Research on the Development of Filigree Mosaics in Modern Jewelry Design

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  Abstract:In this article,through the research of the intangible cultural heritage filigree inlay technology,the necessity of filigree inlay technology in the development of modern jewelry was described. From the perspective of intangible cultural heritage,explore the design and development of filigree mosaic technology in contemporary society,find a new development path in traditional handicraft technology and modern design,and carry out living protection in a more reasonable way.
  Key words:Filigree inlay,Jewelry design,Historical development
  Filigree inlay technique is a traditional Chinese gold and silver making process. The filigree inlay technique is complicated and complicated. After thousands of years of historical precipitation,the filigree inlay craftwork is exquisite in style and golden and brilliant,revealing a luxurious and elegant royal charm. In June 2008,the technique of filigree inlay was included in the national intangible cultural heritage list.
  1.The necessity of filigree inlay technology in contemporary development
  The filigree inlaying technique has a long history in China. It first appeared in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. According to historical records,the golden silk weaving process appeared in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. By the Qin and Han dynasties,the filigree inlaying technique was mature. The filigree inlaying artifacts in the historical relics unearthed in the Han Dynasty were exquisitely made and the production techniques were mature. Until the Ming and Qing Dynasties,the filigree inlay technique developed to its peak.
  Due to the complexity and complexity of the production technique,the current status of the inheritance of the filigree inlay technique is very urgent. Filament inlay technology has a long history of study,low economic returns in the market,high production costs,and the reeling and welding wire skills in processing and production are often difficult to grasp due to the small size of the product. These circumstances make modern young people unwilling to choose to engage in this industry.
  2. Design exploration of the filigree inlay technology in modern jewelry brands
  Filament inlay production technology has been better developed in modern society. It is necessary to make reasonable improvements in raw materials,production technology,product styles,product shapes,decorative patterns,etc.,combine with modern art,integrate into modern life,and create modern and modern art. Due to the particularity of the raw materials of the filigree inlay technique,the application of the technique in jewelry design can meet the characteristics of the material and the manifestation of cultural connotation.   The combination of modern jewelry design and the technique of filigree inlay can show the technology in a new way in the eyes of the public,and continue to better express the traditional cultural connotation and craftsmanship in modern society in the modern society. At the same time,traditional skills combined with modern elements Adhering to the traditional culture,we will improve and innovate to promote the development of modern jewelry design.
  3. The opportunity and challenge of filigree inlay technology in the development of modern society
  Filigree inlay technology is a form of cultural inheritance with human as the carrier. The traditional cultural connotation,artistic value,historical value and scientific value of filigree mosaic technology are the essence of inheritance and development in modern society. Only by making silk mosaic technology better developed in modern society and integrating into modern life,can technology acquire better protection and inheritance. The application of modern jewelry design not only needs to meet the aesthetic needs of the public,produce exquisite and novel ornaments,but also needs to develop in modern society while carrying traditional culture. This is an opportunity and challenge for the traditional handicraft filigree inlay technology.
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众所周知,学习成绩的好坏,能决定很多东西。比如高考分数决定了大学的去向,也比如,大学里面的综合成绩决定了实习地点。就我所知,如果在学校给出的地点实习,那么就和高考填志愿模式一样,先把护理专业的所有同学进行一个排名,然后给予一份文件,上面写着各家医院实习名额要求,在app上进行志愿填写,分别是第一志愿和第二志愿,都没被录取就服从调剂到其他医院。  医院没有好坏,有的只是为所有人的健康服务。但是,在实