新课程标准呼唤教育方式和学习方式的变革,呼唤语文课堂教学的改革。既是变革,没有现成的路可走,必须摸着石头过河,今后怎样才能巩固改革成果,走山语文课堂教学的误区呢?笔者认为: 一、吃透传统教学理论,更新教育理念 更新教育理念不等于完全抛弃传统的教学理论,我们摒弃的是传统教学中不合时宜的陈旧的教学形式,而“因材施教”、“文道统一”等教育原则是永远不会过时
The new curriculum standards call for the reform of education methods and learning methods, and call for the reform of Chinese classroom teaching. It is a change, there is no ready-made road, we must touch the stones to cross the river. How can we consolidate the reform achievements and take the error of the Chinese language teaching in the mountains? The author thinks: First, thoroughly understand the traditional teaching theory, update the educational concept and update the educational concept. It is tantamount to abandoning the traditional teaching theory completely. What we abandon is the outdated and outdated teaching method in traditional teaching. The educational principles of “teaching according to one’s aptitude” and “unification of literature and Taoism” are never obsolete.