【摘要】许渊冲认为翻译诗歌应遵循“三美论”即“忠实原意的基础上保留诗歌原有的意美、音美和形美。”这也是众多翻译家翻译作品所遵循的原则和评价翻译作品的标准之一。白居易的《琵琶行》结构严谨,情节紧凑,语言优美生动,音律抑扬顿挫,文学与美学价值极高,影响力极大,国内外译者多次对其进行英译。本文旨在“三美”视角下,对比评析由L.Cranmer—Byng、Witter Bynner、许渊冲、杨宪益/戴乃迭翻译的《琵琶行》英译本,探究其美学价值。
意美指意象和意境之美。“意”是主观的,是诗人内心情感的再现;“境”是客观的,是对客观事物的描写。意象是建立在客观实体基础之上的主观之像。译者要在传达愿意的基础上对诗歌进行再创造,再现意境,透过意象传达言外之情, 给读者带来意美的感受。在《琵琶行》的英译本中也多有体现,例如:
Byng:The flower-like maple leaves that bloom alone
In autumn’s silent revels of decay
Bynner:I was bidding a guest farewell at night on the Hsun-yang River,
Where maple-leaves and full-grown rushes rustled in the autumn.
許渊冲:One night by riverside I bade a friend goodbye;
In maple leaves and rushes autumn seemed to sigh.
杨/戴: By the Xunyang River a guest is seen off one night;
Chill the autumn, red the maple leaves and in flower the reeds;
原诗用“枫叶”“荻花”“秋”三个意象交代了故事发生的时间,营造了萧瑟凄凉的氛围。Byng用 “The flower-like maple leaves” “autumn”充分地还原了意象,忠实原文的同时也便于理解;Bynner和许渊冲的译本都较忠实原文,用 “maple leaves” “rushes”来体现“枫叶”“荻花”,Bynner用“rustle”“落叶沙沙作响”体现“秋瑟瑟”,许渊冲用“sigh”将秋天拟人化,秋的“叹气”更添悲凉,也体现诗人的无奈;杨/戴用“chill” “ red” “in flower”使原诗意境充分体现,同时读来朗朗上口。
Byng:Liquid now as from the bush
Warbles the mango bird; meandering
Now as the streamlet seawards;
Bynner: We heard an oriole, liquid, hidden among flowers.
We heard a brook bitterly sob along a bank of sand…
许渊冲:Now clear like orioles warbling in flowery land,
Then sobbing like a stream running along the sand.
杨/戴: Like a warbling oriole gliding below the blossom,
Like a mountain brook purling down a bank,
琵琶声抑扬顿挫,时起时伏,时像花底下宛转流畅的鸟鸣声,时像水在冰下流动受阻低沉呜咽的声音,体现音乐美。英译本中,Byng直译忠实原文,句子结构较简单,每句都用“as”使句子结构对照;Bynner进行主观改造,每句以“we heard”开头,句子结构排比且押头韵;许渊冲两句分别以“now”“then”开头且押尾韵,杨/戴押头韵并且每句字数同,还用“g/p/k”爆破音来体现音乐的节奏、力量,且此二人的句子结构与原诗相同,与前两译本相比,节奏感更强,读来更朗朗上口,音韵唯美。
意美指意象和意境之美。“意”是主观的,是诗人内心情感的再现;“境”是客观的,是对客观事物的描写。意象是建立在客观实体基础之上的主观之像。译者要在传达愿意的基础上对诗歌进行再创造,再现意境,透过意象传达言外之情, 给读者带来意美的感受。在《琵琶行》的英译本中也多有体现,例如:
Byng:The flower-like maple leaves that bloom alone
In autumn’s silent revels of decay
Bynner:I was bidding a guest farewell at night on the Hsun-yang River,
Where maple-leaves and full-grown rushes rustled in the autumn.
許渊冲:One night by riverside I bade a friend goodbye;
In maple leaves and rushes autumn seemed to sigh.
杨/戴: By the Xunyang River a guest is seen off one night;
Chill the autumn, red the maple leaves and in flower the reeds;
原诗用“枫叶”“荻花”“秋”三个意象交代了故事发生的时间,营造了萧瑟凄凉的氛围。Byng用 “The flower-like maple leaves” “autumn”充分地还原了意象,忠实原文的同时也便于理解;Bynner和许渊冲的译本都较忠实原文,用 “maple leaves” “rushes”来体现“枫叶”“荻花”,Bynner用“rustle”“落叶沙沙作响”体现“秋瑟瑟”,许渊冲用“sigh”将秋天拟人化,秋的“叹气”更添悲凉,也体现诗人的无奈;杨/戴用“chill” “ red” “in flower”使原诗意境充分体现,同时读来朗朗上口。
Byng:Liquid now as from the bush
Warbles the mango bird; meandering
Now as the streamlet seawards;
Bynner: We heard an oriole, liquid, hidden among flowers.
We heard a brook bitterly sob along a bank of sand…
许渊冲:Now clear like orioles warbling in flowery land,
Then sobbing like a stream running along the sand.
杨/戴: Like a warbling oriole gliding below the blossom,
Like a mountain brook purling down a bank,
琵琶声抑扬顿挫,时起时伏,时像花底下宛转流畅的鸟鸣声,时像水在冰下流动受阻低沉呜咽的声音,体现音乐美。英译本中,Byng直译忠实原文,句子结构较简单,每句都用“as”使句子结构对照;Bynner进行主观改造,每句以“we heard”开头,句子结构排比且押头韵;许渊冲两句分别以“now”“then”开头且押尾韵,杨/戴押头韵并且每句字数同,还用“g/p/k”爆破音来体现音乐的节奏、力量,且此二人的句子结构与原诗相同,与前两译本相比,节奏感更强,读来更朗朗上口,音韵唯美。