the significance of cultural education. As a guide of English classroom, teachers need to take the initiative to know the cultures of target language and have a comprehensive understanding of local culture to make their lessons full of cultural charm. Most important of all, teachers should know well and full appreciate the splendid culture of our motherland so that we can combine native culture with foreign language teaching.
【摘要】由于初中英语的学习过程对初中生来讲是一个比较关键的时期,并且随着社会的发展对初中生英语的运用和学习的能力要求也在不断提高,所以教师要在英语的阅读教学中对学生的听说写技能进行培养,促进初中生的全面发展。  【关键词】初中英语;阅读教育;听说写技能  【作者简介】王卓,岷县锁龙九年制学校。  一、培养初中生英语听说写技能的必要性  初中是一个学生进行知识学习和全面发展的关键时期,由于英语具有两
【摘要】对于高中阶段的教学来说,信息技术无疑是一种具有时代特点的辅助教学手段,其在高中各学科的教学中得到了普遍的应用,在响应了新课改要求创新教学方式的同时极大的促进了学生的学习发展,在教学改革方面起到了非常关键的作用。本文主要探讨了如何在高中英语教学中应用信息技术的几点策略,希望通过本文能够为提高高中英语教学的质量以及学生的学习效率有一定的帮助。  【关键词】高中英语;信息技术;优势;策略  【作
【摘要】无论是在中学,还是在大学阶段,英语学习都占据重要的地位。正确认识英语学习存在的问题,掌握正确的英语学习方法无疑对提升英语学习效果有所裨益。尽管各人的学习方法和学习习惯不一定一样,但英语学习中往往存在死记硬背单词、简单看英美剧学英语、忽视及时复习、哑巴英语等方面的常见误区,主张要放在一定语境下记单词、着重标记、持之以恒以及学以致用的解决路径。  【关键词】英语学习;常见误区;语境;积累  【
【摘要】经济发展速度带动着文化交流速度,歌曲译配也是对外传播的一种方式。本文笔者将从接受理论视角探讨歌曲译配的可唱性问题,以歌曲《凉凉》为例,以接受理论指导下的“读者中心”原则、期待视野原则分析中文歌曲译配的可唱性问题。  【关键词】接受理论;歌曲译配;可唱性问题;歌曲《凉凉》  【作者简介】罗漫(1995-),女,土家族,湖北恩施人,昆明理工大学,硕士研究生,研究方向:英语翻译;(通讯作者)王英
【摘要】 本文在前期智慧课堂文献研究的基础上,结合高职学生英语学习的特点,构建基于智慧课堂的高职英语教学模式,并通過课前、课中、课后的具体教学实践,探索该教学模式是否能够激发高职学生英语学习的兴趣,提高他们学习的效果和满意度。  【关键词】大数据;智慧模式;教学模式  【作者简介】邓利群,江苏省淮安市高良涧小学。  在小学阶段的英语教学中,不仅要培养学生的读写能力和应试能力,也需要加强对学生口语表
【摘要】众所周知,伴随着信息化技术对现代教育教学的影响,混合式教学已经成为当前学校教学工作中的主流教学模式之一。混合式教学的特点就在于其成功将传统教学中面对面的教学模式和现代化网络课堂教学充分结合在一起,全面提高了当前教学工作的质量。本文将针对当前大学英语教学中混合式英语教学法的具体应用进行深入的分析与探究。  【关键词】大学英语;混合式教学;应用分析  【作者简介】孟海英(1979.01.23-
【摘要】英语词汇处于学生英语学习的基础性地位,就好比是墙和砖之间的关系,英语词汇如果学习欠佳,则英语学习效果也将受到极大的制约。尤其在高中阶段,新课标对学生词汇的积累数量和质量不断提升,学生学习英语词汇所面临的挑战也更大。而思维导图这一新型的学习方式引入词汇教学,为学生学习词汇带来的巨大动力和便利。  【关键词】思维导图;高中英语;词汇教学  【作者简介】陈梅,阜阳市第七高级中学。  前言  思维
【摘要】随着现代化进程的不断加快,我们已经步入信息化时代,随之而来的便是各种教育问题逐渐浮现出来,因此,针对这种状况,我们提出了教育改革。随着教育改革进程的不断加快,课程改革的不断深入,人们对于高中英语教学的要求也在不断提高,但我们同时也发现了高中英语教学中存在着诸多问题。  【关键词】新课改;高中英语教学;教学方式;转变策略  【作者简介】谷习梅(1985.10-),女,安徽寿县人,安徽省临泉第