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  In Washington, DC, Pennsylvania Avenue is known as the "America's Main Street " which connects the White House and the United States Capitol. This area hosts numerous government institutions and museums, and is also the location for official parades and protest marches, where a lack of restaurants, hotels and shops can be sensed.
  In September 2016, the oldest and tallest Old Post Office building in this street which was built in 1899 was reborn into a new identity as Trump International Hotel Washington, D.C. after a $ 200 million renovation project. It seems to foretell a transformation underwent by this museum street, which signifies a future with more popularity and liveliness.
  The perfect evolution from Post Office to Hotel
  Built in 1899, the old Washington Post Office building is an example of Richardsonian Romanesque architecture of the nineteenth century, a well-known landmark in the United States. People appreciate this building for more than a century when coming to Washington, DC. It is owned by the US government and managed by the US General Services Administration, and it is the US General Services Administration's decision to transform it into a hotel and offer its service to the public and eventually the Trump Hotel Group was chosen to complete this mission.
  The $200 million renovation project started in 2014 and was originally scheduled to be completed in August 2018. Due to efficient work by Trump Hotel Group, the hotel successfully opened in September 2016, cutting short the construction period by half, which is unheard of for a project of this size.
  The design of the hotel fully respects the historical features of the original building, preserves the appearance of the building and incorporates most advanced technology into the fascinating stone craftsmanship and wood structure of the internal structure, thus creating a public space beyond the general hotel norm. From the tall corridor to the ancient elevator, one can sense the hotel's historical atmosphere right away. The core area is the magnificent lobby composed of the nine-storey high court. Paved by luxury marble, the public space is decorated with hand-woven carpets and giant crystal chandelier, and its dazzling dreamy effect makes it a great place for social networking.   客房——彰显美式美学
  The guests rooms-American aesthetics highlights
  特朗普酒店集团与知名建筑事务所Beyer Blinder Belle和室内设计公司 Hirsch Bedner Associates 一道完成了酒店263间客、套房的营造,通过高耸大窗、水晶灯台和优美的木制家具等细节,使眼光最高的客人也会得到远离闹市喧嚣的满足。
  The Trump Hotels Group, together with renowned architecture firm Beyer Blinder Belle and interior design firm Hirsch Bedner Associates, completed the hotel's 263 guest rooms and suites. Through details of high-rise windows, crystal chandelier and refined wooden furniture, even guests with the highest standard will get immense satisfaction away from the hustle and bustle.
  The hotel rooms are connected by 14-foot wide carpeted spacious corridors, with elegant and refined navy blue, ivory white, soft gold and silver tones, thick wool carpets, stone panels and polished wooden furniture highlighting pure American design aesthetics. The use of mirror decoration strengthens the natural light in the room. Through a series of works of art, stories of the old post office unfold.
  Among the 35 suites in the hotel, the Presidential Suite is remodeled from what was formerly the Postmaster General’s office, featuring 4.8-meter ceilings and soaring windows. Impressive craftsmanship and restored details along with modern luxuries make it a unique and historic space. When the post office building was completed in 1899, the position of the Postmaster General was so prominent that the office area was three times the size of the office of the US President. The suite has retained the original fireplace, wall panels and wooden doors, and the original deep plaster crown moldings have also been carefully repaired, reserving a deeply moving historical sense. The master bath is comprised of hand-selected Calacatta gold marble from an Italian quarry with luxurious fixtures and hardware a Presidential Suite deserves.
  BLT Prime byDavid BurkeAuthentic American Steakhouse
  在华盛顿特朗普国际酒店的宏伟大堂,人们将品尝到BLT Prime by David Burke - 华盛顿当地著名牛排馆呈现的牛排大餐。餐厅由明星主厨David Burke主理,客人将首先品尝餐馆特色的淡烤酥饼,来开启接下来美味的和牛肋眼牛排或28天干式熟成的上等T骨牛排,无论哪款皆饱满多汁让人回味无穷。
  除了美式牛排,餐厅还制作鞑鞑鲔鱼、烤海鲈、褐色黄油多佛比目鱼等新鲜海鲜,还有不断翻新的强调应季食材的新鲜菜品。BLT Prime餐厅与当地供货商保持着紧密的合作关系,以便为酒店客人呈现一场最新鲜健康的当地美食之旅。   酒店选择这样一家经典的美式牛排馆坐镇,正是看重其标志性的服务和美式风格,与其强强联手打造酒店餐饮的完美拼图,美食美景相得益彰,为客人带来最佳的入住体验。
  At the grand lobby of Trump International Hotel Washington, D.C., people will taste the steak dinner prepared by Washington's famous steakhouse - BLT Prime by David Burke. The restaurant is headed by star chef David Burke. Here, guests will first taste the signature warm popovers, followed by delicious Wagyu Ribeye or 28-day dry-aged prime-grade T-bone steak, all juicy and memorable.
  In addition to American steak, the restaurant also serves fresh seafood like Tuna Tartare, Roasted Branzino, Dover Sole with Soy Caper Brown Butter sauce, and fresh menus made of seasonal ingredients. The BLT Prime restaurant has a close working relationship with local suppliers to provide a fresh and healthy local culinary journey for hotel guests.
  The hotel has chosen such a classic American steakhouse to be its restaurant champion for its iconic service and American style. With this perfect combination of hotel service and culinary delights, the aim is to provide guests with the best possible experience.
  Trump International Hotel Washington, D.C. has revitalized the old post office building in the US capital with its ultra-luxurious standards. Where people used to appreciate its magnificent appearance, now they can live here and enjoy a wide range of quality services provided by the luxury hotel brand. The rich history and modern age together have forged the hotel's unique charm.
提起苏格兰,我们谈些什么?中世纪城堡精心收藏的神秘,海天之间风笛声悠然响起,男士腰间呢子短裙的方格纹样,高地牛羊独特的脸孔带着摸不透的表情?从这片壮美自然与丰厚人文交织的土地上,让我们把目光聚焦到东南角的海边,撷取格外低调又暗藏华美的一页,那就是圣安德鲁斯。  它是苏格兰曾经的宗教中心,名校圣安德鲁斯大学的所在处,著名学生威廉王子与凯特王妃的相识之地。以及……是的,高尔夫!苏格兰是现代高尔夫运动的
艾吉酒店的24小时私人管家服务也是他们的特色之一。私人管家都是受过专业培训的巴厘岛本地人,他们会负责你在酒店内以及酒店外的所有行程,24小时随叫随到。  酒店目前共有10间别墅,分为4种类型,The Villa單卧室度假别墅,以天然石材的泳池为特色,配有大型户外甲板平台、用餐区和小歇亭。房间内可以欣赏到印度洋海景。  The Mood双卧室度假别墅,配有娱乐设备、宽敞舒适的起居室,典雅的餐厅,天然
雅典娜神廟酒店公寓  The Athenaeum Hotel & Residences  在伦敦梅费尔中心地带,俯瞰着枝繁叶茂、静谧迷人的格林公园(Green Park),有一家伦敦屈指可数的家族经营五星级酒店——雅典娜神庙酒店公寓,独立自豪而又风姿绰约地矗立在此四十多年,见证了无数的浪漫与繁华。  雅典娜神庙酒店公寓位于伦敦皮卡迪利大街116号,坐落在皇家公园和白金汉宫对面,离牛津街最老牌奢华的
当耳边听到“英国”,如果有福尔摩斯、哈利波特这样的名字或面孔在脑中被唤醒,那么,是时候在旅行计划里加上爱丁堡了。  苏格兰首府爱丁堡,自15世纪已活跃于政治舞台;而人类在此聚居的痕迹,直可上溯至数千年前。今日的爱丁堡,是全英第二大旅游城市。不仅拥有时光积淀的名胜古迹,名列世界遗产的新旧城区,藏品建筑兼美的文化机构,金融中心钱潮与人潮激荡出的享乐浪花,更荣膺一顶诗意的桂冠——“文学之都”。古今众多知
巴厘岛纯蓝别墅度假酒店风格时尚,将热带度假体验提升到全新层次。如家写意的设计概念,让人远离繁嚣,全情投入大自然的怀抱。你有多久没有从心底发出微笑了?你有多久没有轻快地翩翩起舞了?如果你也厌烦了日复一日平淡无奇的生活,来巴厘岛纯蓝别墅吧,宁静的海边、巴厘岛南部仅剩的稻田,都会让你重拾生活的乐趣。  巴厘岛纯蓝别墅融入了巴厘岛的精髓,它的淳朴与未经破坏的原生态吸引了越来越多的旅行者拜访,也成为可懂得享
在全球最大的迪士尼乐园–奥兰多迪士尼世界畅玩需要几天时间?这个魔幻的童话世界里有魔幻王国、未来世界、迪士尼动物王国和迪士尼电影梦工厂四大主题公园,都玩遍的话至少需要4天时间。  入住乐园内的奥兰多迪士尼乐园四季度假酒店无疑是开启这场难忘旅程的最佳方式。自2014年8月开业以来,酒店以四季品牌标志性的服务、顶级的度假设施和丰富的娱乐活动完美承载起客人的住宿需求,为客人呈现四季与迪士尼两大品牌融合在一
随着世界杯的临近,关于“足球那些事儿”的讨论充斥在各大媒体和街头巷尾。即便是这样,当阿里巴巴要入股恒大俱乐部,高调跨界“踢”足球的消息传开,依旧引发各界的极大关注。作为中国足球仅存的“优良资产”,恒大在获得亚冠冠军后有了更多“吸金”的本钱;同时,能够搞定“不缺钱”的恒大,也让我们对马云的“手腕”刮目相看。  身处酒行业,我们对跨界早已司空见惯。在进口葡萄酒的暴利时代,白酒的“黄金十年”里,许多和酒
英迪格酒店是洲際酒店集团旗下的高端精品酒店品牌,目前全球已开业69间,国内包括上海、天津、厦门、丽江和香港在内的5间。身处任何一家英迪格酒店就会知道是在哪个城市,这正是英迪格的品牌精神:世上不会有两片相同的叶子,也不会有两间相同的英迪格酒店。  Hotel Indigo is the high-end boutique hotel brand under the InterContinental
波士顿文华东方酒店地处波士顿市中心风景优美的后湾区Boylston街,从洛根国际机场驱车15分钟即可到达,为宾客尽享波士顿最佳文化、商业、购物体验提供完美落脚点。酒店将经典的新英格兰式优雅和精致的亚洲风尚完美结合,为宾客呈现文华东方品牌标志性的细致服务和奢华体验,荣获福布斯五星级评级大奖和三A五钻奖两大殊荣,堪称波士顿这座城市的代表性酒店。  Ashort 15 minute drive from
斯康宫是苏格兰地位最高的豪华古宅之一,它的历史可谓风起云涌,色彩斑斓。1500年前,王宫是皮克特人首都。随后数世纪里,它又变身为议会所在地,包括麦克白和罗伯特·布鲁斯在内的苏格兰国王都曾在此加冕,一朝称王。宫殿五百多年的收藏品,如古董、名画、珍贵文物等,每一件都记录了一个家族的辉煌,堪称无价之宝,举世闻名。这家豪气古宅凭借这些丰饶的“内涵”,称霸珀斯及苏格兰旅游市场。  SCONE PALACE-