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  【摘 要】 本文通过分项论述,讨论了五大基本情态动词的意义。may can shall will must 这五大基本情态动词,按照推测项、义务项、原动项进行了归类。这样,在确立了情态标记式may+Φ的基础上,情态动词的语法范畴便可建立起来。
  【Abstract】According to discuss by phases,we have discussed the meaning of five main modal verbs may can shall will must .The three phases here are epistemic phase,deontic phase,and dynamic phase .Based in may+Φ,we could establish a new system of modal auxiliary verbs with the help of the three phases .
  【Key words】modal verbs,epistemic phase,deontic phase,dynamic phase
  A modal verb (also modal,modal auxiliary verb,modal auxiliary) is a type of auxiliary verb that is used to indicate modality.However,here I would like to use a new method to explain them,which is Epistemic Phase,Deontic Phase and Dynamic Phase.
  1.The Definition of Epistemic Phase
  The possibility of the Epistemic Phase refers to the possibility which the speaking man estimates according to his own eaperience and the reasoning rule.
  2.The Definition of Deontic Phase
  The possibility of the Deontic Phase refers to the possibility which the speaking man or original speaking man estimates according to the regulation,ordinance,or the social status in the social interaction.
  3.The Definition of Dynamic Phase
  The possibility of the Dynamic Phase refers to the possibility which the speaking man estimates according to the property of the physics,chemistry,biology...etc.and the property of human,things and Circumstances.
  II.Discuss via phase.
  1.Epistemic Phase
  1.1 MAY
  The following are some examples of may+Φ which represents the possibility of epistemic phase.
  1.2 WILL
  When WILL indicates the possibility of epistemic phase,the meaning is stronger than may,but weaker than must.
  When CAN indicates the possibility of epistemic phase,it mostly uses in interrogative sentence.
  People barely use shall to show the possibility of The Epistemic Phase in contemporary English. Must
  Compare with other modal verbs,when must indicates the possibility of epistemic phase,it has the most strong assurance.
  2.Deontic Phase
  It shows The motivity of realizing one action or state doesn’t from the subject of a sentence but from other factors.
  It shows the power resources which urge the action or state is from the speaking man or original speaking man .When the subject is the second person,the main verb in must+-φ is obviously advantageous to the listener,must could express the cordial attitude when the speaking man inviting or offering.   2.2MAY CAN
  The pragmatic function of may in the possibility of deontic phase is permission,which usually reflects the difference of people in different social class of people ‘s relationship.May can also express the general permission,especially in form written word.When the subject is the third person and the verb refer to the future single action,there will be ambiguity in may+-φ:possible or could.In oral English,when it reads emphasis,which means possibly;or it means could.Sometimes,the speaker may achieve the indirect language acts of permission by asking the listener do a interrelated action via request.
  By contract with dynamic phase,the usage of can in deontic phase is weaker.As it said before,it was developed since 18th century.But it must be mentioned that,the later “can” supersedes the primary,espcially in spoken English .
  2.3 WILL
  Will in the possibility of deontic phase is a kind of ruled pragmatics meaning of its possibility of dynamic phase.It mainly used in the second and third person declarative sentence with the suspicion of force,which is more unpolitical than must .
  3.Dynamic Phase
  3.1 CAN WILL
  There are generally 3 stages of the possibility of dynamic phase for can .①It mean to people with general potentiality of achieve an action or state because of whose characteristic.②It mean to people or matter with sporandic potentiality because of their own characteristics to achieve an action or state.③It mean to that human or matter are able to achieve circumstantial potentialtiy of an action or state because of themselves or outer factors.
  There are 4 scenes when “will” shows the possibility of Dynamic Phase ①It shows people’s will and resolution.②It shows the attribute of one thing.③It shows people’s habits and substances’ characteristics.④It shows the prejudgement.
  When shall expresses the possibility of Dynamic Phase,it refers to the possibility which is estimated according to the rule of the development of things and some factors relating to the things.It is always used in the first personal declarative sentences .
  Must in dynamic phase refer to the possibility of action or state achieve by the subject itself or connected itself
  May in dynamic phase is hardly use,which is instead by can.
  III Conclusion
  While in the English language,a modal auxiliary verb is an auxiliary verb (or helping verb) that can modify the grammatical mood (or mode) of a verb.The key way to identify a modal auxiliary is by its defectiveness;Here we open up a new way to establish a new system by phase include epistemic phase,deontic phase,and dynamic phase.
  [2].Quirk et al. A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language.Longman Group Limited,1985
【摘 要】放眼我们现在的文言文教学,逐词逐句的串讲,仍然是文言文教学比较普遍的现象,似乎大家对文言文采用串讲式的教学方法,具有高度的认同感。学生的学习主体性不强,记诵负担过重,厌学怕学文言文的情况不在少数,古文教学似乎走进了让人窒息的瓶颈,令人忧心。  【关键词】文言文;教学  如何让古文教学生动起来、丰富起来?这是摆在所有语文教师面前的亟待解决的问题。这让笔者联想到去年参加的一次同课异构教研活动
【摘 要】维特根斯坦后期的哲学思想主要体现在其《哲学研究》一书中。本文要从维特根斯坦对奥古斯丁图画的分析来了解维特根斯坦的语言观。主要从语言的指称性、语言与世界的关系以及语法的任意性对语言进行分析。  【关键词】奥古斯丁图画,指称性,语言与世界,语法任意性  引言  作为语言哲学的奠基人,维特根斯坦是历史上第一个系统的从语言的角度来思考世界的人,其语言哲学的发展主要有两个时期。前期主要论述语言与逻
【摘 要】2015年6月底,我作为学校选调到沧州市参加中考阅卷的一名教师,很荣幸地分到作文组。庞大的阅卷队伍,紧张的工作日程,一天下来头晕脑胀,幸好每天有几篇佳作叠现,令人鼓舞。工作之余,掩卷遐思:学生作文水平良莠不齐,虽有为数不多的上品呈现,又疑为抄袭。长期以来,作文成了一块难啃的“骨头”,作文教学也似乎走进了“盲区”。那么,如何走出这片“沼泽地”呢?笔者以为应抓好以下几个环节。  【关键词】学
【摘 要】实行新课程,就是要改变传统的学习方式,在学科中实施探究性学习为主,适当与课程研究性学习相协作实施,有机统一,让学生形成“自主、合作、探究”的新型学习方式。然而事实上,这种探究性学习的实践操作却与专家学者火热的理论探究对比悬殊。究其原因,不是老师们缺少改革的热情,而是因为当前关于探究性学习的研究过于形式化,多在理论上打转,少在实践上的操作。这样,我们的语文阅读教学中的探究性学习犹如带着镣铐
【摘 要】 随着中国经济的发展和对外开放的程度加深,英语已经成为职场必须品,然而在大学生英语教育,尤其是职业院校的英语教育方面,我们是机会和挑战并存,本文将会从职业教育中英语口语的重要性和怎样开设相关课程以及注意的问题方面进行阐述。  【关键词】职业教育;英语口语;英语技能;情景英语  随着中国对外开放的深入和世界局势的变化,掌握国际交际英语显得日趋重要,应用型现代人才的培养,对职教英语提出了更高
【摘 要】新一轮课程改革的一个具体目标是实现学生学习方式的转变,即促使学生形成自主、探究、合作的学习方式,而合作学习正是新课程改革的一个标志。合作学习在课堂教学中的广泛实践及应用,给沉闷的传统式课堂教学带来了些许生机,并取得了一定的成果,得到了推广与应用。但在实际课堂教学中也存在许多问题亟待解决,那么,怎样在新课程理念下合理运作合作学习来为课堂教学增添生机呢?  【关键词】合作学习;合理组合  一
【摘 要】文言文是现代语文的基础,现代语文是文言文的继承和发展。它们二者一脉相承。文言文是“源”,现代语文是“流”,彼此有着千丝万缕的联系。文言在几千年的历史发展中,“积淀”了数量巨大的极富表现力的典故、语汇、辞章,搞好文言文教学可以奠定现代语文教育的根基。我们应该正视当前文言文教学中存在的问题,并积极寻求解决的方法。文言文教学的研究不应该成为被人遗忘的角落。  【关键词】文言文教学;继承和发展;
【摘 要】 摔跤运动有着悠久的历史和多种文化侵染的传统。摔跤运动中哪方能针对性的选择合适的战术将取得巨大的优势,决定着比赛的走向。因此,在摔跤运动培养摔跤运动员的战术意识水平有着重要的意义。本文分析了摔跤运动战术训练的基本要求和方法,以期能对摔跤运动从业人员所帮助。  【关键词】摔跤运动;战术训练;战术训练方法  摔跤运动起源于古代狩猎时的部落,是古代人民强身健体、展示自我的一种体育项目。摔跤运动
【摘 要】 在小学美术的教学中老师适度的示范能够使美术课堂更加生动形象,有利于激发学生学习的兴趣。在注重培养学生创新能力的今天,我们更应该注重教师适度的教学示范,因为只有适度合理的通过示范引导学生,才能有效的启迪学生,激发学生的创新思维。  【关键词】适度;小学美术;教学;教师示范  一、适度的教师示范具有必要性  适度的教师示范在美术教学中占据着重要的地位,因为在美术课中强调的是直观性,而适度的
【摘 要】摔跤运动是我国竞技运动的强势项目。摔跤运动对身体素质要求比较高,动作要领难以掌握。青少年正处于易学习的阶段,是练习摔跤最佳时机。本文根据多年的经验,对青少年摔跤运动选材、训练等问题做出几点建议。  【关键词】青少年;摔跤运动;建议  青少年处在身体发育阶段,具有较强的可塑性。摔跤运动一般从青少年抓起。但是由于摔跤运动特殊的形式和观赏性不足,造成青少年缺乏对摔跤运动的认识,从而缺乏对摔跤运