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  In seventeen years I’ve changed a lot. In my life someone described me as stubborn Hugh.
  It is not easy to change direction. It is hard to convince everyone. It is hard to get everyone on board. But I have a small group.
  I’ve learn a lot from this character, to be true to yourself. When Logan says "don’t be what they make you", it is a powerful line I think it relates to everybody.
  It’s calling to do something unique to us, to be ourselves. Be respectful, look after people we loved but always stay true to yourself. And I think I’ve learned this from this character.
有人說:“地狱里最好的厨师是德国人。”此话虽过于夸张,但多少也表达了德国人不太会吃的事实。  德国人多属日耳曼族,爱好“大块吃肉,大口喝酒”,因此肉和酒在其食物构成中占有很大的比重。相较于其他美食大国,德国的美食略显单一和单调,但它仍然有不少值得一试的美味佳肴。  Brez’n小脆饼  The perfect accompaniment①to a Mass, meaning 1 Liter, be
Gufeng music is not only popular in China, but also welcomed among audiences overseas. There are a good number of albums①with up to thousands of gufeng-themed music videos that have been viewed millio
"If you had to choose, would you prefer a woman with a hot body or a beautiful face?" It’s a classic① question that every woman wants to ask their boyfriend.  I once read an article that said, nowaday
Plum① blossom梅花  In Mao Zedong’s poem Ode to Plum Blossom, he described the fl ower like this: "Fair and beautiful. Not craving for spring for her own, only to tell the coming of the season. When all
有的小伙伴可能覺得,被父母看到朋友圈有些不自在,仿佛自己还要被家长时刻监督一般。但其实,父母们如此不甘落后地“赶时髦”,并非是要对我们这些已长大离家的孩子“指手画脚”,他们只是想离我们的生活更近一点,想要给我们更多的关心和爱。  I’ve never had any illusions① that Twitter was private, and I’ve always been acutely
Around six months after our son Todd’s death, our younger son Brandon (then almost three) began stuttering①. Brandon and I went for a walk each night, and about this time we saw a dead, decaying② bird
Love myself I do. Not everything, but I love the good as well as the bad. I love my crazy lifestyle, and I love my hard discipline①. I love my freedom of speech and the way my eyes get dark when I’m t
Whilst most of our friends are there for us through thick① and thin and can always be relied on for a good time, we’ve all encountered the toxic friend.  1.Who initiates② most of the contact?  Who ini
Springs are not always the same. In some years, April bursts upon our Virginia hills in one prodigious① leap – and all the stage is filled at once, whole choruses② of tulips③, arabesques of forsythia④
Now I’m seventeen,  my school is in the country.  Students wear trainers①,  read the same magazines.  Now I’m seventeen,  my school is gettinng tiresome②.  Teachers-they’re so young,  singling me out 