Brief Introduction to Teacher Talk and its Functions

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  Abstract:Teacher talk means the teachers’ speech in class. With the popularity of learning English in China, there are more and more researches on the topic, just as Nunan (1991) said “(it is) not only for the organization of the classroom but also for the process of L2 acquisition”. The amount and type of teacher talk is even regards as a decisive factor of success or failure in classroom teaching (Hakansson, 1986). In order to find out the relationship between teacher talk and students learning result as well as learning efficiency, in the paper, it briefly explores the features of teachers talk in English classroom. There are four parts in it. The first one is an introduction, the second is features of teacher talk, and the third part concerns with the function of teacher talk, the last part sums up the paper.
  Key words:Teachers talk,features,function, language learning
  Ellis(1994) says that teachers’ way of addressing language learners is different from the way that they address other kinds classroom language learners. They adjust their utterances in both language form and language function in order to facilitate classroom communication and these adjustments are seen as teacher talk. Teacher talk also refers to the amount of speech produced by teachers rather than by the learners in foreign language learning classroom. Nunan(1991) claims that teacher talk is very important for both classroom teaching organization and students’ language learning in the process of foreign language learning and second language acquisition because teacher talk is an instrument of implementing teaching plan, and also the main source of language input for foreign language learners in the language classroom. Hakansson(1986) holds that teacher talk in language classrooms is considered as a crucial element that affects and determines the effectiveness of classroom teaching.
  So, in this paper, the main point is put on analysis of teacher talk, including its features, and function.
  2.Features of Teacher Talk
  Different teachers have different teaching features and methods, but most good teachers have similar features. The features are many, concerning with the teacher talk, the most important one is the amount of teacher talk. Hakansson says the amount and the quality of teacher talk in language classrooms may affect and even determine the effect of classroom teaching (Hakansson 1986). So a good teacher should own some features that benefit both learning and teaching. Chaudron (1988) makes a comprehensive survey of empirical studies of teacher talk since 18970s, summarized by Ellis (1994:582) as the following 8 features of teacher talk in the table
  Table one: Main features of teacher talk
  More features aren’t going to be listed in the paper, but there are indeed many left, such as how to give assessment, the skills of questioning, the ability of managing the class, and creating a comfortable environment, the way of dealing with language variables and so on.
  3.Functions of Teacher Talk
  Teacher talk is not only an indispensable tool for teachers to carry out the teaching tasks and organize the classroom activities, but also the medium of classroom foreign language teaching and learning. Nunan(1991:189)points out that “teacher talk is of crucial importance, not only for the organization of the classroom but also for the processes of second language acquisition(SLA). It is of special importance in EFL classroom for it is not only for imparting English knowledge and organizing class activities, but also for facilitating foreign language acquisition processes and eliciting learners’ output.
  Teaching, demonstration, communication and organization are considered as the main functions of teacher talk in the classroom, while repetition, explanation, paraphrase and exemplification are the realizations of its function. Teacher talk is just like a line, which links the teacher’s teaching methods and helps teachers successfully complete the teaching program. In classroom teaching, English, on one hand, is the target language for students to learn, on the other hand, it is a media for teachers to teach English, and teacher talk has become the most important source for students to get comprehensible target language input and a model to imitate which to a large extent decides mental eminency of students in classroom.
  Hakansson(1986, quoted in Kaspel. G. 1986. 83-98) contends that both quantity and quality of teacher talk has a good deal of influence on students and even it is a factor to decide whether classroom teaching is a success or a failure. Anton (1999) noticed another role of teacher talk which attracts attention increasingly: to use teacher talk to organize and arouse students to take part in various communicative activities. He suggests that students should be given more opportunities to exchange information and express themselves so that their language learning will be facilitated greatly. In addition, according to Allwright & Bailey((1991), teacher talk is not only a primary way of transmitting information to students but also an important means of controlling students’ behavior
  As a means of input, teacher talk is very important in teaching English, by which teachers can interact with students. How to provide students with comprehensible input is an unmanageable issue. Teachers need to do more observation in the teaching, and try kinds of means to improve and perfect their teaching, such as negotiation of meaning, simplification, elaboration, repetition and so on. The research of teacher talk is still in its progress. There is a long way to go in innovating the traditional ways of language teaching. In this paper, the author just gives a brief induction to teacher talk with the purpose of arouse teachers’ attention.
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  [4]Nunan,D.1991. Language Teaching Methodology [M]. New York: Prentice Hall.
  [5]Chaudon,C.1986.Teachers’ Priorities in Correcting Learners’ Errors in French Immersion Classes [C] New bury House.
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