【摘 要】 本文通过分项论述,讨论了五大基本情态动词的意义。may can shall will must 这五大基本情态动词,按照推测项、义务项、原动项进行了归类。这样,在确立了情态标记式may+Φ的基础上,情态动词的语法范畴便可建立起来。
【Abstract】According to discuss by phases,we have discussed the meaning of five main modal verbs may can shall will must .The three phases here are epistemic phase,deontic phase,and dynamic phase .Based in may+Φ,we could establish a new system of modal auxiliary verbs with the help of the three phases .
【Key words】modal verbs,epistemic phase,deontic phase,dynamic phase
A modal verb (also modal,modal auxiliary verb,modal auxiliary) is a type of auxiliary verb that is used to indicate modality.However,here I would like to use a new method to explain them,which is Epistemic Phase,Deontic Phase and Dynamic Phase.
1.The Definition of Epistemic Phase
The possibility of the Epistemic Phase refers to the possibility which the speaking man estimates according to his own eaperience and the reasoning rule.
2.The Definition of Deontic Phase
The possibility of the Deontic Phase refers to the possibility which the speaking man or original speaking man estimates according to the regulation,ordinance,or the social status in the social interaction.
3.The Definition of Dynamic Phase
The possibility of the Dynamic Phase refers to the possibility which the speaking man estimates according to the property of the physics,chemistry,biology...etc.and the property of human,things and Circumstances.
II.Discuss via phase.
1.Epistemic Phase
1.1 MAY
The following are some examples of may+Φ which represents the possibility of epistemic phase.
1.2 WILL
When WILL indicates the possibility of epistemic phase,the meaning is stronger than may,but weaker than must.
When CAN indicates the possibility of epistemic phase,it mostly uses in interrogative sentence.
People barely use shall to show the possibility of The Epistemic Phase in contemporary English. Must
Compare with other modal verbs,when must indicates the possibility of epistemic phase,it has the most strong assurance.
2.Deontic Phase
It shows The motivity of realizing one action or state doesn’t from the subject of a sentence but from other factors.
It shows the power resources which urge the action or state is from the speaking man or original speaking man .When the subject is the second person,the main verb in must+-φ is obviously advantageous to the listener,must could express the cordial attitude when the speaking man inviting or offering. 2.2MAY CAN
The pragmatic function of may in the possibility of deontic phase is permission,which usually reflects the difference of people in different social class of people ‘s relationship.May can also express the general permission,especially in form written word.When the subject is the third person and the verb refer to the future single action,there will be ambiguity in may+-φ:possible or could.In oral English,when it reads emphasis,which means possibly;or it means could.Sometimes,the speaker may achieve the indirect language acts of permission by asking the listener do a interrelated action via request.
By contract with dynamic phase,the usage of can in deontic phase is weaker.As it said before,it was developed since 18th century.But it must be mentioned that,the later “can” supersedes the primary,espcially in spoken English .
2.3 WILL
Will in the possibility of deontic phase is a kind of ruled pragmatics meaning of its possibility of dynamic phase.It mainly used in the second and third person declarative sentence with the suspicion of force,which is more unpolitical than must .
3.Dynamic Phase
There are generally 3 stages of the possibility of dynamic phase for can .①It mean to people with general potentiality of achieve an action or state because of whose characteristic.②It mean to people or matter with sporandic potentiality because of their own characteristics to achieve an action or state.③It mean to that human or matter are able to achieve circumstantial potentialtiy of an action or state because of themselves or outer factors.
There are 4 scenes when “will” shows the possibility of Dynamic Phase ①It shows people’s will and resolution.②It shows the attribute of one thing.③It shows people’s habits and substances’ characteristics.④It shows the prejudgement.
When shall expresses the possibility of Dynamic Phase,it refers to the possibility which is estimated according to the rule of the development of things and some factors relating to the things.It is always used in the first personal declarative sentences .
Must in dynamic phase refer to the possibility of action or state achieve by the subject itself or connected itself
May in dynamic phase is hardly use,which is instead by can.
III Conclusion
While in the English language,a modal auxiliary verb is an auxiliary verb (or helping verb) that can modify the grammatical mood (or mode) of a verb.The key way to identify a modal auxiliary is by its defectiveness;Here we open up a new way to establish a new system by phase include epistemic phase,deontic phase,and dynamic phase.
[2].Quirk et al. A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language.Longman Group Limited,1985
【Abstract】According to discuss by phases,we have discussed the meaning of five main modal verbs may can shall will must .The three phases here are epistemic phase,deontic phase,and dynamic phase .Based in may+Φ,we could establish a new system of modal auxiliary verbs with the help of the three phases .
【Key words】modal verbs,epistemic phase,deontic phase,dynamic phase
A modal verb (also modal,modal auxiliary verb,modal auxiliary) is a type of auxiliary verb that is used to indicate modality.However,here I would like to use a new method to explain them,which is Epistemic Phase,Deontic Phase and Dynamic Phase.
1.The Definition of Epistemic Phase
The possibility of the Epistemic Phase refers to the possibility which the speaking man estimates according to his own eaperience and the reasoning rule.
2.The Definition of Deontic Phase
The possibility of the Deontic Phase refers to the possibility which the speaking man or original speaking man estimates according to the regulation,ordinance,or the social status in the social interaction.
3.The Definition of Dynamic Phase
The possibility of the Dynamic Phase refers to the possibility which the speaking man estimates according to the property of the physics,chemistry,biology...etc.and the property of human,things and Circumstances.
II.Discuss via phase.
1.Epistemic Phase
1.1 MAY
The following are some examples of may+Φ which represents the possibility of epistemic phase.
1.2 WILL
When WILL indicates the possibility of epistemic phase,the meaning is stronger than may,but weaker than must.
When CAN indicates the possibility of epistemic phase,it mostly uses in interrogative sentence.
People barely use shall to show the possibility of The Epistemic Phase in contemporary English. Must
Compare with other modal verbs,when must indicates the possibility of epistemic phase,it has the most strong assurance.
2.Deontic Phase
It shows The motivity of realizing one action or state doesn’t from the subject of a sentence but from other factors.
It shows the power resources which urge the action or state is from the speaking man or original speaking man .When the subject is the second person,the main verb in must+-φ is obviously advantageous to the listener,must could express the cordial attitude when the speaking man inviting or offering. 2.2MAY CAN
The pragmatic function of may in the possibility of deontic phase is permission,which usually reflects the difference of people in different social class of people ‘s relationship.May can also express the general permission,especially in form written word.When the subject is the third person and the verb refer to the future single action,there will be ambiguity in may+-φ:possible or could.In oral English,when it reads emphasis,which means possibly;or it means could.Sometimes,the speaker may achieve the indirect language acts of permission by asking the listener do a interrelated action via request.
By contract with dynamic phase,the usage of can in deontic phase is weaker.As it said before,it was developed since 18th century.But it must be mentioned that,the later “can” supersedes the primary,espcially in spoken English .
2.3 WILL
Will in the possibility of deontic phase is a kind of ruled pragmatics meaning of its possibility of dynamic phase.It mainly used in the second and third person declarative sentence with the suspicion of force,which is more unpolitical than must .
3.Dynamic Phase
There are generally 3 stages of the possibility of dynamic phase for can .①It mean to people with general potentiality of achieve an action or state because of whose characteristic.②It mean to people or matter with sporandic potentiality because of their own characteristics to achieve an action or state.③It mean to that human or matter are able to achieve circumstantial potentialtiy of an action or state because of themselves or outer factors.
There are 4 scenes when “will” shows the possibility of Dynamic Phase ①It shows people’s will and resolution.②It shows the attribute of one thing.③It shows people’s habits and substances’ characteristics.④It shows the prejudgement.
When shall expresses the possibility of Dynamic Phase,it refers to the possibility which is estimated according to the rule of the development of things and some factors relating to the things.It is always used in the first personal declarative sentences .
Must in dynamic phase refer to the possibility of action or state achieve by the subject itself or connected itself
May in dynamic phase is hardly use,which is instead by can.
III Conclusion
While in the English language,a modal auxiliary verb is an auxiliary verb (or helping verb) that can modify the grammatical mood (or mode) of a verb.The key way to identify a modal auxiliary is by its defectiveness;Here we open up a new way to establish a new system by phase include epistemic phase,deontic phase,and dynamic phase.
[2].Quirk et al. A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language.Longman Group Limited,1985