How to read a text with reading comprehension skills

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  【Abstract】Reading is a process in which the reader must be actively involved. You must use what knowledge you can gain from the text and what you knows about the world in general in order to infer meanings and other sorts of information. This paper will puts forward some skills for reading comprehension.
  【Keywords】reading comprehension skills, anticipating, predicting, skimming, scanning
  It is generally advisable to read a comprehension text at least twice: once quickly to get the gist of the text or have an overall impression of what it is about, and then a second time to concentrate on the relevant details and get the information important to the textual understanding.
  In the first reading, you skim through the text, constantly ask yourself questions about the contests and function of the text, anticipating, predicting, checking your guesses off against the text as you read along, confirming or revising your guesses, and making further prediction. Do not slow down your reading for something you do not understand. The aim of this first reading is to get a general understanding of the text, to fulfill your reading purpose of the first reading, it is not necessary to understand every single word or sentence.
  In the second reading, you scan to notice relevant details. As you have had a general idea about the text, you must know where to locate the pertinent passages and what details are important to the author’s main idea. Read these parts of the text closely and carefully. Often something you did not understand in your first reading now becomes clear or turns out to be unnecessary for your reading purpose. Now based on the information got from the text, you can make analysis, inference and judgement, and have a thorough understanding.
  One of the most important factors that can help you in the process of reading is the desire you have to read about a given subject. The more you look forward to reading and anticipating in your minds what the text could hold in store for you, the easier it will be to grasp the main points of the passage. You can get a quick idea of what a book is about by simply looking at its title, skimming through its table of contents, its back cover, and its preface
  (一)How to anticipate
  1 First reading the preface, the cover
  2 Look at the title. With the help of the keywords the author provides and following the author's ideas, you can predict the main content the article is going to write.   3 Look at the subtitle, you can predict something in this section.
  4 Through the topic sentences you can predict the outline of the paragraph.
  5 Use illustrations
  One way to read effectively is to predict. Reading is an activity involving constant guesses that are later rejected or confirmed. This means the reader relies on some “cues” to get an idea of what is likely to follow. Although you may not be able to predict every detail and a writer may surprise you with unexpected idea, you can often anticipate the general direction the author is going. It’s a way to double-check your comprehension of what you’ve read so far, and it can be a great aid to understanding what comes next.
  (一) how to predict
  1 Use the clues in the article or title
  2 Use the clues in the graph
  3 Read the first paragraph and the last paragraph
  Skimming through a text means that you run your eyes over the text, in order to get the gist of it. It is a valuable rapid reading skill, which helps improve your comprehension and save your time. Skimming requires the reader to note only information and clues which provide an idea of the central theme or topic of a piece of writing. When you skim, you read only selected sentences in order to get the main idea. Do not stumble on some difficult vocabulary items. Do not read every word or sentence, You just want to determine the author’s general message. Good readers often skim through a text to find main idea quickly. In order to determine the main idea, you should ask yourself what idea is common to most of the sentence in the paragraph? What is the idea that relates these sentences to each other? What idea do they all support, explain or describe?
  (一)How to skim
  1 Read the headings and subheadings
  2 Read the introduction
  3 read the first and last paragraph
  4 Notice pictures ,charts, or graphs
  5 Notice any italicized or boldface words or phrases
  6 read the first and last sentences in each paragraph
  7 Look for clues, these clues words can tell you some important contents of the who, what, where, when, how many, how much, etc.
  8 concentrate on the gist of the passage, not the details
  9 Look for the writer's direction words, for example: furthermore, also, which can let you know what is still under discussion. However, this words such as “on the contrary, yet, however” may indicate the content elaborated later are different from the previous.   10 Look for the theme of the article, main idea, main points, sometimes selectively read, or even skip some sentences and paragraphs.
  五 Scanning
  To scan is to read quickly in order to locate specific information. First you should decide what information you are looking for, think about the form it may take, and decide where you need to look to find it. The reader often scans when consulting an index, a table of contents, the advertisement and the radio or TV program, the dictionary and encyclopedia, perhaps it is particularly useful in reading newspapers or some magazines. It is also possible to use the reading skill to find some particular information in any kind of reading materials.
  (一)How to scan
  1 See first the questions at the back of the passage.
  2 Determine the specific information you are looking for
  3 Quickly search for some key words or key sentences which is related to the specific information you are looking for
  4 Identify likely answer locations
  5 Read it with more attention to get the answers
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【课程标准】  内容标准  ⒈能借助图片、图像、手势听懂简单的话语或者录音;  ⒉能在口语表达中做到发音清楚,语调基本达意的要求;  ⒊能体会到英语学习的乐趣,积极参与各项课堂学习活动,在小组活动中能与其他同学积极配合和合作。  表现标准  本课为了让学生听懂课堂用语和录音设计奶牛的动画短片,食物、超市图片;让学生练习口语发音设计了两人活动、小组活动;为了让学生体会学习英语的乐趣,在小组活动中能与
【摘 要】数学新课程改革要求数学教学要鼓励和引导学生自主探究,通过探究活动,培养他们获取科学知识的能力和态度。营造探究氛围是探究活动的前提和重要条件。本文从三个方面对此问题进行了探索。  【关键词】关注情感 探究 自主学习 策略  传统的数学教学注重学生对于知识的理解和掌握,而从未来社会对人才的要求来看,需要教育从“为了获取科学知识”转向为“为了获取科学知识的能力和态度”,也就是要鼓励学生主动去探
【摘 要】信息技术教学是一项充满创造力的活动,而且每个学生都是独立思考的个体,在课堂教学中,我们总会遇到超出教师预设的问题或者质疑。本文从生成性资源至于信息技术课堂的意义出发,通过缜密预设、培养质疑这两方面阐述了如何更大限度地对生成性资源进行开发与利用,从而让信息技术课堂充满生活力。  【关键词】生成性 信息技术 预设 反思 质疑  信息技术是一门知识性、技能性和实践性非常强的学科。《中小学信息技
一个优秀的班集体对每个学生的健康发展有着巨大的教育作用。因此,建立一个优秀班集体,需要每一位班主任做大量深入细致的工作。我主要从以下几个方面谈谈我个人的心得体会。  一、班主任要学会微笑对待自己的每一位学生,用平和心态处理班级事务,保护自己的身心健康。  我们常说班主任是天下最小的“主任”。他管的事琐碎而又具体,从班级的学习、卫生、纪律,到学生的行为、生活等等样样少不了班主任的操心。有时我们难免会
【摘 要】创新是素质教育的灵魂与核心,在教改的大潮下,我们小学数学老师一定要切实地践行这一理念,必须确立以学生为主体、以教师为主导的的教育理念,确立以提高学生能力为重点的教育质量观,确立培养学生正确积极的价值观。在尊重学生个体差异的基础上进行素质教育,进行教学改革的创新,注意创新式教学在课堂中的应用。要做到这一点,要注意学习情境的创设、自主与合作学习的培养和开放教学的开展。  【关键词】学习情境
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